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Ball point pen vs FP



361 members have voted

  1. 1. Why do you choose FP but not a ball point?

    • For symbol
    • For standing out from others
    • For ink variaties
    • For line variation
    • For collection
    • For their barrels
    • For better handwriting (please tell us in what way)
    • For their nibs (please tell us in what way)
    • Dont know
    • Other reasons

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Can I add a note of pragmatism here? Horses for courses etc. Like everyone else here I prefer to use a FP rather than a BP, but only if practical. My job requires more-or-less equal time in the office or outside on site. The sites are invariably in awkward positions on public highways, on often crowded pavements (sidewalks) and in all weathers. There is no way I am going to use a FP - valuable or even a cheapo Pilot disposable - under such conditions. The thought of a decent pen being caught by a puff of wind and diving nib first onto concrete paving brings me out in a cold sweat. A BP tends to survive. I've had BPs stolen when concentrating elsewhere, lost down drains and disappearing down gaps. Therefore, for me, discretion is the better part of valour and I'll use something I can afford to lose and replace easliy. Something I can buy in almost any nearby newsagents or supermarket if necessary.

So, having flown close to the heretical wind so to speak, like the majority here, the story is different when at the office desk or at home.

Hmmmm........ 51, M800, CS, Sheaffer.....which ink........? It's a wonder I get any work done at all.:lol:



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ease of writing (little pressure needed) and line variation when using flexi nibs, make writing a pleasure :cloud9:

I'm a user, baby.


We love what we do not possess. Plato, probably about pens.


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Aside from signing a credit slip at a store, I haven't touched a BP in about 15 years or more -- for me, a BP just can't even come remotely close to the ease of a FP for laying down a line (ink flow, pressure needed, etc.)! Sometimes I'll pick up a RB, but never a BP...

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_qVJOiluU9_4/THp4iGeCcpI/AAAAAAAAA2A/xh2FRE0B8p0/s320/InkDropLogoFPN3.jpg (member since 8/28/10) Current pens:fpn_1314757310__pen_logo_collage_083011_450_hr.jpg
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You shouldn't have let your single malts evaporate. Any number of people (some of them even use fountain pens) would have gladly taken them off your hands.

<span style='font-size: 18px;'><em class='bbc'><strong class='bbc'><span style='font-family: Palatino Linotype'> <br><b><i><a href="http://pen.guide" target="_blank">Check out THE PEN THAT TEACHES HANDWRITING </a></span></strong></em></span></a><br><br><br><a href="

target="_blank">Video of the SuperStyluScripTipTastic Pen in action
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You shouldn't have let your single malts evaporate. Any number of people (some of them even use fountain pens) would have gladly taken them off your hands.


Hear, here!! ;)

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_qVJOiluU9_4/THp4iGeCcpI/AAAAAAAAA2A/xh2FRE0B8p0/s320/InkDropLogoFPN3.jpg (member since 8/28/10) Current pens:fpn_1314757310__pen_logo_collage_083011_450_hr.jpg
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There's a question in my mind since I first touched FP.


Modern FPs are stiff and has minimal line variation. The round and smooth tip allows us to write in whatever direction, whatever posture just like what we do when using ball point pens. So for me, an f-point FP is just the same as a ball point pen, which can be very smooth.


And changing from ball points to FP doesn't equals better handwriting, as one needs to pay attention to the posture, angle, pressure, hand and arm movements etc that a stiff nib FP and obviously ball points doesn't require (Some says the advent of ball point pens is one of the main reasons of the deteriorating penmanship, which i agree). That's why lots of people review a several-thousand-dollar FP in their own not-yet-polished handwriting, only describing how smooth, how wet by words, without actually demonstrating it.


For me, i switched to FP with italic nibs as i love the line variations that it achieves, and i realise when i use a ball point now, my handwriting would become much uglier as the constriants in posture, movement, etc are gone. I'm considering a flexible nib too but it's currently too expensive for me.


