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music nib comparison


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I inked mine straight out of the box and wrote at a normal angle and it was great; soft ( with very nice line variation but not double width ) and wet and very smooth. Maybe there is inconsistency among nibs but I'd guess this would be unusual for Pilot.

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I must also be a rare case because I just got a Sailor music nib (the 21k version on the 1911L Royal Tangerine model) not long ago, and it performs wonderfully at any of the angles from 40-90 degrees Ive used it at, it also gives me decent line variation. Maybe sailor has changed their nibs more recently? I should also add, its quite soft, I can at least double the line variation width with moderate pressure on the down stroke. I personally love this wet lovely music nib, and it got me hooked onto Sailor! I havent tried the Platinum or Pilot music nibs yet, thought Id like to!


I have a MF Sailor Pro Gear Slim now as well, and I plan to get a Realo Pro Gear with the Zoom... in fact I may get a broad nibbed Pro Gear Slim soon too. But Im getting off topic, Ill close by saying I have a couple of great Pilots in use and a Pilot CH92 and Patinum 3776 on the way now, I have only used and owned vintage EF Platinums before. Im curious about the built quality.

Edited by Gobblecup

Gobblecup ~


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Love this pen and this nib. I took the photo yesterday morning for use in a thread elsewhere...


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JonSzanto, that Platinum music nib is a handsome piece of business, and the shading in the ink is remarkable.

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JonSzanto, that Platinum music nib is a handsome piece of business, and the shading in the ink is remarkable.


Thanks! The celluloid pattern on that model was sometimes (or earlier) referred to as "stone wall" (now it seems to be universally called "calico"), and not long after I purchased it from a friend I saw a lovely notice about that ink from Anderson Pens, including a hand-drawn illustration that had a remarkable range of shading and tones. It really happens to be a great match. Glad you enjoyed it.

"When Men differ in Opinion, both Sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Publick; and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter."

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