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Melbourne Pen Group


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With respect to sonic cleaners - our topic for next meeting - I found this:-


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Gold Member




31-May 08

Local Time:

May 12 2011 02:10 AM


North Central Florida USA



Posted Today, 12:37 PM


snapback.pngShaughn, on 12 May 2011 - 07:23 AM, said:


snapback.pngencremental, on 12 May 2011 - 05:51 AM, said:


glasses which have an anti scratch coating are ruined by ultrasonics - can anyone confirm this?


No, but I do recall a topic here in which an FPN member tried to ultrasonic an FP and ruined it.


I don't recall that post but it certainly is possible.


First of course, you have the most obvious point of can the material of the pen handle submersion in water.


Then there is the not so obvious.


Gold plated parts may no longer be plated after being sonicated.


I believe it is possible to loosen certain parts inside the pen that you don't want loosened. For example, the internal threaded cap jewel retaining ring on an Estie Transitional was just pressure fitted in at the factory. I am convinced a hearty sonicating session with one of mine loosened the friction fit which meant I had to do brain surgery on the cap internals to reattach it. I no longer sonicate Estie Transitional caps. At all.


In the instances where I have suggested that someone sonicate a P-51 you'll note that I've said nib down with the liquid level just under the section barrel junction. This is to get TO the (presumably nasty) feed and collector but AWAY from steel parts of the filler you don't want to get wet.


One does have to give some thought and sometimes checking here before sonicating some things.


Bruce in Ocala, FL -sonicators are simply the kitties jammies though

Sic Transit Gloria


"Gloria gets seasick"

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Thanks for the response, Shangas.


How did your group start?


Forgive my amateur questions here but can I start a new topic somewhere (but where?) on the FPNetwork proposing a club for Brisbane? I'm a tad challenged in computer/technical/navigation matters so any basic guidance would be much appreciated.


Yes you can start the topic, there's a link at the bottom of the page.

My suggestion to you ois to approach all the pen shops and ask them to email their lists and to put flyers in the shops.


We are a small group in Melbourne, I have no idea how many interested folk there are in Brissie.


We also have the impetus of the Pen Show.............

Sic Transit Gloria


"Gloria gets seasick"

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Thanks for the input, Shangas.


I know there are other Brisbane fpen fans as I've seen their postings in other forums. May see you at a pen show someday.

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Damn...Well he's not here so I'll take the credit for it. Thanks!


Yes I was :) :)

Sic Transit Gloria


"Gloria gets seasick"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Pen People,

We will meet at the Tower Hotel, Hawthorn Bistro 6.30pm for a meal & 7.30 on Monday 13th June. Following our last get-together on nibs, we had a request to bring along an Ultrasonic Cleaner (or 2) to demonstrate its use to clean nib & feed and unblock the build-up of sediment that often afflicts fountain pens creating an unreliable supply of ink. BYO blocked pens etc. Look forward to spreading the ink with all.


Peter & Max

Edited by Parker Pete
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Hi Shahan,

I will bring my little ultrasonic, a thermos of hot water, cold water & the chemicals that I use, please bring anything that you use with your ultraonic.



Hi Peter.


I'll bring along my ultrasonic cleaner...and if I can...some water. Should I bring anything else?




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Hi Peter.


I'll bring along my ultrasonic cleaner...and if I can...some water. Should I bring anything else?


Pens and anything but ink...........................

Sic Transit Gloria


"Gloria gets seasick"

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Lots of ink, gotcha...


Just try not to spill any ( you DO have a reputation!)roflmho.gif

The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher - Thomas Huxley


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Lots of ink, gotcha...


Just try not to spill any! You DO have a reputation!bunny01.gif

The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher - Thomas Huxley


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Fine, I'll bring blotting-paper, too...




Maybe I should bring my desk-blotter along? I wonder how many people have ever seen one...?

Edited by Shangas

http://www.throughouthistory.com/ - My Blog on History & Antiques


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  • 2 weeks later...

The June meeting of the members of the Melbourne Pen Group was a small but no less enjoyable gathering that took place at the comfortable Tower Hotel in Hawthorn last night. Our meeting started with dinner at six-thirty, accompanied by intelligent conversation such as the thought-provoking subject of whether or not an ultrasonic cleaner posessed the ability to strip a nib of its gold-plating.


The focus of this month's meeting was the demonstration of the ultrasonic cleaner, with me and Parker Pete bringing our machines along to show everyone how they cleaned up gunk and loosened sediment through simple sound-pulses moving through the water to create vibrations. Several members offered pen-parts such as nibs, feeds, sections and caps for cleaning, to see the ultrasonic cleaners in action. To demonstrate the full capabilities of the cleaner, Pete also brought along enough chemical cleaning-agents to mop up after the Fukushima nuclear power-plant. We also demonstrated the ultrasonic cleaner's ability on jewellery such as rings, spectacles, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and metal watch-straps.


So fascinating was our topic of discussion that we attracted the attention of a nearby group of children who were at the hotel to celebrate a birthday party. The birthday girl and her friends were enthralled by the action of the ultrasonic cleaner and loved looking at the clean, sparkly jewellery through a 10x jeweller's loupe. They left our table after several minutes as the next generation of the Fountain Pen Network...with any luck!


Our meeting ended with Peter and I emptying and cleaning out our ultrasonic cleaners, serruptitiously emptying the water from the cleaning-basins into a nearby pot-plant...that'll either be the healthiest or the most grit-free plant in Melbourne by now.