If not for the line variation, i personally find no indication to switch from ball points to FP. If for a feel of luxury, most expensive pens have both a ball point and FP version, so one can choose a ball point version right away and forget FPs.


So, when they write the same, and people use them the same, why choose FP but not ball point?

I'd be appreciated if someone could enlighten me on this issue. Thanks!





good point, if the fp is fine, there would be no way i could tell if it came from a ballpoint than an fp..

i'm still using a cheapo ballpoint at times, for a cheapo type of paper at the office so it doesnt blot...

i like it coz fp's are unique, (you dont see 'em that often these days);

coz' of the line variations, (i have an oblique nib... lookin good :happyberet: );

cool :bunny01:



if men would write like poets all the time, would we understand them?

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You asked us to explain how we expected a fountain pen to help with handwriting: With a fountain pen, especially when you fist start back up, you find that you write more slowly. Writing slowly will (almost) always lead to more control; it will also lead to a greater awareness. Since fountain pens do not require pressure to write, you will develop less fatigue in your hand, allowing you to remain relaxed during your writing (which will also lead to improved handwriting).


As for the nibs - try and get line variation or shading from a ball point pen. What about the feeling of the ink flowing out of the nib and the nib just gliding over the paper with the words trailing behind the pen, almost with out effort? Further, have you ever written on a piece of paper using a ball point held such that it just contacts the paper's surface, but applies no pressure (I like do do this demo with the pen horizontal...)? bunny01.gifbunny01.gifbunny01.gif


Just my $.02


-- Avatar Courtesy of Brian Goulet of Goulet Pens (thank you for allowing people to use the logo Brian!) --

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My thoughts are,


What we write can be ether a extension of ourselves and a expression of our minds – this being personal writing


A necessity of communications and notations to assist the mind – this being work.


Both ways are made graceful with the touch of a fountain pen, it gives depths and feeling to the personal writing. And beauty and some grace to the everyday scribbles and scrawls of the daily work.

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For symbol

For standing out from others


Those things don't concern me.


For ink varieties


Haven't really gotten into all of that yet, right now all I want is a dark black ink that works good. But perhaps in the future I may start experimenting with different inks and colors, but it wasn't for the ink variaties that I initially wanted to use a fountain pen over a ballpoint.


For line variation


No, more for the stability of having a solid line that I don't have to write over again to fill in all the missed parts when writing with a ballpoint.


For collection


I will start collecting some now, but it wasn't the initial reason. Especially since the first fountain pen I got was a cheap disposable. I wasn't interested in collecting disposable plastic pens, but got it because it wrote better than a ballpoint. (or at least better than any ballpoint I have used, not to say there may not be one out there somewhere I am unaware of)


For their barrels


For me, it's about the best tool to get the job done, which in this case, is writing or drawing ink onto paper. When choosing the best tool out of a tool box for any given task, I am not concerned with which one looks better, but which one will hold better in my hand and be easier to get the job done with.


One hammer may have a nicer looking handle and polished head, but which one is weighted better to drive that nail with?


I do all my writing and drawing in private. (Who wants to write with someone staring over your shoulder?) So I will take a basic looking plain pen that is easier to write with, and gives a better looking result on paper, than one with a fancy looking barrel.


But if I ever am in the situation where I am writing a letter on a stage to a crowd of people, then perhaps I will give more consideration to what the pen looks like. But even then, will they really be able to see the pen from their seats anyway?


For better handwriting


Handwriting, or drawing, if something on paper was drawn or written with a fountain pen, it will always look better than the ink left behind by a ballpoint. No?


Imagine the look of a historic document, a nation's constitution, if it had been written with a ballpoint pen.


For their nibs


Again, I haven't had enough different varieties to try yet, so that wasn't the reason, but just the cheap nib of a cheap disposable fountain pen was enough for me to stop using ballpoint pens.


