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Has Anyone Heard Of Henry Simpole?


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Question for those of you who've expressed interest in the prayer pen - The whole verse won't fit in English and even a partial looks harsh wrapped around the barrel. However, swapping to a more calligraphically friendly language such as Arabic will permit the entire verse to fit and the swooping curves of the letters aesthetically fit Henry's decoration for the cap. Think floral curves.


Without looking at drawings, does anyone have a problem with a verse pen in another language, so long as they know what it says? I'm fine, but I'd like an idea if anyone else will want one

I haven't expressed interest before because I hadn't realized this thread took this turn.


I absolutely adore and love Arabic calligraphy and would definitely love a pen that featured it.


"Heck we fed a thousand dollar pen to a chicken because we could." -- FarmBoy, about Pen Posse

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Hi Deirdre, Are you serious about the :- "Will snog for pens" has anyone ever taken you up on this generous offer!

Truffle Finder.

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Hi Ghost Plane!

Sounds like the bug I had before and over Christmas and New Year......five weeks of misery, three courses of antibiotics. Get well soon please!!!


As to those visiting London.............I am envious, and hope you have a great time with Henry (and London) and get some photos!

Have done the 3 rounds of antibiotics and into week 6. Have lab samples to turn in tomorrow and we'll then see what's what, inshallah. :unsure:


I sincerely hope and pray that you are feeling much better very soon Ghost Plane - this bug is one heck of a determined thing........and I know it! Even after a couple of months a dry tickle cough remains.

Plenty of rest and good fluids - new pens by the dozen will take your mind off it - and of course keeping up with Henry is essential!

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

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Hi Deirdre, Are you serious about the :- "Will snog for pens" has anyone ever taken you up on this generous offer!

It's a joke. :)


"Heck we fed a thousand dollar pen to a chicken because we could." -- FarmBoy, about Pen Posse

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What a shame.............we could have watched!!! Only kidding - sorry, don't want to offend any snoggers who are serious about their hobby! :roflmho:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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My husband just said he had some pens in his trouser pockets. I said I wouldn't snog for those. They're low-end ballpoints. He's going to have to try harder. :)


(did not mean that double entendre, but I'm leaving it anyway...)

Edited by Deirdre


"Heck we fed a thousand dollar pen to a chicken because we could." -- FarmBoy, about Pen Posse

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So we have 2 votes for Arabic so far [3 counting me]. Still no designs to show anyone, but the way I'm feeling at the moment, you don't want to see anything I'd dream up. :P

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O SON OF MAN! I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Wherefore, do thou love Me, that I may name thy name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life.


Ghost Plane, I really like the words you have selected for the ... what are we calling it? the Spirit of Life pen. Although maybe I would prefer 'O Daughter of Woman!'.



Oo! I like that title. :eureka: The words were originally given to a woman and are used in the sense of mankind or the human race, so it's equal opportunity. In the original Arabic, there is no gender. :thumbup:


It's one of those verses that grabbed me the first time I heard it and the more I hear it, the better I love it. :wub:


I'm still driving Henry nuts, but we're slowly narrowing down the possibilities back channel. :hmm1:


If you'd like to read the other verses, this is from Baha'u'llah's "Hidden Words"


I've been reading The Power of Myth, where Bill Moyers interviews the amazinging knowledgeable Joseph Campbell.  He makes the point that the Spirit of Life is not about being a male or a female, but about the grace of God being within us all. The trouble with English is that it is a gendered language, and that even God is by default male, rather than an essence, and that woman is subordinate to man.


This is, of course, a ridiculously brief synopsis. But that is why my vote is for the Arabic version. Also I recollect that part of the original enthusiasm for this pen was that it transcended any particular faith. I feel that having it in English gives in to the English language hegemonic control of the world. And, of course, Arabic calligraphy is inherently aesthetic.


I hope this makes some sense. Oh, and I do still want this pen.


