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Interesting 342G - DEF nib, blue captop


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I thought I'd share an interesting recent acquisition - a 342G with a manifold "D" nib (a DEF, actually), made for use with carbon copies. To make sure that a person reached for the right pen when needing to write with a manifold nib, the captop is a lovely blue color.


It writes as expected - like a smooth nail. Actually, it's very similar to most of the the vintage Sheaffer's I have. I often need a very firm nib like this for some of the writing and signing I do at work. Indeed, I picked it up at the post office on the way to work, and at work, I inked it up immediately with Noodlers Bulletproof Black (one of only two ink bottles I actually keep at work due to heavy use - the other being Waterman Blue, though that one doesn't get used often). It got a thorough workout for the entire rest of the day - what a great pen (and what a tank! Very sturdy.) It reminds me of the Pelikan 140s that I am so very fond of. Golly, I hope I don't end up falling into the black hole of collecting 1950s 300-series MB pens (somebody stop me!!!!) :embarrassed_smile:


Anyhow, here are some photos to enjoy. :thumbup:


(Sorry for the fuzz in the nib shots - I didn't notice until the photo was already taken.)









(edited for typos)

Edited by kushbaby




I like eating peanuts with chopsticks...

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Very nice! This one looks like a real work horse. I like the blue captop a lot!

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Very nice! This one looks like a real work horse. I like the blue captop a lot!


The captop is what initially drew me to this pen. I thought about it for a while, but meanwhile got to use my DF Pelikan 140 and some Sheaffers enough to see that it would also be a good user. We get so focused on the flex sometimes (myself included) that some of us (well, I) can forget that I need other nib types sometimes, and that sometimes a nail is just perfect.






I like eating peanuts with chopsticks...

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nice one - i am contemplating to get a 342G as well. how big is the pen compared to something like a Parker "51"? do you post?




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nice one - i am contemplating to get a 342G as well. how big is the pen compared to something like a Parker "51"? do you post?





It's about 1/2" shorter than the Parker "51" I have on hand. I don't post, but one could very comfortably.



Yikes! That seems really steep to me... :yikes:




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Very interesting and attractive pen. After reaching a critical mass in one's collection, it's a nice little luxury to find niche pens. I do the same. Congrats and enjoy.

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Very interesting and attractive pen. After reaching a critical mass in one's collection, it's a nice little luxury to find niche pens. I do the same. Congrats and enjoy.


Thanks! Alas, eventually, I'll run out of niches to store them in! :roflmho:




I like eating peanuts with chopsticks...

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If you ever get a chance, post a pic of this pen next to a 146 - capped, posted and unposted.



P.S. Here's the cap engraving on my new Voltaire. Look familiar? :meow:



Edited by Blade Runner
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If you ever get a chance, post a pic of this pen next to a 146 - capped, posted and unposted.



P.S. Here's the cap engraving on my new Voltaire. Look familiar? :meow:


Ask and ye shall receive! Sorry for the flash reflex - I took a quick and dirty photo. The 342G is on top, the burgundy is a modern 146, and a 1950s celluloid 146 is on the bottom.








I like eating peanuts with chopsticks...

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Wow, Thanks for the rapid turnaround time on my request. The 342's a nice size. The nib comparison is also helpful.

The 146 keeps getting larger. I have the 146R (Bordeaux) and a more modern 146, and capped, the more modern 146 is even longer than the 146R, although uncapped they are the same length. Thanks again.

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Wow, Thanks for the rapid turnaround time on my request. The 342's a nice size. The nib comparison is also helpful.

The 146 keeps getting larger. I have the 146R (Bordeaux) and a more modern 146, and capped, the more modern 146 is even longer than the 146R, although uncapped they are the same length. Thanks again.


No problemo. I realized if I didn't do it RIGHT NOW, it wasn't going to get done (it's that kind of week).


One of these days I'll get a 344 - I'd be interested to see a 342 and 344 side by side (and a 346, though I understand they're a bit hard to come by).