When I start getting into different nib types, that's just more bonus, and more reason I probably won't ever go back to ballpoint, except for signing charge receipts or jotting down a quick phone number or something.


Other reasons



The question I would ask is, if someone has to write something at a desk, and has a fountain pen and ballpoint pen in front of them, why would they ever choose the ballpoint?



But while out running errands, shopping, or getting something to eat, then I carry around a ballpoint, because the only pockets I have are in my pants, and I don't want a fountain pen in my pocket. Then my trusty steel Parker Jotter BP is the best tool for the situation.

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But while out running errands, shopping, or getting something to eat, then I carry around a ballpoint, because the only pockets I have are in my pants, and I don't want a fountain pen in my pocket. Then my trusty steel Parker Jotter BP is the best tool for the situation.

Ahhh -- my trusty go-to in those situations is a little compact Cross Ion roller-gel that I always have in my pant pocket (along with a nice small William Henry pocket knife...)! Jeans or suit or anything in between, these two are always there... :vbg:

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_qVJOiluU9_4/THp4iGeCcpI/AAAAAAAAA2A/xh2FRE0B8p0/s320/InkDropLogoFPN3.jpg (member since 8/28/10) Current pens:fpn_1314757310__pen_logo_collage_083011_450_hr.jpg
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Ahhh -- my trusty go-to in those situations is a little compact Cross Ion roller-gel that I always have in my pant pocket (along with a nice small William Henry pocket knife...)! Jeans or suit or anything in between, these two are always there... :vbg:


I too always have my trusty knife on me! :thumbup:


I have always carried a Victorinox Swiss Army Knife, ever since I was a kid and still do, although it is the third one from what I originally started out with. A bit thinner now, and black instead of red.

Edited by FOX
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Now, when I try to write with a BP, I can't make ink come out of it unless I hold the pen unnaturally.

Sometimes the cat needs a new cat toy. And sometimes I need a new pen.

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Here's why:


The first line of each sample was written with the sort of pressure I generally apply to a pen (a proper pen, of course). The line identifying the kind of pen I wrote with as much pressure as it took to make an legible mark. The Bic was properly warmed up, too.


There is also a line under each sample made by just resting the pen in the web between thumb and fore-finger and letting the inherent weight of the pen do the work. Alas, only the fountain pen actually made any mark.


You might say I use fountain pens because I'm lazy.

Ravensmarch Pens & Books
It's mainly pens, just now....

Oh, good heavens. He's got a blog now, too.



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Here's why:


The first line of each sample was written with the sort of pressure I generally apply to a pen (a proper pen, of course). The line identifying the kind of pen I wrote with as much pressure as it took to make an legible mark. The Bic was properly warmed up, too.


There is also a line under each sample made by just resting the pen in the web between thumb and fore-finger and letting the inherent weight of the pen do the work. Alas, only the fountain pen actually made any mark.


You might say I use fountain pens because I'm lazy.



Nice, clear demonstration of the differences!



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My experience precisely!

After spending an hour a day making push-pull-oval, "Piunmix", "minimum" etc I just can't write with ballpoints.

Sometimes the cat needs a new cat toy. And sometimes I need a new pen.

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Here's an interesting question for you all,


I got a replacement credit card yesterday that I had to sign the back of, and as much as I would have liked to use a fountain pen to sign it, I wasn't sure if the ink would be permanent on that plastic film that you sign, and so I used the ballpoint pen to sign it as I always have done in the past.


Now it shouldn't matter if the ink is being apllied by a nib or ball, it is only the difference of the ink that would matter in this case, but then I am not yet experienced with fountain pen inks yet. Especially on this type of surface.


I have been reading on these forums the differences various fountain pen inks have on various types of papers and journals, but what about signing the back of plastic credit cards?


