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Pelikan logo fun


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They should use the fourth image in a promotional ad about their quality control...

The sword is mightier than the pen. However, swords are now obsolete whereas pens are not.



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Personally I've never had any issues with Pelikan's quality control. I find their products to be second to none. I understand that when there are issues they resolve them swiftly and without question.


They should use the fourth image in a promotional ad about their quality control...

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Personally I've never had any issues with Pelikan's quality control. I find their products to be second to none. I understand that when there are issues they resolve them swiftly and without question.


They should use the fourth image in a promotional ad about their quality control...


I agree that Pelikan is tops in quality in my long experience. I own (roughly, who counts?) a dozen Pelikan fountain pens purchased over twenty-five years, from some very plain green-and-black Italic writers I bought in the '80's all the way up (in price) to the Toledo and the Ocean. I have had zero problems out of the box writing with every one of these pens.


Speaking of logos, when I bought my Ocean in California fifteen years ago, the pen shop owner threw into the deal one of those display pelicans in dark green glass (or shiny pottery, whatever it is) that they are not really supposed to sell to retail customers, I believe. The little sculpture stands five or six inches high and has a nice little pen rest on it. I saw one recently, I think it was in Bertram's Inkwell in White Flint, Bethesda, Maryland, just the other day. I thought, I have one of them, too!


Really love my Pelikans! :-)

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Thank you for sharing your experiences. I have the feeling that I'll be using Pelikan pens for the rest of my days. I'd also love to get hold of one of those charming Pelikan figurines.


I agree that Pelikan is tops in quality in my long experience. I own (roughly, who counts?) a dozen Pelikan fountain pens purchased over twenty-five years, from some very plain green-and-black Italic writers I bought in the '80's all the way up (in price) to the Toledo and the Ocean. I have had zero problems out of the box writing with every one of these pens.


Speaking of logos, when I bought my Ocean in California fifteen years ago, the pen shop owner threw into the deal one of those display pelicans in dark green glass (or shiny pottery, whatever it is) that they are not really supposed to sell to retail customers, I believe. The little sculpture stands five or six inches high and has a nice little pen rest on it. I saw one recently, I think it was in Bertram's Inkwell in White Flint, Bethesda, Maryland, just the other day. I thought, I have one of them, too!


Really love my Pelikans! :-)

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I can not see the posted pictures. Does anyone know what settings I should check and change so I will be able to see the images?



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I can not see the posted pictures. Does anyone know what settings I should check and change so I will be able to see the images?



They show on your post. Did you wait long enough for them to load?


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Edited by penspouse

Soli Deo Gloria


Shameless plug - Some of my amateur photography.

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I can not see the posted pictures. Does anyone know what settings I should check and change so I will be able to see the images?



They show on your post. Did you wait long enough for them to load?


Edited to delete extra material.


Thank you for letting me know about the pictures being displayed correctly, even though I can't see them. It is interesting that the pictures show in my post on your computer, but not on mine. So I'm guessing it has something to do with my settings, either for my personal computer or my FPN profile (or however it is refered to in the jargon used by those with more knowledge and experience than I have). I have run into this on a couple of posts, but only a few and older ones at that, so I thought that it might be those pictures had been 'archived' to save space. But of course this thread is recent and other responders obviously could see them.


I'll have to dig around and see what my problem is, and hopefully I won't fix any settings that result in more trouble.


Thanks again,


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Don't know whether this might help or not, but I couldn't see the images either, from the school where I teach. From home, there's no problem, but apparently some photo sharing sites are blocked by my district.

Edited by bardolator
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Given the mother Pelikan's history with her brood, that stand-out red one must be feeling a mite uncomfortable right now.


Vancouver Pen Club


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Montegrappa NeroUno Linea - J. Herbin Poussière de Lune //. Aurora Optima Demonstrator - Aurora Black // Varuna Rajan - Kaweco Green // TWSBI Vac 700R - Visconti Purple

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  • 2 weeks later...

Given the mother Pelikan's history with her brood, that stand-out red one must be feeling a mite uncomfortable right now.

That's the one being lased.

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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