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Has Anyone Heard Of Henry Simpole?


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Hi Henry,


If you are following this post ----- no pressures or anything !! But if you can make the DC show, it sure would be fun for everyone to meet you and see your new creations ;)


Should it not be possible for you to make the trip, then how about a Q & A session? I can try and help put one together and people from FPN could post me questions by messages or by email and I can call you for your answers. It would be like a mini-interview and all the questions coming from your fans!


Please call me or send me an email.



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:notworthy1: :notworthy1: :notworthy1:


:roflmho: :roflmho: :roflmho: :roflmho: :roflmho: :bunny01: :bunny01:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

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Hi Chris and Ghost Plane,I've seen Henry [last night actually], and it's a definately possible, 'maybe'!!! Indecision is not usually one of his 'hot-shots', but he just can't make up his mind at the moment! You know how it is!

I was there with him when he was E-mailing you [GP] about the rectangles! We all got there in the end! I'm sure it will be worth the effort.

I will try to persuade him in the meantime [the DC show, I mean!]

Truffle Finder.

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Well I certainly understand budget battles. Much as I love Henry, if it comes down to meeting him or having one of his pens, I'm going for the pen, even if it's a close thing. :embarrassed_smile:


I know my dream pen is being a struggle, but then we value the things we have to work for hardest. So when it's finally a reality, it'll be that much more precious. :wub:

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Hi GP! I know how you feel - and suspect that Henry is in the same boat - in a way..........his plane fare and hotel bill would come to the cost of a couple of pens too!

I really am undecided about which way I would go.........I'd love to meet him - and I would also love one of his pens - another one, that is......... so we are both with one foot in the boat and the other on the pier!!! :crybaby:

Of course I'm speaking metaphorically here, because I can't see me getting on a plane any time soon, as much as I'd love to! :gaah:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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Hi Reprieve,

You might be pleased to know that I saw Henry last night, and he was getting your pen ready for 'dispatch', signing the certificate etc: so you should not have to wait very long before you have it,[Number '4' I believe!]

Just a question, why have FPN decided to make everyone 'Sign-in' every time we want to come to look around? Surely once a day it 'secure' enough isn't it? It's not exactly like breaking in to the security system of the Pentagon is it?!!!

Truffle Finder.

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Sounds like a bug in the browser software. Vaguely remember a thread on it down in members helping members. It's not happening to everyone.

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Hi Reprieve,

You might be pleased to know that I saw Henry last night, and he was getting your pen ready for 'dispatch', signing the certificate etc: so you should not have to wait very long before you have it,[Number '4' I believe!]


Truffle, thanks for the update! I'm very, very excited!

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A. I'm sorry that I exist, but I have never heard of him.

B. I now realize that I have to get to know him.


Mike :drool:

Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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Hi Lapis,

Actually, you have come in at a 'hiatus' moment, as our 'Topic-Miester' is very busy until the end of this month. But rest assured he will be posting some great images very shortly.WON"T YOU GEORGE???

Truffle Finder.

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I'm thinking that at some point I'm going to have to do some drastic saving because I've got a commission piece idea in my head that I just can't shake. I'm still thinking something Anglo-saxon inspired. As in a zoomorpic interlace design, would be great done with birds. Maybe I'm thinking too complicated, I haven't a clue what's practical.


The great buckle from the Sutton Hoo site.


Detail of the zoomorphic serpents.


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I'm thinking that at some point I'm going to have to do some drastic saving because I've got a commission piece idea in my head that I just can't shake. I'm still thinking something Anglo-saxon inspired. As in a zoomorpic interlace design, would be great done with birds. Maybe I'm thinking too complicated, I haven't a clue what's practical.


The great buckle from the Sutton Hoo site.


Detail of the zoomorphic serpents.



Hi Carrie,


What a brilliant idea! If your idea comes to fruition, I would love to be in on the project.




http://i1027.photobucket.com/albums/y331/fuchsiaprincess/Fuchsiaprincess_0001.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/036/2/2/Narnia_Flag_by_Narnia14.gif

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I've got ideas of what I'd like to incorporate in some way or take inspiration from, but don't know if it's all thinking too complex. It's bugging me because many years ago in a lecture I saw an image of a buckle with bird interlace and can't for the life of me remember what the object was to try to find that image, I'm thinking it might have been a Danish find.


Anyway, you've got the great buckle above as a fine example of interlace patterns.


For birds, I do like these two from the book of Kells.






Lindisfarne gospels for very intricate zoomorphic bird patterns. Carpet page for the gospel of John and the opening page for Luke, along with the carpet page with birds at each corner.

Edited by Carrie
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Hi [Anyone who reads this!] has anyone else noticed that, [at the title part of this thread] there are two figures showing the 'replies' and the 'views', well, maybe it's my imagination, but the 'views' figure seems to have got stuck on 3059.I have kept an eye on those figures for quite some time now and I found it interesting to keep a rough idea of how many people viewed the thread each week. Who would be the right person to contact to get that function working again? Does anyone know? [Don't tell me; nobody else cares!!!] O.K. I'll just go down to the bottom of the garden and eat worms!!!

Truffle Finder.

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