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Has Anyone Heard Of Henry Simpole?


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  On 5/15/2012 at 10:45 AM, Truffle Finder said:

For the benefit of the 'guests' who visit this thread from time to time, I would like to draw your attention to a thread on a different Forum, it goes under the heading of Jean Esterbrook. [it is 'pinned', near the top of the forum.]

A very good friend of mine is coming over from USA, to visit the UK for a week, and amongst other things, we wll be trying to find the location of the small hamlet where the Esterbrooks lived before they moved to the USA permanently. I am hoping that I will be able to get a few descent photographs of the house, if I do, then they will be posted here, or on the other thread!

Truffle Finder. :thumbup:


I hope landscapes don't change as quickly over there as they do here.....Progress can be quite the eraser of historical landmarks.....crybaby.gif

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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That is very interesting Esterbex, a bit sad, but I'm quite impressed that you have found out about the 'property development' of the old Esterbrook's house in Tremedden, Cornwall.

I do think that it would be a good idea, if the information was 're-posted' on the Jean Esterbrook thread, for the benefit of the Esterbrook enthusiasts! :mellow:

Truffle Finder. :thumbup:

PS. I would do it myself, if I knew how to!

But, I haven't got a clue!!! :unsure:

Edited by Truffle Finder
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  On 5/16/2012 at 6:19 PM, Bruno said:

What do Henry and I have in common? Well, we're both born in the same year. We both have an affinity for Art Nouveau. We're both somewhat old fashioned. We're both a bit meticulous about things. The result of that is... the Corsini-Simpole hard rubber overlay pen series. (That's my name. There's already been some discussion on that issue earlier in the thread).


So here's the first look.




This lady is quite pleased, I 'spect.




Gosh, I am just in love with these pens! Beautiful work, Bruno & Henry! :wub:

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Hi Reprieve, long time no hear! :blush:

In case you would like some more information about these Henry/Bruno pens, go to:-bruno@brunocorsinepens.com

He has given much more written data than has been said on here.


Truffle Finder. :rolleyes:

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Hi Henry! I have been lurking in this thread. I like to keep up with the goings on here! :ninja:


Actually, I have already contacted Bruno about ordering one (when I first read about the pen months ago! there was a photo floating around of a prototype a long while ago and it was love at first sight!). My pen will be the light red/orange color and a piston filler and it will have a lovely vintage XF Conklin flex nib. To say I am excited is a gross understatement! :wub:

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Oh dear!!! I'm falling.........faltering.............tempted but can't decide...........what size vintage nibs do these beauties take???? Are we talking #6 or Waterman 100 year size?


I hope that there may be one 'coral' red ED without cap clip left to take a vintage flex nib!!! :notworthy1:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

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I'm sure that something will be arranged especially for her ladyship....notworthy1.gif

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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Pssst. The Great Exhibition pen 'maybe' on the market in the next month or two to part fund a grail find. If anyone would have a 'pre classified ad' interest then maybe they would care to pm me ?

A wise man once said    " the best revenge is wealth "   but a wiser man answered back    " the best revenge is happiness "


The true definition of madness - Doing the same thing everyday and expecting different results......

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Psssst! Pen Nut!

Be careful, you see that chap over there? Well, he is the 'censor', and you might find that you have stepped over the line there!

Your secret's safe with me! OK?

Truffle Finder. :thumbup:

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Wish my recent spending spree didn't preclude a bite at the pen offer which should not be here. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more, say no MORE! ;)


In other news, spent yesterday at the hospital with one of my friends who took care of me during my recent jaunt. Have one fancy surgery and suddenly everyone wants one :rolleyes:


Pondering which ink to load in the Spirit this week. Verdigris is soothing, but something about Black Swan brings out the best in that IB nib :hmm1:

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People can be trendy like that these days it seems.... You are a trendsetter, GP....we have the Spirit of Life pen to confirm that fact! bunny01.gif

Use it in good health! I'm partial to BSAR and ER both! Beautiful colours they are. cloud9.gif

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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I sure hope to meet Henry and his work one of these days...


Glenn (love those pen posses)

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  On 5/23/2012 at 2:05 AM, tenney said:

I sure hope to meet Henry and his work one of these days...


How far are you from Texas, if you don't mind my asking? There's a little pen show coming up in Dallas this fall that the Truffle has decided to grace with his presence. He's almost always in London, UK.

I hope you get the opportunity to meet him and his work as well.....Both are quite lovely. smile.gif

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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I'm in the SF Bay area so I guess we have to convince him to get to the SF Pen Show. As for London... I understood that he's only in his comfy chair on Saturdays until about 14:00 which reduces the chances of seeing him when travelling.


Glenn (love those pen posses)

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San Francisco.....a Truffle Finder in the Bay....veeery interestink....hmm1.gif

I think there is someone else who would like to see that happen as well....

Signore Corsini? rolleyes.gif


eta: But I think the London show is that same month....mellow.gif

Edited by esterbex

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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I've just got back from a quick trip down to Cornwall! :rolleyes:

The weather turned out to be very good, and I narrowly escaped playing the drums at an 'open mike' evening at the local pub across the road from my flat!!! Fortunate for the people who were there, I haven't practised for yonks! :unsure:

I picked up a good 'handful' of old pens while I was down there, so that will probably keep me fairly busy, getting them back into shape! :mellow:

Anyway, it's nice to be back! I had a bit of a problem when I tried to 'log-in' to the FPN once again, had to be given a really complicated 'Password', so wow betide me, the next time I go down to the West Country without my trusty notepad with all my 'Passwords' written in there! :hmm1:

Truffle Finder. :rolleyes: :thumbup:

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Cornwall... Makes me think of all of those scenes from Doc Martin.


Glenn (love those pen posses)

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  On 5/23/2012 at 8:17 PM, tenney said:

Cornwall... Makes me think of all of those scenes from Doc Martin.



Indeed! My favourite show!!! :wub:

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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My wife's father was from Cornwall--Mevaghissey (hope I spelled it right). She thinks Cornwall is England's prettiest County. I--blasphemy--prefer Devonshire.


But as to Henry, I have the opportunity to purchase an Onoto snorkel-feed pen with his lovely overlay. After following this thread that sounds like a lovely idea, right?


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