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Noodlers ink labels


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If Nathan has such issues with Massachusetts, I wonder why he does't take his one man operation up to the neighboring "Tax Free" New Hampshire.


New Hampshire has no personal income tax, but it does have business taxes.


Plus that starts to get into "love it or leave it" thinking. One can have reasons for living in a state (or country for that matter) and object to the government or policies of that state.


Edit to add: If anyone objects to the artwork on some of Nathan's inks, they can always design their own label to put over it. While it is a violation of Nathans trademarks et al. to distribute or sell alternative labels, we can do what we want with our own bottles. When I got Iraqi Indigo, I sketched out an idea for an alternative label of my own to put on it - the details of which I will leave off in the spirit off keeping this thread free from expressions of our own politics. I never made the label, but it was tempting. . .



Edited by Johnny Appleseed

So if you have a lot of ink,

You should get a Yink, I think.


- Dr Suess


Always looking for pens by Baird-North, Charles Ingersoll, and nibs marked "CHI"

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nathan sounds like a man after my own heart. although i am from over the pond, i think i know where he is coming from.

if he went to new hampshire then the goverment win, if he stays and dont make enough for him to pay taxes, then it is like he has put one big finger up at the govermentroflmho.gif as for me,, well i have enough worries of my own never mind politics. like has been said, if he wants to run his business like that well, good on him.thumbup.gif

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If Nathan has such issues with Massachusetts, I wonder why he does't take his one man operation up to the neighboring "Tax Free" New Hampshire.


When this has come up before, Nathan has explained he's the Xth generation of his family in Massachusetts, going back a long way.


Note that Nathan has also said some of the labels of the more "politically incorrect" inks-- his words, I believe-- he has made for foreign export would never pass muster in the U.S. This has sort of come up whenever anyone has tried to make a complete listing of all the Noodler's out there-- and who knows, they might not even be in production any more?


In terms of politics in the labels, I tend to like it when a company wears their heart on their sleeve-- or their label, as the case may be. I might not agree with the politics, but I know who I'm buying from. One of the other aspects of Nathan's one-man-bandedness is that he's not a megacorporation: we know who we're dealing with in distribution, quality control, manufacturing... they're just all the same guy.

Edited by El Mocho
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Oh! Can you imagine it? An ink named "Blood of the Heathen"?


Actually, I'd probably give that one a miss; while several posters have requested inks that look like blood, I'm not fond of those colors.


A bulletproof ink in a color similar to Montblanc Bordeaux, maybe? :P


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I really don't care what Nathan's politics are, and as a private individual he can use almost any means he wants to try to promote his views. And if he promoted is views separate from his products, I would have absolutely no problems with it and would be a happy customer of his. I don't really care what his political views are, just like I don't care what his religion or non-religion is. But if he wants to start tying his politics or religion to the products he sells, I may or may not wish to help him promote his views by purchasing, using, or recommending his products. In this case I do not wish to help him promote those views.


And that means my money won't be going to buy his products. I'm pretty sure that with that viewpoint, I'm in a distinct minority around here, but that's the way its going to be. I'm sure I don't buy enough ink to affect Nathan's pre-tax income, but at least there will be a few less bottles of ink promoting views that I greatly disagree with in my immediate vicinity.


Nathan can sell his ink+politics and I can keep my money.

Edited by jleeper

Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., Justice of U.S. Supreme Court (1902 -1932)

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Oh! Can you imagine it? An ink named "Blood of the Heathen"?


Actually, I'd probably give that one a miss; while several posters have requested inks that look like blood, I'm not fond of those colors.


A bulletproof ink in a color similar to Montblanc Bordeaux, maybe? :P


I'd buy it. :thumbup:

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Noodler's isn't my favorite brand of ink but I do use Lexington Gray almost daily and Firefly Yellow highlighting ink.


One thing to remember is that capitalism & democracy allow him to sell his ink as he chooses for the most part. For that I think most ink purchasers in the U.S. are grateful, whether or not they purchase Noodler's.

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I am sick of political correctness and everyone pussyfooting around afraid to offend anyone!

I wish people would just say what they mean. Is everyone really so thin-skinned they can't deal with another person's opinion?


We are taxed too much, have too much government and are too worried about everyone else's emotions.


It is refreshing to see ANYTHING opinionated these days, even (and sometimes especially) opinions I disagree with. I would rather support someone who's opinions are known than someone who carefully hides their political bent from their marketing efforts and then donates money to political organizations I disagree with.


This covers most large American corporations, including the one I work for.


Hope my little vent didn't offend anyone ;) and in case it's not clear, I like Noodler's interesting labels. They're attractive and thought provoking.

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Nathan and his outgoing ways remind me of another famous..outspoken man from Mass...


John Adams anyone?


I will try not to sing about Mr. Adams wanting to drive Mr. Jefferson to homicide from 1776 in my post ;)


I do think that polotics should be kept out of business. However at the end of the day its his ink, his company his choice. I have discovered noodler's recently and I like the ink. Weather I agree or disagree with his views poloticaly won't keep me from enjoying the product. But that is me.


So long as he isnt drowning kittens or anything....I will enjoy the product.

Ambrosia's Ink Rack Ink Reviews & More


Coming Soon Noteably yours Evansville area stationer.



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I am sick of political correctness and everyone pussyfooting around afraid to offend anyone!

I wish people would just say what they mean. Is everyone really so thin-skinned they can't deal with another person's opinion?


We are taxed too much, have too much government and are too worried about everyone else's emotions.