And I'd like to contribute a couple of hundred dollars towards your pen, Ghost Plane, for all the work you are doing to achieve the Spirit of Life pen. Think of it as your commission!

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Thanks Miranda - that is an excellent explanation of the whole ethos of what we are about!

I'll make it five.........if Henry can cope!! :cloud9:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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Miranda, I'm stunned :embarrassed_smile: Your approval is sufficient unto the day until we get this off the ground.


Yes, this pen is for transcending borders or divisions or boundaries. It's intent is global and universal, its targeted audience everyone. My dream is that it be USED by everyone who gets one to create, to inspire, and to dream. To express whatever passion is within us and remind us to live in the day, in the moment, and be mindful of the incredible joy that bubbles in the world around us.


So far, we stand at 5. I have faith in Henry's ability to execute. He's been gifted with the art of creation. Who better to comprehend and execute? :cloud9: The design will be what it needs to be in the fullness of time. :thumbup:

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Is that right we are now talking about 5 people who want this pen? Does this include the "will snog for pens lady?' I'm seeing Henry later today, and I'm sure he will be delighted!!! Seeing as there seems to be more than a spark of interest in this project perhaps Bryant could come in and organise the marketing side of the proceedings. Just a suggestion.

Truffle Finder

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Miranda, I'm stunned :embarrassed_smile: Your approval is sufficient unto the day until we get this off the ground.


Yes, this pen is for transcending borders or divisions or boundaries. It's intent is global and universal, its targeted audience everyone. My dream is that it be USED by everyone who gets one to create, to inspire, and to dream. To express whatever passion is within us and remind us to live in the day, in the moment, and be mindful of the incredible joy that bubbles in the world around us.


So far, we stand at 5. I have faith in Henry's ability to execute. He's been gifted with the art of creation. Who better to comprehend and execute? :cloud9: The design will be what it needs to be in the fullness of time. :thumbup:


Hey Ghost, did you count me?


Soki xx

http://i1027.photobucket.com/albums/y331/fuchsiaprincess/Fuchsiaprincess_0001.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/036/2/2/Narnia_Flag_by_Narnia14.gif

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Bit late to the party but have only got around to reading this thread, I can't say anything that has not already been said about Mr HS. Now bookmarked his site and predict a purchase in the future.

And how can this be, because he is the Kwisatz Haderach.


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Is that right we are now talking about 5 people who want this pen? Does this include the "will snog for pens lady?'

Truffle Finder

It does! :)


"Heck we fed a thousand dollar pen to a chicken because we could." -- FarmBoy, about Pen Posse

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Both Deirdre and Soki in the yes column. We'll go final on the count when we get to working designs and folks get a chance to eyeball the dream. :thumbup:

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Both Deirdre and Soki in the yes column. We'll go final on the count when we get to working designs and folks get a chance to eyeball the dream. :thumbup:


Thanks, Ghost! I'm in the in-crowd :bunny01: :bunny01: :bunny01:

http://i1027.photobucket.com/albums/y331/fuchsiaprincess/Fuchsiaprincess_0001.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/036/2/2/Narnia_Flag_by_Narnia14.gif

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The penny has dropped! Deirdre, you don't really "snog for pens' do you? You have put that on your 'title-page' to let people know that you are a very keen collector of fountain pens! Right?

I'm not so stupid ye-know!!!

Truffle Finder.

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The penny has dropped! Deirdre, you don't really "snog for pens' do you?

Only if it's my husband providing them. :)


"Heck we fed a thousand dollar pen to a chicken because we could." -- FarmBoy, about Pen Posse

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Sadly, he doesn't like fine pens. He's always teasing me about it. Oh well.


He does have that surfer gone to seed look I love, but not nearly as finely honed as, say, Ed Roland of Collective Soul.


"Heck we fed a thousand dollar pen to a chicken because we could." -- FarmBoy, about Pen Posse

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