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Has Anyone Heard Of Henry Simpole?


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Thanks Neal! You take wonderful photos of amazing pens - together you and Henry are a team to win the Olympics of Pendom!! :notworthy1:

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I don't want to sound 'penickity' [sorry about the pun!] but there are two initials in the design of that pen they are B and V. The owner wrote about the pen a while ago at some length on this 'thread'.

It is a beautiful design.

Truffle Finder.

I've heard from George, and he is contemplating coming back to join us when he has ploughed through his current workload, [it's all to do with 'year ends' or something!]

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Ghost Plane- I have a question about the design you are working on, with the Farsi calligraphy, which will be overlaid on a Churchill. Is this going to be a bespoke model for yourself only, or will Henry possibly make a few, so that I could snag one ? I'd love it if Henry would make your overlay design on the black, lever-fill version of the Churchill.



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We're going with Arabic, since the original of the verse was in Arabic and it lends itself to more possibilities. The verse will be [translated into English]: O SON OF MAN! I loved thy creation, hence I created thee. Wherefore, do thou love Me, that I may name thy name and fill thy soul with the spirit of life.


I'm more than willing to share. Others have expressed interest and if 6 of us go in together, there's an economy of scale for Henry and our prices go down.


I was aiming for a Churchill to begin with as I prefer that size and shape for writing unposted, which I will want to do to preserve Henry's genius. Lever fillers have a better flow, but I'll leave the structural possibilities to Henry, once he sees what we come up with.


We're at that stage where our volunteer calligrapher needed to put the verse to one side and wait for inspiration to strike after toying with a multitude of possibilities. :eureka:


For those not familiar with Middle Eastern languages, the letters bend in ways the Roman Alphabet won't, lending themselves to fashioning pictures and designs out of the letters. In Arabic, this verse has a 3 part symmetry [i'm quoting, since I can't read the language yet myself], so we're hoping that suggests a design beyond the simple lettering. Then Henry will magically translate it into silver. :cloud9:

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Lever fillers interfere with the overlay, per Henry. But button fillers, to give extra ink flow for those of us with IB nibs, are a real possibility.


While Henry gets the blanks from Conway-Stewart, technically we shouldn't call them by their model name [Churchill, for example] as they technically won't be when he gets done with them. So it's more a size descriptor than the actual model name if we're going to get technical. Or legal.


Stuff you learn while mucking about with pen design! :eureka:

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Everyone who has contributed to this 'thread' should be pleased to know that the number of 'views' has now exceeded 10,000.

That's quite a number, Isn't it?

Truffle Finder.

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Hi Truffle! that is quite a record for a discussion started by "George the Phantom"!!!

Who was counting - can anyone remember???:rolleyes:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

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GP- maybe we ought to call it the Churchill sized pen, so that no legal and trademark laws are violated. Curious, I had never thought about a button filler- that probably would be better than a lever filler. Th e lever wouldnt interfere with Henry's overlay design.

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No point in having a glorious treasure from Henry without glorious performance to go with it. :thumbup:

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I'm sure Henry would agree with that! Of coarse the obvious advantage of having the pen as a button filler is the ink capacity, which for the broad-nib enthusiasts amongst us this will be very important particularly those with plenty to write!!!

I wish George would re-appear!

Truffle Finder.

Looks like worms again tonight!!!

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No point in penalizing someone for having a life... leave those poor worms alone! :roflmho:

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To change the subject..........while Ghost Plane and Her Persian Connection perfect their design with Henry - I'm seriously thinking of stealing him away.....Henry, not Persian Person - and talking seriously about taking him back to his roots - to design for me a pen based on The Snake that was his first pen! It all started with my MB Agatha of course - and now I feel a sub-collection coming on........who would have thought I'd want Snakes???


This may take some time, but will keep some wheels turning in one very clever head in London :eureka: :blink:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

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In case anyone from England is 'tuned in' and reading this thread, there is a regional Pen Show at the Marriot Hotel, in Huntingdon [Junction of the A14 and A141], Henry will be there but he is not taking a table, although he will probably have some pens with him with a view to doing some 'horse trading!' Unfortunately, being Mothering Sunday he will have to go before the end, but I just thought it might be worth mentioning it here. I will be there as well, and I am looking forward to it, it should be good.

Truffle Finder.

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and no, I have not heard of him, till now



Love and work... work and love, that's all there is.

Sigmund Freud


(there was a man who obviously never knew fountain pens!)

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This thread just won't die, will it?


On the other hand, a Henry Simpole button-filler with a B italic would be lovely!


P. S. Neal, that is a beautiful pen. Do you own it?

Edited by PianoMan14

Soli Deo Gloria!


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His work is fantastic. I've seen his pens at Battersea Pen Home many years ago, I thought it did some overlays on some Conklin crescent fillers in the past as well.

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This thread just won't die, will it?


On the other hand, a Henry Simpole button-filler with a B italic would be lovely!


P. S. Neal, that is a beautiful pen. Do you own it?



No, I don't own this pen, but the person who does has contributed to this thread previously. I just get to take pictures of the work that Henry produces... and that's rewarding work indeed!




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