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Noodler's Legal Lapis

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I'm going to shamelessly add to the pile of reviews for this wonderful ink, after all, look how many reviews of the Lamy Safari we have (not that I would ever compare the two). This is the third Noodler's ink that I ever bought and I was initially drawn to it by its conservative appearance, muted tones and claims of impermeability. As soon as I got the ink I loaded it into a Pelikan M605 and set to work, but being brutally honest after about a week I flushed it out of the pen as I was thoroughly bored with it and I replace it with a far darker colour. However this is one of those links that holds a strange siren call for me and I found myself being drawn back to it. From the handling perspective of nib on paper it's an absolute joy, starting without hesitation and performing flawlessly, I'm also continually mesmerised by its beautiful way of being understated yet powerful and compared to the divine deep-ocean madness that is Baystate Blue it seems like a calm harbour of understated elegance.


Anyway enough of my prattling, here's a review based on Pixtrix's form and with a 100% crop to show some detail.





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Nice review, and a lovely colour. Looks to me like a darker version of Tsuki-yo

Platinum 3776 - F, Pilot Decimo - F, TWSBI Vac Mini - 1.1i

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Hey, you're on a roll today. :)


I never tried this ink before. I may have to pick up a bottle someday.



2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.




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After looking at this, it sort of reminds of Diamine Prussian Blue. Can anyone confirm that?



2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.




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This ink has become a favorite of mine because its appearance varies so much with different combinations of pen and paper. It can go from almost-black to blue-black to a sort of teal or verdigris-like shade. At the same time, it's conservative enough to use anywhere a traditional blue-black would be accepted. Plus it's bulletproof. Plus it's pretty well-behaved.


I stocked up, so I guess I'll be using it for a long time to come. :)

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My standard for writing checks!


When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty -Thomas Jefferson

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looks like a deep and rich color, thanks for sharing Ianan :thumbup:

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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Your description of the lure of this ink is spot on... Having had it for a while (and purchasing its fraternal twin, Prime of the Commons), I experience the same reactions - put it in a pen, refill, then get bored, then flush, then, (either in this same pen, or another) it goes back in...


Great review, thanks.

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I tried it for a little while.


I found on the papers that I had to write on it feathered excessively.


Been sitting on the shelf since then.


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Legal Lapis is an ink I had to take a second look at, as well. You're right, it seems to need to "grow on you." It is a staple in my supplies.


The only paper I've had LL feather on is the recycled junk we use at work. But that doesn't say a whole lot about the ink, as a #3 pencil would feather and bleed on that stuff. The ink behaves exceptionally well on thermal papers, smooth papers, gift cards with a slight coating, and on my checks, too.

Scribere est agere.

To write is to act.


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Don't forget that this ink is a Noodlers special edition sold only through Pendemonium. So you will need to contact Frank or Sam at Pendemonium to order this ink.


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Legal Lapis has been my main ink since I discovered FPN in 2007 and realised that there is "more" to fountain pens than my Parker Vector and Cross Townsend, filled with Parker Quink Blue.


I always have at least one pen filled with Legal Lapis for work (serious) purposes, though I use other colors as well to comment/mark up text. I even keep a bottle of Legal Lapis at work so I can fill up if need arises.



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