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What Does Your Handwriting Look Like


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I've been out of practice for a while. I have to take notes for about 20 minutes before I can get things to begin to fall in place.


Interesting to see the effect of the nib size on your writing.


What is that blue ink, by the way? It's stunningly BLUE.


Kenneth Moyle

Hamilton, Ontario

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Been playing with my dip pens today and drawn out a new signature for this site. Bit rough but hey ho.






“Do not go gentle into that good night.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.”

Dylan Thomas

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barkin' dogs..they say..don't bite....

but the other way

is not so straightforward and clear........

ought we always to fear....a silent spaniel or hound..

avoid it..and give ground?


lately things don't seem the same...actin' funny...

Don't know why.........................................................

Oh..mother tell your children Not to Do What I Have Done....

Go ask Alice..I think she'll know.................................................


please to meet you..Hope you guess me name.......................

{freakin' Happy Smilely Face Time}

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...........at the present time..................................................crazy train..oz....




Fav Quote: Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail,

and mankind the vessel.

~ Augustus Hare


What's For Dinner: Shrimp - Roasted Mushroom - Asparagus - Caronara


What Music You Listenin' Two: on radio...Steve Miller Band....Threshold

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Been playing with my dip pens today and drawn out a new signature for this site. Bit rough but hey ho.



Nice one, may I know what ink is that Thanman

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How about the way Professor Marvel hid the product sample

behind the curtain....With Oos and Ahhs from the fraudience....

I felt like sayin'..gee..Nikko..hope you've got an army of winged

monkeys behind that curtain..because we're gonna need them

to make these deadlines....

Yeah..well..hindslight is 40 - 20.

~ Billie Burke..Proud member of the Lollipop Guild ~

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Been playing with my dip pens today and drawn out a new signature for this site. Bit rough but hey ho.



Magnificent! :notworthy1:

Ea Alis Volat Propiis, per/Repletus Fontis Calamus!
She Flies by Her Own Wings, with filled Fountain Pen


Delta DolceVita, F-C Intrinsic 02, Pelikan M800 red/black striation, Bexley ATB Strawberry Swirl, Red Jinhao 159, Platinum 3776 Bourgogne. :wub:

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Here's a few shots of the journal I just started a couple weeks ago. I try writing a little in it each night .. sometimes it's mostly doodle.... writing nonsense, just to get used to using my different pens. My profile picture shows typical writing .. notes at work, so is mostly 'non-thinking' writing. My writing had been historically atrocious ... but when I slow down, it can be decently readable.


I didn't keep copies, but I actually wrote a couple 'real letters' of late. One was thanking a potential new employer for sending me a 'thanks but no thanks' letter. ;-) (most don't even acknowledge you apply, anymore...). Another was to Goulet Pens for sending out my Ahab and a couple nibs ... as the packer wrote a little thank-you-ish note on the shipping slip.


Fun thread. I don't feel so out of place now. My writing fits in with most here! ;-) Sometimes, barely readable when doing without thinking ('natural writing) ... up to beautiful with a little effort!!







3 Etsy J's:9314-F, 9550, 9550

Shaeffer's Balance/Gold Lifetime nib


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"On every dishonest man,there are two watchmen,his possessions and his way of living."

Hazrat Umar bin Khattab (May Allah be pleased with him)

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Freddie .....


Interesting concept to use the lined paper to help keep your verticals lined up.... ;-)

3 Etsy J's:9314-F, 9550, 9550

Shaeffer's Balance/Gold Lifetime nib


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Your writing is beautiful.....may I ask which pen/s you used, especially for the flourishes at the bottom? Beautiful choices of ink continuance.....



"As many nights endure Without a moon or star So will we endure When one is gone and far "Leonard Cohen, of blessed memory(21/09/1934-7/11/2016)

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Your writing is beautiful.....may I ask which pen/s you used, especially for the flourishes at the bottom? Beautiful choices of ink continuance.....




At the present time...do not recall which other pen/s.....flourishes at bottom...Yes.




enjoying St. Joseph's sfinge with a Hot black coffee.........................

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I'm am a left-handed hooker underwriter. This is my typical handwriting with a medium flexible nib on a Conklin from the 1920's. The ink is Kensington Blue Diamine on Tomoe River paper.


(I neglected to take out the guide before I took the picture. It's a bit distracting.)


Let me know what you think.


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Maybe kill 2 birds with one stone as the question I ask in my writing is something I wonder about.

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Bennett & Gaga

let's dance........what you do to me.....................................

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Obviously, I need penmanship help. I used to have perfect penmanship in elementary school. And I was fairly good at 'Chancery Italic Hand' but then high school and college note taking ruined my cursive and got me started printing in order to take fast notes in class. The printing was not bad but with the internet and e-mail I stopped writing much except for grocery lists.

Now I am on a quest to improve my penmanship. I can't decide if I should take up 'Copperplate' or 'Spencerian Script. Also I am confused by what is being called 'Modern' or 'Contemporary' Calligraphy on the Internet. Not sure what it is exactly.

"You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger darling.” "Forever optimistic with a theme and purpose." "My other pen is oblique and dippy."





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