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What pen for a doctor?


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Pharma is not allowed to give gifts to physicians any more at least in NY state. SO NO Pharma pens... thanks Goodness!


AFAIK, it's the same in France: no more gifts.


Dr. Caren is very sad.



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Nice collection. :notworthy1:


I made the same with the CDROM I received in my previous job. I had enough to cover an entire wall. :rolleyes:

Edited by jinmar
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Pharma is not allowed to give gifts to physicians any more at least in NY state. SO NO Pharma pens... thanks Goodness!


AFAIK, it's the same in France: no more gifts.


Dr. Caren is very sad.




Wow!! My wife is a pharmacist and used to get a lot of those. It's quite possible we may have had that many at one time! We put them in big jars and occasionally let our friends dig through them and take whatever they want. Apparently some of them are more valuable than others, but who has time to figure out which ones when you have so many??



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  • 2 years later...

great thread. I used a Namiki Vanishing Point for over 8 years of work use during which time I destroyed two nibs by dropping them. The retracting feature was the main selling point for me of course. The relatively pleasing springy nib was nice, but surely slowed down my writing - not a good characteristic for a workpen. The poor ink capacity made me go to cartridges for most of those 8 years. It was a compromise - I technically used a fountain pen, but the cartridge use made me feel bad about myself for some inexplicable reason - made me feel that I was an imposter, a fraud. After my second drop and nib destruction (post fumbly-spinning the pen around to orient the uncomfortable clip between my thumb & index finger), I decided to make a change and abandoned them - that was 10 years ago. Ever since, I've resorted to higher ink-capacity, superior-nibbed vintaged pens - predominantly the Sheaffer PenForMen series in fine nibs, and Parker 51, mostly vac but sometimes aerometrics. I've not looked back since. These are the ideal work/duty pens IMO. Fast pop-off caps, nice feel but not as heavy as the newer Pilot/Namiki VPs, for the PFMs especially an ideal comfortable ergonomic girth which prevents callusing.


As far as the notion that EMRs will make pens obsolete I disagree (for now). There's still the need for a quick history or cross-cover or interim notation in various documents, the quick Rx or excusatory notes for folks when going to e-Rx is impractical, and as always signatures are not completely electronic yet. Portable DNR sheets, EMTALA forms, certain ALF-FL2s are not yet made into electronic forms though they certainly eventually will (or should) be. There's always letter-writing also - not all must be dictated, sometimes you need to produce it faster than that in which case, the fountain pen rides to the rescue.

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the waterman le man 100

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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Not a Physician... yet.


If she is carrying it around the clinic might want to make sure it's not TOO flashy. When I was younger I was once in a patient's room and he asked to see my MB BP.


I gave it to him thinking I would just clean it with bleach wipes when I was about to leave.


He touched it for a good 2 minutes and coughed on it...


I cleaned the pen very well when leaving but there are so many places like under the clip I couldn't get to. I lost that pen somewhere in the Hospital but honestly I didn't care too much. Now I just carry around a Pilot G2 or something similar.


Isn't it difficult for you guys to write on a prescription pad with a FP?

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