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Melbourne Pen Group


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  • Shangas


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Well that was rather interesting to say the least. Li Quan showed us about the five different styles of Chinese lettering and how art and calligraphy intertwine in Chinese culture and history.


We all look forward to visiting his gallery and learning mire about his skills.

Sic Transit Gloria


"Gloria gets seasick"

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Very well, Max. Thou twisteth mine arm most firmly...


Tonight's pen-meeting was one of the largest that we've experienced for a while, with nearly a dozen people attending (yes, in Melbourne that's large). Mr Guan, with his friends to translate, explained a basic history of Chinese characters, Chinese art and calligraphy and gave a demonstration of Chinese calligraphy using traditional implements, such as Chinese ink, rice-paper and authenic Chinese mao-bi or brush-pens.


For my own part, I brought along my Victorian-era writing box to explain the significance and importance that boxes like these once had. I displayed the implements that came with it and explained their purposes and explaind why a box like this was necessary and how, after the invention of the fountain pen, writing-boxes quickly became obsolete.

http://www.throughouthistory.com/ - My Blog on History & Antiques


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  • 1 month later...

how often do these meetings happen and what do you guys do

If only money didn't exist, and pens grew on trees...

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how often do these meetings happen and what do you guys do


Hi Wollaj,

We meet on the second Monday of every second month (Tower Hotel, Hawthorn) for a meal (6.30) & talk/presentation/show & tell (7.30), covering any aspect of writing instruments, ancient to new, paper, ink etc. To receive info by email, please contact me with your details as we welcome new faces.


Peter H.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm battling for a topic - had a suggestion for a leather journal manufacturer - any body please.

All suggestions and ideas entertained - an all aspects :)

Sic Transit Gloria


"Gloria gets seasick"

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Are we expecting any new members? Showing them what a flex-nib is might be something worthwhile. I have a few of those in my collection. Or muddling around with sealing-wax, if nobody's handled that stuff before.

Edited by Shangas

http://www.throughouthistory.com/ - My Blog on History & Antiques


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Hi Pen People,

We will meet at the Tower Hotel, Hawthorn Bistro 6.30pm for a meal & 7.30 on this coming Monday 11th April. Nibs, nibs, nibs!!! Please bring a selection of your nibs, fine, broad, italic, stub, manifold, music, flexible, unique, hand ground etc. Even bring broken, split or any other nibs that have failed by design or manufacture. Look forward to spreading the ink with all.


Peter & Max

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Last night's meeting of the Melbourne Pen Club was a small but interesting event, with members sharing their pens and nibs, ranging from specialised calligraphy dip-pens and antique hard rubber pens, to more modern pens with custom-made nibs. Between us all, I think we covered everything from nails to manifold nibs, double-feeds, overfeeds, superflex, stubs, double-broads, needlepoints, Italics and Obliques.


Next time, will everyone please bring along something that would like to have cleaned (nibs, feeds, pens etc). Our next meeting will concentrate...in part, at least...on the operation of the ultraonic cleaner. ParkerPete has agreed to bring along his machine and some cleaning-fluids and water and with luck, I'll bring along my own ultrasonic machine as well.

Edited by Shangas

http://www.throughouthistory.com/ - My Blog on History & Antiques


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We never bring cameras to our meets, unfortunately. Us all being members of the Most Honoured and Ancient Order of Ink-Sucking Vampires, we don't appear in photographs.


...But if it please thee, I can bring along a camera next time.

http://www.throughouthistory.com/ - My Blog on History & Antiques


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am also thinking of Dianne Tings to talk on calligraphy again.


She has been a hit each time she has been before and maybe it's time for an update.


Any comment?

Sic Transit Gloria


"Gloria gets seasick"

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Next time, Peter and I are bringing our ultrasonic cleaners along to show what they do (I assume that Peter will also be bringing along an ocean of chemicals, solvents, liquids and other necessary cleaning agents).


I met Dianne briefly at the...2009 Melbourne Pen Show, I believe. She seemed like a lovely lady. It could be interesting.


What subjects have been covered during the history of the existence of the Melbourne Pen Group? If we could list them out, then perhaps we'd be able to figure out more clearly what we could bring back, or what ideas there might be which we haven't yet explored or considered.


Just something to consider.

http://www.throughouthistory.com/ - My Blog on History & Antiques


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Has a date been set for the Melbourne Pen Show 2011 yet? I'm in Brisbane and am thinking of travelling south for it depending on the date.


Also, any suggestions about how one might kick start a club here in Brisbane?

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Thanks for the response, Shangas.


How did your group start?


Forgive my amateur questions here but can I start a new topic somewhere (but where?) on the FPNetwork proposing a club for Brisbane? I'm a tad challenged in computer/technical/navigation matters so any basic guidance would be much appreciated.

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