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What Does Your Handwriting Look Like


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Ah, but what a pivotal moment you have written out there on that page! Every time I encounter that scene, I try and imagine the shock and surprise at such close physical contact between two young people at that time. It must have made quite an impact, especially considering his "manly beauty" and good address. Alas for Colonel Brandon that it was not he out hunting on that rainy afternoon.


Your handwriting is clear, well-spaced, legible and yet with a pleasing individuality to it. Nicely done. I still struggle with spacing and legibility. I am more like Bingley in that the rapidity of my thoughts clouds the legibility of my writing. Or something. :)




Thank you.


As long as we are not all like Willoughby, I think we shall be fine.

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thank you for your beautifully-written reply - it has reassured me that improvement is not impossible, and has encouraged me to pull my finger out and get cracking-on with the exercises in WRITE NOW.



please will you let me know which ink you used to write the recipe for Yorkshire Pudding?

The siren-song of its colour is tempting me ;)


large.Mercia45x27IMG_2024-09-18-104147.PNG.4f96e7299640f06f63e43a2096e76b6e.PNG  Foul in clear conditions, but handsome in the fog.  spacer.png

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Is it common to struggle with inconsistency with particular letters? When I concentrate on my handwriting and try to angle it, I am unhappy with t, s, and b generally. They are not at all consistent.




I love your natural hand LizB ! Full of character and style. Uniquely yours. Edited by richiwalt
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I've been admiring the lovely examples of handwriting in this thread. :) Here's my usual writing. It's pretty much what I was taught in school, though I've substituted some of the letters.



Love this hand for the same reasons as the post made by LizB ...


Your handwriting is very pleasing and practical for everyday use, Candide !


And, for whatever reason, I love seeing mistakes with a single line through the word ... It's nostalgic - I can still remember my teacher back in third grade, when we were learning cursive in 1974, saying: "Now, it's okay to make a mistake - just draw one line through it, and re-write the word".

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I started seriously working on my handwriting about the time I joined FPN - And I wrote this first quote as best I could around that same time - July 4th last year.


The second image was done today. It's nice to see what 7 months of work can do. :-).





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I still can't get over this app ... If you get a chance, view this image at full size and note the texture emulated in the paper. I'm an easy guy to amaze I guess.

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Aphoristic utterance/Sumptuous Opus

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Love this hand for the same reasons as the post made by LizB ...


Your handwriting is very pleasing and practical for everyday use, Candide !


And, for whatever reason, I love seeing mistakes with a single line through the word ... It's nostalgic - I can still remember my teacher back in third grade, when we were learning cursive in 1974, saying: "Now, it's okay to make a mistake - just draw one line through it, and re-write the word".



Thank you. :) I actually write quite slowly, probably too slowly for practical use in taking notes during lectures etc.


I really like your writing on the ipad though, and I'm envious of your consistent slant and ability to get line variation from the apple pencil. :)

I was once a bottle of ink, Inky Dinky Thinky Inky, Blacky Minky Bottle of Ink!

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Edited by richiwalt
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And another story in Dutch for those who want to see such things... ;) But you must listen to Richard Strauss's "Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche" when you read it! It's a mystic experience!




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