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Has Anyone Heard Of Henry Simpole?


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Without a doubt you do a fantastic job! Any chance of some more pictures? Dear George seems to have disappeared!

Truffle Finder.

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We want George!!! :notworthy1:

We want George!!!! :notworthy1::notworthy1:

We want George!!!!! :notworthy1: :notworthy1: :notworthy1:...................where are you???? George? :crybaby:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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Rumour has it that dear George is definately back in the land of the living, and a source close to 'The Main Man' tells me that he is likely to be 'posting' some images on here in the next few days!

How about that bunch of Apples George?

Truffle Finder.

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I've been lucky enough to receive a letter written with the Roses pen and the impression is that it writes just as nicely as it looks. Go on Neal, how about posting some photos of the Conklin pens, those really are gorgeous.

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I AM BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hi guys - now to explain my absence.

I think I mentioned in an earlier post that I am usually very busy with work in the December - March period each year - this year has been murder!

Had extra stuff to do - I am also in a drama group and a fair bit of time was taken up rehearsing and perfoming in a pantomime in January.

We left for a two week trip to New York to celebrate the 40th birthday of my wife and her twin brother (I think I have also mentioned that my wife is American), my wife's mothre's 70th birthday and the baptism of my brother in laws new baby. We had a great time despite landing on the evening of the blizzard that came in and closed New York city down for the day!

Busy time, but great. Taking the time out put me under extra pressure when we returned to meet that dedlines that were far too close to be comfortable. Since returning I have been working 7 days a week to try to get a sight of some light at the end of the tunnel.

Haven't had much in the way of spare time and when I got on the FPN today, I founs that my last visit was 19th December :embarrassed :gaah:


Henry was in touch with me last week to find out if I was OK. What a sweet guy.

As I think you all know, he lurks on this thread and he called me up because he hadn't heard from me, and could not find any recent postings from me on the thread either. He thought that I was sick, or that something had happened to me.


You will have to forgive me as I am not up to date - I now see that this thread has got 33 pages on it - I came straight to the last posting and put this up before spending the rest of the night reading the 20 pages that I have missed. :bonk:


Hope you are all well.

Will be back with another post soon - promise!



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Funny that you should have posted today George, because I was thinking about this thread and about Henry Simpole earlier today. Somewhere, in another thread, someone said that they thought Henrys´ pens were over the top (or words to that effect), an opinion I would never agree with and it led me on to thinking how a great metals artist can do something that lesser mortals cannot. This is, to create an ornamental object of great beauty that left to say my hands, would end up looking vulgar and tacky. The pens of Henry Simpole will be still be sought after long after we are all filling our pens from the celestial inkwell and it is especially good to see creativity of this standard in an age of high speed mass production and in old England too!


Glad you had a good holiday by the way.



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Funny that you should have posted today George, because I was thinking about this thread and about Henry Simpole earlier today. Somewhere, in another thread, someone said that they thought Henrys´ pens were over the top (or words to that effect), an opinion I would never agree with and it led me on to thinking how a great metals artist can do something that lesser mortals cannot. This is, to create an ornamental object of great beauty that left to say my hands, would end up looking vulgar and tacky. The pens of Henry Simpole will be still be sought after long after we are all filling our pens from the celestial inkwell and it is especially good to see creativity of this standard in an age of high speed mass production and in old England too!


Glad you had a good holiday by the way.





Well Simon, eveyone is entitled to their opinion. I suppose that it sometimes comes down to what you want a pen for. If you just want it to write out your shopping list you may look at one of Henry's pens as being over the top.

That, in my opinion is missing the point. Henry's pens, I think, happen to be works of art that write. If you can't appreciate that, then don't bother.

I have got to know Henry quite well and I can give the assurance that he creates each one like it were his own child. Before each one reaches even the first stage of production, he has beaten himself up for days on the how the design will look, how it appears in the round whether it makes artistic sense, not just to others, but to himself,and he doesn't proceed until HE HIMSELF is fully satisfied that it looks and feels right, irrespective of the client. If you look back in this thread to the discussion of the "Ants" pen, the person who commissioned it said that he only had an idea, but it was Henry who put that idea perfectly into being.

I have seen and handled many of Henry's pens and each one has such an elegance in the balance of the design. They are absolutely wonderful to hold and are works of art in their own right. Not in the least ostentatious or tacky.