Another thing comes into play here as well, that my signature is different with ballpoint vs fountain pen too, and since I will be signing credit card receipts via ballpoint, perhaps I should just stick with signing the actual card with a ballpoint so that the signitures look the same. ;)


Just wondering what other fountain pen users do when it is time to sign the back of a credit card. Do you reach for the fountain pen or ballpoint? (or other?)


And if anyone uses a fountain pen for this, then what type of ink have you had best results with?

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Just wondering what other fountain pen users do when it is time to sign the back of a credit card. Do you reach for the fountain pen or ballpoint? (or other?)

Other: F or XF Sharpie! :embarrassed_smile: I never ever touch a BP -- way too much pressure needed, but I tried a FP and a RB a time or two on the back of a card and had a difficult time getting the ink laid down nicely (and was worried about it smearing or fading...).

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_qVJOiluU9_4/THp4iGeCcpI/AAAAAAAAA2A/xh2FRE0B8p0/s320/InkDropLogoFPN3.jpg (member since 8/28/10) Current pens:fpn_1314757310__pen_logo_collage_083011_450_hr.jpg
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I use a fountain pen simply because I prefer how they write versus a ballpoint. That being said, the more modern ballpoints, gel pens, can be pretty nice and seem to be a "split the difference" between the classic ballpoint and more tempermental rollerballs (i.e., sort of leaky and don't last too long); but they still don't compare to a well-tuned fountain pen.


Thank you for this.


I was a little dismayed by this thread because it is the sort of topic that may generally invite snobbishness. There are some excellent rollerball pens out there. I have an artisan-made pen that takes Uni-ball 207 refills, and I wouldn't throw it in a drawer and forget it just beacuse it's not a fountain pen. I also have a "TUL" pen that I found in my book bag one day, and I must admit that it is a joy to write with, something I wouldn't mind finding refills for.


I have a $24.00 tin of mustard in my pantry. But I also have a squeeze bottle of French's and a jar of store-brand mayonnaise. Even though I'm quite snobbish about my imported black Dijon, I will also be perfectly happy to squeeze some of the French's on to a bratwurst. It's not as though I must choose between these options, nor must I make excuses or apologies for either one.



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I was a little dismayed by this thread because it is the sort of topic that may generally invite snobbishness. There are some excellent rollerball pens out there. I have an artisan-made pen that takes Uni-ball 207 refills, and I wouldn't throw it in a drawer and forget it just beacuse it's not a fountain pen. I also have a "TUL" pen that I found in my book bag one day, and I must admit that it is a joy to write with, something I wouldn't mind finding refills for.


I have a $24.00 tin of mustard in my pantry. But I also have a squeeze bottle of French's and a jar of store-brand mayonnaise. Even though I'm quite snobbish about my imported black Dijon, I will also be perfectly happy to squeeze some of the French's on to a bratwurst. It's not as though I must choose between these options, nor must I make excuses or apologies for either one.


I don't think anyone sensible will give you a seriously hard time about finding a non-FP you enjoy. It's just that most of us find that we can't display that degree of flexibility-- I'd rather write with a Parker Reflex or even a Remington syringe-filling semi-disposible of the 1940s than most available non-FPs about, and since I've pretty much always got some FP on hand, I can indulge my prejudice. Anyone who does give you serious grief is likely just jealous of your accepting nature. :thumbup:

Ravensmarch Pens & Books
It's mainly pens, just now....

Oh, good heavens. He's got a blog now, too.



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Here's why:


The first line of each sample was written with the sort of pressure I generally apply to a pen (a proper pen, of course). The line identifying the kind of pen I wrote with as much pressure as it took to make an legible mark. The Bic was properly warmed up, too.


There is also a line under each sample made by just resting the pen in the web between thumb and fore-finger and letting the inherent weight of the pen do the work. Alas, only the fountain pen actually made any mark.


You might say I use fountain pens because I'm lazy.

Yes but ballpoints aren't all like Bics. I can write a consistent line with my cheap Zebra F301 ballpoint using its own fly weight. You just have to chose the right ballpoint as you would a fp.

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