I like eating peanuts with chopsticks...

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One of these days I'll get a 344 - I'd be interested to see a 342 and 344 side by side (and a 346, though I understand they're a bit hard to come by).






A 346 may be hard to come by.....because I don't think they made one with that model number. I have looked through my reference literature and couldn't find it, and I personally have never heard of a 346 until this thread. Hopefully someone else will confirm this also.



MY-stair-shtook eyn-HOON-dairt noyn und FEART-seeg (Meisterstuck #149)

"the last pen I bought is the next to the last pen I will ever buy.."---jar

WTB: Sheaffer OS Balance with FLEX nibs


Porkopolis Penners Blog

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One of these days I'll get a 344 - I'd be interested to see a 342 and 344 side by side (and a 346, though I understand they're a bit hard to come by).






A 346 may be hard to come by.....because I don't think they made one with that model number. I have looked through my reference literature and couldn't find it, and I personally have never heard of a 346 until this thread. Hopefully someone else will confirm this also.




I had thought I read someone mentioning them (I haven't done lots of research on these or anything). I guess that would make the 346 hard to come by! :roflmho:




I like eating peanuts with chopsticks...

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That is a nice cute (if that is Ok to say) pen.

I use my Lamy 2K (shock horror) for the nail like stuff I need to do at work, and so it lives there.

Would be nice to have a second nail, however, and this may fit the bill!


Note, I think it was your "fault" I bought my 50's 146...should be here any month now



Love and work... work and love, that's all there is.

Sigmund Freud


(there was a man who obviously never knew fountain pens!)

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That is a nice cute (if that is Ok to say) pen.

I use my Lamy 2K (shock horror) for the nail like stuff I need to do at work, and so it lives there.

Would be nice to have a second nail, however, and this may fit the bill!


I love my Lamy Safaris - nothing wrong with Lamy in my eyes (and they're bomb proof for hostile environments, I've found). I also use a Rotring 600 at work. Talk about bomb proof! But it's so heavy it makes the pocket in my white coat sag... :embarrassed_smile: I like all sorts of pens. Thanks kind of my problem. :embarrassed_smile:


Note, I think it was your "fault" I bought my 50's 146...should be here any month now


I love being a bad influence... :roflmho:




I like eating peanuts with chopsticks...

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  • 6 years later...

I am very close to buying this pen, but am unsure about what to expect with the rigid nib. I love the colour, but want to make sure that the nib is not uncomfortable to write with. None of my pens are flexi or 'soft'. I have a Safari, Kaweco AL Sport, Platinum 3776, Pelikan m400 (new), etc. Would this 'rigid nib' be very different from the non-flex of my current pens?


This would be my first MB. I was contemplating between a 146 and this one. The 342D is smaller, I know, but seems to have more character than the 146 for me.



My Vintage Montblanc Website--> link

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Siamackz, I believe that some of the people who were posting in this thread when it was active, back in 2010, are no longer active on the Fountain Pen Network.


If you like stiffer nibs, then the 342G with a "D" nib would probably be just fine for you. They are uncommon enough that you should be able to sell it for the same price at which you bought it if it doesn't work out for you.


I love the blue cap-top in the pictures in this thread, and wouldn't mind having one of the 342D's myself.

-- Joel -- "I collect expensive and time-consuming hobbies."


INK (noun): A villainous compound of tannogallate of iron, gum-arabic and water,

chiefly used to facilitate the infection of idiocy and promote intellectual crime.

(from The Devil's Dictionary, by Ambrose Bierce)

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A 346 may be hard to come by.....because I don't think they made one with that model number. I have looked through my reference literature and couldn't find it, and I personally have never heard of a 346 until this thread. Hopefully someone else will confirm this also.




Yes, the Montblanc 346 did exist. It was produced in Spain by Wiese circa 1950. It was made in different colours of marbre celluloid:





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