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What Does Your Handwriting Look Like


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Here is a sample of my everyday handwriting from my History 12 class. I still need to work on things likes making my letters not so close together, and making sure my lowercase letters are the same height as each other. Waterman Hemishpere with extra fine nib, Sheaffer Skrip blue, Hilroy lined paper.

Edited by Eric H
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I no longer do cursive; I do italic printing.





<span style='font-size: 12px;'><span style='font-family: Trebuchet MS'><span style='color: #0000ff'><strong class='bbc'>Mitch</strong></span><span style='color: #0000ff'>



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Today the comic "Jump Start" reminded me of this thread.



"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars" ~Henry Van Dyke

Trying to rescue and restore all the beautiful Esties to their purpose.

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Here is my everyday handwriting.post-89050-0-89510900-1342494994.jpg



This writing is so exact! Spacing is perfect...........is this your handwriting or is it done on the computer? I am impressed, truly. :o)

I am left handed so it has been a lifetime struggle for me............





God Lovin', Song croakin', Paint smearing, dog romping, kind of gal.

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My typical, everyday handwriting. I find it quite unpleasant to look at (varying slant, letter shapes) and wish to improve. (Yes, I know I accidentally omitted a line).




The same text written with a little more effort, I've been experimenting with it but still don't like it - to me it looks quite depersonalized and imitated.


Any criticism would be welcome! I've been told by multiple people my handwriting is quite neat, but now I get to see the marvels of FPN members, it turns out to be ugly! Both excerpts were written with Parker IM (I think? I received it as a gift) and Parker Red ink. Also, sorry for the quality of the pictures - both were taken with a crappy mobile phone camera.

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I think it's improving, I'm quite excited to keep my "business/spencerian" on the continuing path to perfection.

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I just started changing my writing style, so you can see some hesitation....



Edited by k3vinyang
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Eulogy for a Summer







The law is like the killy-loo bird a creature that

insisited on flying backward because it didn't

care where it was but was mightily interested

where it had been.

~ BadBoy..Fred Rodell ~

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I wonder how many others find the Lamy grip awkward.



As Aristotle once said, "Εδώ είναι ένα αγγούρι, η γυναίκα είναι ένα ποδήλατο."

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I absolutely love the Lamy grip. Weird. We're all different, huh? B)


Here's my handwriting, back after 30+ years of banishment by modernist architectural pedagogy.



Learning from the past does not mean living in the past.

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Lovely handwriting, EKE. I'm about a month and a half into re-learning my cursive back after doing manuscript for the last several years of my life. Feels good, doesn't it? I quite like your 'r's, they feel unique and add a personal touch to the writing.

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It does feel good! I'm really enjoying writing again.


Thanks for the kind words.

Learning from the past does not mean living in the past.

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I think it's improving, I'm quite excited to keep my "business/spencerian" on the continuing path to perfection.


I really like it! I wish I could write with such consistent letter forms :P

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Thanks guys!


The hardest parts I have are my "or" "os" and s and r in general. Everything else comes from an artistic eye (you get good at seeing how you want things to look and drawing by hand) and the most important thing I've ever done to my handwriting was learning to sit down, slow down and ENJOY it. If you're not writing slowly and focusing (somewhat) on the letter forms it's going to look like my old cursive... Horrible and barely legible.

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Hi FPN! I have really enjoyed looking at samples of everyone's handwriting. Some of you are amazing! My handwriting is sloppy but has a certain...cohesiveness...I guess you'd say. The problem is my brain gets going to fast or gets distracted from what I'm writing and then my hand stutters and makes mistakes or even at times I find myself writing the complete wrong word! This happens when I'm typing too--I read some passage I just typed and then find that it contains unrelated words to do with other things I was thinking about when I was typing. I think I have some frayed wires, haha! Anyway, here's a sample from my journal today. My journals are titled "All the Things" and numbered; because I use them for all kinds of things...thoughts, ideas, to-do lists, sketches, planning activities, etc. So they are inconsistent and messy and full of sometimes random stuff, but I do so enjoy them. And now that I've discovered fountain pens, I love them even more.





The above was written using my recently acquired Lamy Al-star (F) loaded with Noodler's Lexington Grey. LOVE AT FIRST WRITE!!!!!! Need I say more? The brown parts were written with my Ohto Tasche using cartridge manually filled with Noodler's Brown #41. The journal is a Clairefontaine and It. Is. Wonderful.


I'm just an artist lost in paint and ink...

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Hi FPN! I have really enjoyed looking at samples of everyone's handwriting. Some of you are amazing! My handwriting is sloppy but has a certain...cohesiveness...I guess you'd say. The problem is my brain gets going to fast or gets distracted from what I'm writing and then my hand stutters and makes mistakes or even at times I find myself writing the complete wrong word! This happens when I'm typing too--I read some passage I just typed and then find that it contains unrelated words to do with other things I was thinking about when I was typing. I think I have some frayed wires, haha!


I love your handwriting, it has a quirky feel to it. That being said you have NO idea how often I do the same exact thing too. Only I'll be even worse, I'll do it in conversations too. Just this past day a friend of mine wanted me to guess her crush, and some how I started guessing the crushes of a mutual friend for five minutes before I gave up... :embarrassed_smile:


As for writing, I swear I'm ready to give up sometimes. I cross my l's, dot my t's, my i's look like e's half the time and my y's tend to lose their 'y' part and end up looking like a stick digging into the ground... (sigh). It's a work in progress. Slowing down and forcing myself to think about it helps too.


I'm still embarrassed to admit that I wrote a get well card to someone and managed to spell his name wrong, and on that same day I wrote a cool quotation I had thought up and wrote "same" twice. Gaah! It's like my brain is rebelling.

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Hi FPN! I have really enjoyed looking at samples of everyone's handwriting. Some of you are amazing! My handwriting is sloppy but has a certain...cohesiveness...I guess you'd say. The problem is my brain gets going to fast or gets distracted from what I'm writing and then my hand stutters and makes mistakes or even at times I find myself writing the complete wrong word! This happens when I'm typing too--I read some passage I just typed and then find that it contains unrelated words to do with other things I was thinking about when I was typing. I think I have some frayed wires, haha!


I love your handwriting, it has a quirky feel to it. That being said you have NO idea how often I do the same exact thing too. Only I'll be even worse, I'll do it in conversations too. Just this past day a friend of mine wanted me to guess her crush, and some how I started guessing the crushes of a mutual friend for five minutes before I gave up... :embarrassed_smile:


As for writing, I swear I'm ready to give up sometimes. I cross my l's, dot my t's, my i's look like e's half the time and my y's tend to lose their 'y' part and end up looking like a stick digging into the ground... (sigh). It's a work in progress. Slowing down and forcing myself to think about it helps too.


I'm still embarrassed to admit that I wrote a get well card to someone and managed to spell his name wrong, and on that same day I wrote a cool quotation I had thought up and wrote "same" twice. Gaah! It's like my brain is rebelling.


hee hee! I dunno how old you are but I'm in my mid-50's. I always say if I could just dump all these 80's song lyrics out of my head, I'd have a lot more brain space freed up for actual thinking and processing in the here and now!


I just sat here and wrote about four more pages in this journal, making a conscious effort to slow down and go figure, the penmanship is much improved!






I'm just an artist lost in paint and ink...

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