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Which Noodler's Bulletproof?


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I thought it was the other way around. That the blue-black becomes blue when using bleach and such. ?


Living in Sweden I do not think I have seen a check in at least twenty years. Everything is done by electronic transactions. Either by people at the computer, or by going to the bank or post office and let them transfer the money between the banks and accounts.

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I use checks because I want to control my money. I don't want to have to hope that the E-mail announcing that a certain amount of money will be taken out of my bank account, in lieu of a check, doesn't end up in a spam trap somewhere. I don't want to forget about a bill and have huge bank charges levied against me for forgetting and "bouncing" a charge.


And then there's the problem of the bank getting hacked and the records getting destroyed. I'd like to have some paper that will back up my claim as to how much money I had in that bank account.

Of course, checks are basically electronic at this point. (They're scanned as close to the recipient as possible, then the original is shredded. The rest of the process is all electronic.) If a nefarious person gets the account number at the bottom of the check they can initiate electronic transfers, which will inconvenience you far more than credit card fraud ever could. (You can only challenge the withdrawals after the fact, meaning you're cash-out-of-pocket. It's also possible for a withdrawal to reopen a closed account.) Checks are less secure than credit cards and the consumer protections are far weaker.


See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Check_21_Act for more information, and then ponder whether there's any point left in using fraud-proof ink for this purpose.

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  • 11 months later...

I'm still wondering about a list of Bullet Proof, Eternal, Near Bullet Proof, and Water-Resistant inks for Noodler's brand. Maybe we should write Nathan a letter and ask him to clarify?


The decision was made not a release a comprehensive official list. This was for a variety reasons, which are not really important, just suffice it say that no such list will be forthcoming any time soon.

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I'm still wondering about a list of Bullet Proof, Eternal, Near Bullet Proof, and Water-Resistant inks for Noodler's brand. Maybe we should write Nathan a letter and ask him to clarify?
The decision was made not a release a comprehensive official list. This was for a variety reasons, which are not really important, just suffice it say that no such list will be forthcoming any time soon.


That sounds awfully vague and cryptic. How can you be so sure?

Edited by Truppi327


Mike Truppi


<img src="http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/5673/inkdz2.png" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" height="60"/><img src="http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/606/letterji9.png" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" height="60"/><img src="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_qVJOiluU9_4/THoFdqPGYOI/AAAAAAAAA1w/gmV637q-HZA/s1600/InkDropLogoFPN.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" height="60" /> 8/24/10

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I'm still wondering about a list of Bullet Proof, Eternal, Near Bullet Proof, and Water-Resistant inks for Noodler's brand. Maybe we should write Nathan a letter and ask him to clarify?
The decision was made not a release a comprehensive official list. This was for a variety reasons, which are not really important, just suffice it say that no such list will be forthcoming any time soon.


That sounds like a lot of garbage.


Such is life. You might be able to start a petition or somesuch, but I wouldn't hold my breath on it making much difference.

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That sounds awfully vague and cryptic. How can you be so sure?


I've asked before, a few years ago.


Most of the reasons focused on brand "secrets" and the desire of some pen shops not to have their own labeled products called out.

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