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Has Anyone Heard Of Henry Simpole?


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This was a very difficult repair to undertake.

As you can see from the first few photographs which Neal has provided, it was a comparatively huge piece of the cap which was missing, and my first attempt at doing it, was to use a clipless Parker 51 cap, wrapped in a layer of tracing paper, and placed inside the mouth of the cap of the Namiki Pen, to support the resin [dyed black] which was 'poured' into the space provided so conveniently by the idiot who broke the pen!

Patience was the key word from here on, and I had to sit holding the pen cap and tilting it one way, and then the other until the viscosity of the resin had thickened to the extent that I could park the cap onto a piece of 'Blue-Tack' to set. I left it in that position overnight, and when I came down to the workshop the next morning, I removed the 51 cap, and then carefully peeled the tracing paper from the underside of the resin, which was really well-set!

As you can see from the 'before' photographs, the shape of the missing piece is that of a capital letter 'D'. Well, I fairly soon discovered that the two corners of the letter D shape [where the two ends of the curve meets the two edges of the lip of the cap] did not grip onto the cap!!! So, I had to think of another way of tackling the problem!

I took the resin piece out of the space!

I then went through one of my 'spares draws', looking for a pen cap with the same diameter cap mouth, and found one that looked appropriate, both in size, and colour. I then cut [with a piercing saw blade, which is as thin as a needle!] the cap lip off it [just over one centemetre from the lip of the cap].

I put the 'cylindar' shaped piece onto a tapered steel mandril, until it was firmly gripped, then I 'flat-filed' the curved surface of it until it fitted exactly the mouth of the Namiki cap. [bTW, I forgot to mention that I had sawn-off the Namiki cap back to the groove line, near the mouth of the cap!] After I was satisfied that I had a clean fit, I stuck it with Araldite, 'mopped up' any 'splurge' that had appeared inside the cap! And then I waited!

When all was dry, and set hard, I mixed some more resin, [dyed black] and 'dollopped' it into the now 'D' shaped space to receive it, I went through the 'tilting' procedure again, but not for quite so long this time, as there was considerably less resin involved, then it was placed onto the piece of 'Blue-Tack'. Then I just waited!

When it was set, I started to 'cut-back' the resin area, using ever increasing 'smoothness' of carborundum paper, until it was 'level' with the surrounding area, carefully avoiding the gold pattern on the pen cap!

And there you have it!

S'easy really!!!

Truffle Finder. :) :) :) :excl:

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Read this about 3 or 4 times... had to look up Araldite (basically, epoxy) and Blue-Tack... visualized it until it all made perfect sense.


Two questions...


1. What resin did you use?


2. Was the original break into the threaded area? If so, it is just that the thickness of the patch is not enough to interfere with threading?


OK... that's three questions.



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Bruno, I understand that you speak a different language from like what I do!!!

Anyway, Araldite= Epoxy Resin.

Fortunately the curve of the D shape didn't quite reach the threads inside the cap!

I hope that clarifies things.

Truffle Finder. :) :excl:

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Amazing story and amazing results......and photos by Neal of course!!! Congratulations Neal - you have a beauty there......and I think the good angel has rewarded Henry for his good work - but I'll let him tell that tale!


Changing the subject now - I am getting sick and tired of having to sign in continually - when I ask to stay signed in.......so can someone with influence explain and rectify this please???? Now I have no smileys - bah! At the right-hand of this box is a "post options" where everything is ticked - including 'enable emoticons'.


So much for making a contribution to this board!!!

Sorry for venting - but life is complicated enough without this from FPN.....which may just become 'late' in my scheme!

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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Don't for goodness sake leave here! I'm not the greatest person to enthuse about how easy it is to work computers, but I think you will find that you have to 'pop-in' here once everyday to avoid having to sign in each time.

I have no explanation with regard to the emoticons, but that's not the end of the world, is it?

I'd miss you, if you left us!!! :( :blush:

Truffle Finder.

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It's the Apple operating system. Just got an iPad myself & we're stuck for awhile until the software developer can complete a rewrite.


Check to make sure your remember me box is checked on log in. I'm not having to relog & I'm using Safari as well.

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Thanks Henry and GP!!! I have ticked the 'remember me' box - every time......and I have also made a point of popping in to FPN once every 24 hours.....even if I don't always leave proof of that by posting a comment!

Today I was still logged in - so let's hope Apple and FPN or however it works can sort this out. I have Safari on my PC but not on this lovely iPad!!! More than that I don't know.....but what happened to the funny faces???? I've lost the link I had to the alternative link for these........must have had a bit of a clean-up of apps and links sme time when I was tired!!!

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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Funny faces went when the developer dropped Apple bits to work on the PC bits. Supposedly he'll get to the Apple bits in a few months. Until then no smilies, no frownies. Sigh...

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What, no more funny faces?

Oh! Wait a minute, I've got the liddle face up above the writing space, and it works, all the other sweet liddle faces are there down below!!!

That's alright then!

Problem over.

Truffle Finder. :blush: :) :D :P :excl:

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I take it that you are talking about "Cyber-Fruit!" :yikes:

As in Blackberry, Orange, Apple, or the unforgettable 'Iggerty-Wiggerty' fruit, boy, did I have a nasty experience with that sucker last time I used one of those! :wacko:

The Emoticons were running wild, it got so bad in the end, that I had to get in touch with the RAEB, [Royal Association for the Emotionally Bewildered]. :unsure: :blush: :wacko: The therapy seessions were quite an experience though! :P

Every day, I get a little bit better! I think! :blush:

Truffle Finder. ;) :rolleyes: :)

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Here's the latest addition to the Simpole fleet.... another 1920's Dunhill Namiki..!













and here's Henry's pen alongside my own DN.




Enjoy..! :)

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With a Falcon nib no less!!! :puddle: :puddle: :puddle:


They seem quite happy together :wub:

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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BTW, did anyone here happen to see 'Four Rooms' channel 4 on Friday night here in UK?

I watched it, and the very last item being offered to the four dealers, was one of Jack Row's overlaid silver fountain pens, set with brilliant cut diamonds. He said before he went into the rooms, that he was looking for £4,000, but sadly he went for an offer that was made, by one of the dealers, for less than that, but he seemed quite happy with the result.

I was quite pleased for him, he certainly couldn't have suffered at all from the publicity.

Truffle Finder. :)

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Esterbex, was that a reference to meeeeeeeeee?

I get your point!!!

Truffle Finder :P ;) :excl:

Well....not specifically....but if the shoe fits and all that... :rolleyes:


That show "Four Rooms" sounds like our "Let's Make a Deal" and "Antiques Roadshow" all wrapped into one.

Good for Jack! Wonder how he came to be on it?

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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