We would be ecstatic if you would grace us with your presence at one of our meetings. Chatting through the Network is an excellent way to gain knowledge, but meeting others face to face is so much more fun...There, you can actually TOUCH other people's pens...not just cover your keyboard with drool wishing that you could, after looking at photographs of them here on the forum.


Our meetings are relaxed and informal. No white tie and tails. No hats. Canes or linen gloves. No calligraphic invitation-cards. Simply show up at the Tower Hotel in Hawthorn (Burwood Road) with you, yourself, your pens, some ink and a pad of paper for scribbling on. We would be more than glad to have you, but even gladder to have your pens and your contributions to our discussions. We're open to any and all comers of any and all ages. Anything from school-children up to grandparents of schoolchildren. Don't be afraid and don't think we're going to rip your heads off...We only do that to pens when the caps get stuck, and even then, only with the greatest regret and as a course of last resort.


Our next meeting is MONDAY the EIGHTH of AUGUST. The Tower Hotel in Hawthorn. 6:30pm. We are tentatively expecting a presentation and discussion headed by talented local calligrapher, Dianne Tings, who graced the Melbourne Pen Show of 2009 with her stylish and artistic penmanship. Feel free to show up and join in the fun. Bring your pens. Bring your writing-accessories. Anything worth discussing will be discussed, unless it's been discussed before, then it's probably time to start talking about it again! We can help answer your questions about your pen's...branding or make, age and likely date of manufacture, flow-issues, clogging issues and recommend experienced repairmen in the Melbourne Area if your pen should require an overhaul. Anything from dip-pens to vintage pens, the latest Parker 61 Limited Edition (thank you, Skybird), unique desk accessories or any other writing-related paraphernalia is most welcome. But most of all, you, the reader, is most welcome. Please come. If your fingers aren't covered with ink by the end of the night, then you haven't had any fun.

Edited by Shangas

http://www.throughouthistory.com/ - My Blog on History & Antiques


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I heartily endorse everything that Shangas has said, with 2 notable exceptions;

1. The Tower Hotel is in Burwood Road.

2. I question the direct relationship between an ink stained body & fun!!!


The June meeting of the members of the Melbourne Pen Group was a small but no less enjoyable gathering that took place at the comfortable Tower Hotel in Hawthorn last night. Our meeting started with dinner at six-thirty, accompanied by intelligent conversation such as the thought-provoking subject of whether or not an ultrasonic cleaner posessed the ability to strip a nib of its gold-plating.


The focus of this month's meeting was the demonstration of the ultrasonic cleaner, with me and Parker Pete bringing our machines along to show everyone how they cleaned up gunk and loosened sediment through simple sound-pulses moving through the water to create vibrations. Several members offered pen-parts such as nibs, feeds, sections and caps for cleaning, to see the ultrasonic cleaners in action. To demonstrate the full capabilities of the cleaner, Pete also brought along enough chemical cleaning-agents to mop up after the Fukushima nuclear power-plant. We also demonstrated the ultrasonic cleaner's ability on jewellery such as rings, spectacles, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and metal watch-straps.


So fascinating was our topic of discussion that we attracted the attention of a nearby group of children who were at the hotel to celebrate a birthday party. The birthday girl and her friends were enthralled by the action of the ultrasonic cleaner and loved looking at the clean, sparkly jewellery through a 10x jeweller's loupe. They left our table after several minutes as the next generation of the Fountain Pen Network...with any luck!


Our meeting ended with Peter and I emptying and cleaning out our ultrasonic cleaners, serruptitiously emptying the water from the cleaning-basins into a nearby pot-plant...that'll either be the healthiest or the most grit-free plant in Melbourne by now.




We would be ecstatic if you would grace us with your presence at one of our meetings. Chatting through the Network is an excellent way to gain knowledge, but meeting others face to face is so much more fun...There, you can actually TOUCH other people's pens...not just cover your keyboard with drool wishing that you could, after looking at photographs of them here on the forum.


Our meetings are relaxed and informal. No white tie and tails. No hats. Canes or linen gloves. No calligraphic invitation-cards. Simply show up at the Tower Hotel in Hawthorn (Burke Road) with you, yourself, your pens, some ink and a pad of paper for scribbling on. We would be more than glad to have you, but even gladder to have your pens and your contributions to our discussions. We're open to any and all comers of any and all ages. Anything from school-children up to grandparents of schoolchildren. Don't be afraid and don't think we're going to rip your heads off...We only do that to pens when the caps get stuck, and even then, only with the greatest regret and as a course of last resort.


Our next meeting is MONDAY the EIGHTH of AUGUST. The Tower Hotel in Hawthorn. 6:30pm. We are tentatively expecting a presentation and discussion headed by talented local calligrapher, Dianne Tings, who graced the Melbourne Pen Show of 2009 with her stylish and artistic penmanship. Feel free to show up and join in the fun. Bring your pens. Bring your writing-accessories. Anything worth discussing will be discussed, unless it's been discussed before, then it's probably time to start talking about it again! We can help answer your questions about your pen's...branding or make, age and likely date of manufacture, flow-issues, clogging issues and recommend experienced repairmen in the Melbourne Area if your pen should require an overhaul. Anything from dip-pens to vintage pens, the latest Parker 61 Limited Edition (thank you, Skybird), unique desk accessories or any other writing-related paraphernalia is most welcome. But most of all, you, the reader, is most welcome. Please come. If your fingers aren't covered with ink by the end of the night, then you haven't had any fun.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh damn my mistake...why do I keep thinking burke...


Perhaps this is why the meetings occasionally seem small to you, Shangas.

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