It is refreshing to see ANYTHING opinionated these days, even (and sometimes especially) opinions I disagree with. I would rather support someone who's opinions are known than someone who carefully hides their political bent from their marketing efforts and then donates money to political organizations I disagree with.


This covers most large American corporations, including the one I work for.


Hope my little vent didn't offend anyone ;) and in case it's not clear, I like Noodler's interesting labels. They're attractive and thought provoking.



You just reminded me of another line..I love from 1776..


"Its a revolution Darn (not darnbut being safe here) it we are going to have to offend somebody!" ~ John Adams 1776 musical.

Ambrosia's Ink Rack Ink Reviews & More


Coming Soon Noteably yours Evansville area stationer.



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I've never been offended by one of Nathan's labels (hmmmm ... guess that might mean something ...), but I agree that it is unlikely to help his business, but could very well hurt it. Some people are very sensitive to that sort of thing; why alienate a potential customer base? I've never seen a manufacturer of non-intellectual goods advertise partisan politics on their labels or ads. I admire the man's conviction, but I really have to question his business acumen.

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I've never been offended by one of Nathan's labels (hmmmm ... guess that might mean something ...), but I agree that it is unlikely to help his business, but could very well hurt it. Some people are very sensitive to that sort of thing; why alienate a potential customer base? I've never seen a manufacturer of non-intellectual goods advertise partisan politics on their labels or ads. I admire the man's conviction, but I really have to question his business acumen.


offbase, I know why you're not offended, you're a normal person with skin of the appropriate thickness!


I don't question his business acumen. I was just looking at the ink exchange posts. I noticed I have a lot of different inks and I thought it might be fun to exchange inks with other members.


One thing I noticed is that the Noodler's inks are at least as well represented as any mainsteam manufacturer in the lists of other FPN folks interested in trading inks. Seems most of us are buying Noodler's more than Omas, Montblanc, Parker or Visconti. All of which have utilitarian, neutral labels.


ladyambrosia, that's a great quote. I find American history fascinating and wish I had more time to peruse it. There was some great banter between Alexander Hamilton and the rest of the group, it's not easy to find but makes great reading.

When they broke open molecules, they found they were only stuffed with atoms. But when they broke open atoms, they found them stuffed with explosions



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I have given the root of all this some thought.


The only way to go through life without offending anyone is to do nothing.


Since carbon dioxide increase and/or oxygen depletion now offends some people, that includes breathing.

Edited by RLTodd


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Given that I would greatly offend the moderators of the board if I offered my opinion of the subject of ink's title, it would take much, much more than that before I would take enough offense to justify not buying it primarily for political reasons.


I'll repeat the description I once heard from an (unnamed) pen vendor: Nathan "is..... weird." :)


Honestly I'm a little surprised that I can't find a single vendor actually selling the stuff.

Edited by Axon
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Given that I would greatly offend the moderators of the board if I offered my opinion of the subject of ink's title, it would take much, much more than that before I would take enough offense to justify not buying it primarily for political reasons.


I'll repeat the description I once heard from an (unnamed) pen vendor: Nathan "is..... weird." :)


Honestly I'm a little surprised that I can't find a single vendor actually selling the stuff.

Some of my friends and family are weird (or maybe they think I'm weird) and I don't expect them to agree with me in what they say and do. I don't think the guy who makes ink needs to either.

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In terms of politics in the labels, I tend to like it when a company wears their heart on their sleeve-- or their label, as the case may be. I might not agree with the politics, but I know who I'm buying from.

Yup. I find it amusing, although I'm not easily offended by much of anything. I'm just happy and proud that he and I live in a country which allows such labels to be printed without censorship. It's not like he's selling arms to a terrorist organization, he's simply (and peacefully) expressing his own views.

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I think Noodler's products are fantastic and the world of inks is richer and more fun as a result of Nathan's work.


On the political front, I guess the names wouldn't rub so much if there was some consistency...


Along with 'Tiananmen' blood red, why not 'Guantanamo' orange? As for 'Iraqi Indigo', well.... it would be too easy.






"Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it." George Bernard Shaw

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Nathan is odd, and his business acumen is equally odd. However, we have to take the good with the bad. I think if he had better business sense he might well have a more limited color palatte and ink selection - restricting his production to the better selling inks and building a market around that. On the other hand, wide selection is the thing right now - look at all the new inks that Private Reserve and Diamine have been putting out. Nathan takes that a step further by offering specialty one-off inks, colors, bulletproof properties, etc. Also, were it not for the fraud-proof offerings, he would not have gotten the publicity he has (eg. an article in The Economist). Think of how much business he has gotten just from offering the FPN exclusive inks. Plus he has a following of ink collectors that will probably buy anything he produces, so that helps.


That said, I would certainly avoid some of his more politically pointed inks (eg Brown 41). There are too many others inks to choose from.


Also Nathan has changed the tone of some of his inks in response to vendor concern - Iraqi Indigo/Violet Vote being a case in point. The original name and label was much more pointedly aimed at supporting the US invasion of Iraq. In response to concerns from Pendomonium and some of their customers (and perhaps due to changing circumstances in the situation in Iraq) he toned it down to be more about the spread of democracy and less about the war.


Personally I am far more concerned with some non-political statements he makes regarding his inks, particularly the Baystate series, which are factually questionable (eg. the notion that vintage inks were more saturated and intense than modern inks - all other evidence and opinion I have heard on the subject has been to the contrary and Nathan will not cite the name of the alleged vintage brand he is basing his claim on).



Edited by Johnny Appleseed

So if you have a lot of ink,

You should get a Yink, I think.


- Dr Suess


Always looking for pens by Baird-North, Charles Ingersoll, and nibs marked "CHI"

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