Somtimes it is not worth arguing with people who have such set ideas - you will never change their minds, just rest in the knowledge that you appreciate fine things and they seem not to.



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OK guys - I am up to speed now - have just spent a whole lot of time reading through all the posts on the thread that I had missed in my absence.

Signing off now as my eyes are aching :)



Edited by GeorgeWP
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Just thought I would bring you up to date, the Huntingdon pen show seemed to be a good event, Henry was there showing his overlaid pens, he didn't actually sell anything there, but the people who saw his work seemed to be very impressed with the pieces displayed.

Truffle Finder.

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I was in Henry's workshop yesterday evening, and saw his latest work for a new design [to go on a Conklin Crescent-filler, vintage fountain pen], the theme of the design was 'shamrock' [coincidence that it happens to be St. Patrick's day, today!]

it was a pleasant change from the more usual 'tear-drop' designs of previous Conklin pens that he has done in the past. No doubt it will be posted on this thread when it has been completed.

Truffle Finder.

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Glad to hear someone's been keeping up. I've been extremely sick and only now coming off the antibiotics. Can't create when all I want to do is sleep. :sick:

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Glad to hear someone's been keeping up. I've been extremely sick and only now coming off the antibiotics. Can't create when all I want to do is sleep. :sick:


Ghost, I hope you feel better soon! I just found out my two-week-old "chest cold" is in fact a nasty case of walking pneumonia. Yuck! :(

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Turned out to be a documented case of e coli. Now I know why they call it food POISONING :sick: Weak as a dishrag :gaah:

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Turned out to be a documented case of e coli. Now I know why they call it food POISONING :sick: Weak as a dishrag :gaah:


Ack! I hope you are now on the mend. Feel better!

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I'm sorry to hear about your illness [you two 'sickies'!] Hopefully this thread will perk up now that you both and George are back in action!

Truffle Finder.

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Just to keep you up-dated on Henry's progress, he has just finished the 'next in line' bespoke pen over-lay in silver for a gentleman who asked for a 'violin' to be included in the design of the o/lay, Henry is over the moon because of this piece, because he has been unable to work on the designs for some time now, he is so pleased with the result that he is going to send the flat 'cut-outs' to Neal for him to photograph, so hopefully he will oblige and post them here for all to see. Henry went to meet a client at the Ritz Hotel in London last night, to deliver a Jasmin Pen in Silver on orange and black hard rubber,[the last one of only two made], he was particularly pleased with the outing, as the gentleman bought a Myrtle in silver as well! Needless to say that Henry is feeling very bright-eyed and bushy tailed today!

Truffle Finder.

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Just to keep you up-dated on Henry's progress, he has just finished the 'next in line' bespoke pen over-lay in silver for a gentleman who asked for a 'violin' to be included in the design of the o/lay, Henry is over the moon because of this piece, because he has been unable to work on the designs for some time now, he is so pleased with the result that he is going to send the flat 'cut-outs' to Neal for him to photograph, so hopefully he will oblige and post them here for all to see. Henry went to meet a client at the Ritz Hotel in London last night, to deliver a Jasmin Pen in Silver on orange and black hard rubber,[the last one of only two made], he was particularly pleased with the outing, as the gentleman bought a Myrtle in silver as well! Needless to say that Henry is feeling very bright-eyed and bushy tailed today!

Truffle Finder.


I can't wait to see some photographs! (Well, I hope some photographs are posted! :))


One of my favorite pens on Henry's website is the Jasmin overlay on the orange and red hard rubber. It was my second choice, after the Myrtle. Congrats to the new owner!

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Sorry to hear that both of you have been unwell, hope you're fully recovered soon.


As for pens, can't wait to see the photos of the violin inspired design and the Conklin. Hmmm, do we all need to start looking out for nice Conklin Crescent fillers for Henry at pen shows :eureka:



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Hope you two are feeling much better now, from someone in the third week a lingering viral sore throat/headache/dizzy virus. At least I can still play with my pens.


O SON OF MAN! I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Wherefore, do thou love Me, that I may name thy name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life.


Ghost Plane, I really like the words you have selected for the ... what are we calling it? the Spirit of Life pen. Although maybe I would prefer 'O Daughter of Woman!'.

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