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What Does Your Handwriting Look Like


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Your writing, which is developing quite nicely, would show to far better advantage if you adopted one or more of several means for preventing the descenders of any line of the writing from overlapping the ascenders of the line immediately below.


Try the following methods, singly and in combination, and see which suits you best:



Space more widely between successive lines of writing (by using wider-lined paper or by skipping a line after every line of writing)





Make somewhat smaller ascenders and/or descenders





Write smaller (by reducing the size of *all* letter-parts, not just of the ascenders and/or descenders as in suggestion /2/)

<span style='font-size: 18px;'><em class='bbc'><strong class='bbc'><span style='font-family: Palatino Linotype'> <br><b><i><a href="http://pen.guide" target="_blank">Check out THE PEN THAT TEACHES HANDWRITING </a></span></strong></em></span></a><br><br><br><a href="

target="_blank">Video of the SuperStyluScripTipTastic Pen in action
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I lost my only fountain pen (Ohto F-Lapa), and there's nowhere nearby to get anything better than a Pilot Plumix, so I'm stuck with a $2 beginner calligraphy pen to do my writing with until I move in to my dorm for college later this week. As you can see, it died out on me a lot while writing this.


You can't see it very well, because of my evil scanner, but feel free to make suggestions based on what you can see.


It's from Watchmen.


post-47653-083028400 1281857820.jpg

"Ideas do not have to be correct in order to be good; its only necessary that, if they do fail, they do so in an interesting way."

"I must create a system or be enslaved by another man's."

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I've been meaning to post my own handwriting on this thread for so long...xD But I couldn't decide on a writing sample. Just some song lyrics from what I was listening to at the time, written on a cheap $2 Chinese-brand notebook, with an Online M fountain pen. I grabbed a dip pen nib and fit it in the pen...(it was from a Teacher Family Brand Penmanship Kit.) Looking at it now, I see so many inconsistencies...I should practice more!



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I've been meaning to post my own handwriting on this thread for so long...xD But I couldn't decide on a writing sample. Just some song lyrics from what I was listening to at the time, written on a cheap $2 Chinese-brand notebook, with an Online M fountain pen. I grabbed a dip pen nib and fit it in the pen...(it was from a Teacher Family Brand Penmanship Kit.) Looking at it now, I see so many inconsistencies...I should practice more!




your writing looks great. I wish my penmanship was anywhere near yours.

"No one can be a great thinker who does not recognize that as a thinker it is his first duty to follow his intellect to whatever conclusions it may lead. Truth gains more even by the errors of one who, with due study, and preparation, thinks for himself, than by the true opinions of those who only hold them because they do not suffer themselves to think." -J.S. Mill, On Liberty

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@Calhoun: Thank you...:) I should see yours sometime, I haven't lurked this thread enough to see everyone's penmanship.

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I thought I might throw a sample of my penmanship on the pile.


6 Pens, 4 inks - Waterman,South Seas Blue, Sheaffer Skrip Blue, Parker Quink Black, and Pilot Plumix Blue


post-35419-002334400 1282623431.jpg

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Just posted this in my REVIEW thread:




It's not my best handwriting (I have few different ones) - this is the one I use for fast (and I mean really fast!) writing while taking notes in lectures, I have to write a lot of things down while the professor is talking, and I allways struggled to read my own handwriting afterwards... It took me a while to figure out how to change my chickenscratch and now I have no problems reading my own handwriting - and even the others can read it! ;) Is it legible enough for you!?!


Anyhow, I have also much nicer looking scripts, but with those it takes me much longer to write something down... like this one:




And sometimes I like using broad oblique nibs:



Edited by Edgar Allan Bo
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I'd like to ask you guys in advance to pardon the shakiness. I was doing a lot of fine motor exercises at fencing practice last night and my forearm hasn't really recovered. My handwriting is usually a bit smoother.


This is how I write when a professor is talking faster than I can process:



This is how my handwriting looks (usually somewhat neater) when I'm copying those notes so they're legible:



...and this is my cursive. As you can see, it has no character and never really progressed beyond what I was taught in 3rd grade (aside from the impractically long ascenders and descenders which appear to have taken on a life of their own):





And here's a picture of some recent physics notes to prove I'm not crazy about the usual lack of shakiness:


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Your "fast professor" handwriting is completely legible -- it doesn't need to be re-copied!

<span style='font-size: 18px;'><em class='bbc'><strong class='bbc'><span style='font-family: Palatino Linotype'> <br><b><i><a href="http://pen.guide" target="_blank">Check out THE PEN THAT TEACHES HANDWRITING </a></span></strong></em></span></a><br><br><br><a href="

target="_blank">Video of the SuperStyluScripTipTastic Pen in action
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Your "fast professor" handwriting is completely legible -- it doesn't need to be re-copied!


The OP mentioned that 'fast professor' mode was moving faster than the brain could process. From my own experience, copying provides a channel for processing the information and cementing it in the mind for future use.

festina lente

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This is my handwriting after I've run three miles, then four miles, then finished my 45-minute workout.


Translated, it shows that I ran 3 miles in 29:29 minutes; at 30 minutes, I'd run 3.06 miles and burned 328 calories. Then, surprise of surprises, I ran 4 miles in 40:01 minutes (which I'm calling 40 minutes, cos, c'mon!). It's an average of a ten-minute mile: I start out walking for four minutes at a 20-minute mile, then a 15-minute mile, so, you know... Oh, wait, this is about handwriting. Yeah, so I used the Ballograf BP and not the Sheaffer Flat-top (both pictured) to record my stats. (The BP, cos I'm still walking fast when I'm writing it down.)




etherX in To Miasto

Fleekair <--French accent.

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This is my handwriting after I've run three miles, then four miles, then finished my 45-minute workout.


Translated, it shows that I ran 3 miles in 29:29 minutes; at 30 minutes, I'd run 3.06 miles and burned 328 calories. Then, surprise of surprises, I ran 4 miles in 40:01 minutes (which I'm calling 40 minutes, cos, c'mon!). It's an average of a ten-minute mile: I start out walking for four minutes at a 20-minute mile, then a 15-minute mile, so, you know... Oh, wait, this is about handwriting. Yeah, so I used the Ballograf BP and not the Sheaffer Flat-top (both pictured) to record my stats. (The BP, cos I'm still walking fast when I'm writing it down.)




That's still much better than what my regular handwriting looked like 3 years ago!

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This has become a wonderful collection of individual handwriting styles. It's so wonderful to see the individuality, an expression which is like Music to my Eyes.


Thanks all for posting!


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This is my handwriting after I've run three miles, then four miles, then finished my 45-minute workout.


Translated, it shows that I ran 3 miles in 29:29 minutes; at 30 minutes, I'd run 3.06 miles and burned 328 calories. Then, surprise of surprises, I ran 4 miles in 40:01 minutes (which I'm calling 40 minutes, cos, c'mon!). It's an average of a ten-minute mile: I start out walking for four minutes at a 20-minute mile, then a 15-minute mile, so, you know... Oh, wait, this is about handwriting. Yeah, so I used the Ballograf BP and not the Sheaffer Flat-top (both pictured) to record my stats. (The BP, cos I'm still walking fast when I'm writing it down.)




I think if I ran 3miles at whatever time it takes, my handwriting would be a flat line with a few bumps in the middle and maybe..just maybe a itsy bitsy squiggle towards the end....



"Oey !! Gimme back my pen !"

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Here is mine.... Thoughts?

(Sorry for the same pic twice. Can't figure out how to get rid of one.)

Edited by dnb

What else do we have in life if not to help each other?

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