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Has Anyone Heard Of Henry Simpole?


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Hi Chris,

It's funny that you should mention that because Henry said virtually the same thing when he first heard about making the pearly white version of the Chatsworth pen, he said that he felt that it would need the section in black. Has anyone out there 'filled' theirs and found out whether the ink shows through the section when it is filled? It would be interesting to know.

Truffle Finder.

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Over in the CS forum I had wondered about the black of the feed showing through the white, in the photos it gives the impression that it does a bit. Given that I guess it would be more likely to show through when inked. Hmmm, will be interesting to hear what anyone reports back with.

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I will report back when mine arrives. I have used my green Chatsworth extensively, and am planning to use the white one as well (albeit with "safer" (i.e., non-staining) inks, like Herbin). I doubt I will be dipping the nib and section into an ink bottle--I will probably remove the converter and fill it directly or use cartridges.

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Hi Reprieve,

I think that you are right in filling the pen [when it arrives] in the way you have said, but I would be surprised if the ink doesn't show through the section as it comes into contact with it, anyway please do let us know how things work out.

Truffle Finder.

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Well, there are several delicious pens here on my desk, for safekeeping whilst the owner travels the highways and byways of Tasmania taking photos of wonderful places and people - and one of these pens is the vermeil over white Chatsworth!! :cloud9: So I sneaked a peek...........it is filled with a red ink - but yes, the dark of the nib and feed section does show through ever so slightly........ :yikes: but doesn't detract from the beauty of this pen one bit in my estimation!! :puddle:


It snuggles with the Roses - which is just beautiful with a black body. :wub: :wub: :wub: What a bunch of pens :gaah:

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Well, there are several delicious pens here on my desk, for safekeeping whilst the owner travels the highways and byways of Tasmania taking photos of wonderful places and people - and one of these pens is the vermeil over white Chatsworth!! :cloud9: So I sneaked a peek...........it is filled with a red ink - but yes, the dark of the nib and feed section does show through ever so slightly........ :yikes: but doesn't detract from the beauty of this pen one bit in my estimation!! :puddle:


It snuggles with the Roses - which is just beautiful with a black body. :wub: :wub: :wub: What a bunch of pens :gaah:


Chris, there is a vermeil over white Chatsworth? Was it a commissioned piece? I've only seen the silver over white.

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The white Chatterly Chatsworth has arrived! :cloud9:


It is gorgeous, and is absolutely stunning alongside the green Chatsworth. The feed is ever-so-slightly visible in the section, but it is really just a shadow. Subtle and does not detract from the beauty of the pen. Thus far I cannot see any ink, but that may change with continuous use.

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By the way, does any one know how long it usually takes Henry Simpole to respond to inquiries? I contacted him last week via the form on his web site to ask about ordering a pen from him directly but have not yet heard back. I expect he is quite busy.

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Uh-oh!!! I'm in trouble now...........Soki will be back some time today - in time for dinner I hope - and she can tell you what her gold and white Simpole is. I should have kept my nose out of her pens, although she did tell me to play with them while she was gone!!! :embarrassed_smile:


Henry has a webmaster who looks after his site - Henry seems to be in beginners class with computers - hehehe! :bunny01:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

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Hi, I've been speaking with Henry today, and he has told me that he will be sending you a communication ASAP. Chris is right, he is new to computers!!!

I'm sure he will not let you down 'Reprieve'.

Truffle Finder.

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Hi, I've been speaking with Henry today, and he has told me that he will be sending you a communication ASAP. Chris is right, he is new to computers!!!

I'm sure he will not let you down 'Reprieve'.

Truffle Finder.


Hi, Truffle. Thank you. All is well. Henry has contacted me, and was very kind (and apologetic, which I feel bad about!). I asked not because I was in a big hurry to speak with him, but because I was worried my communication via the web site might not have gotten through.

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Uh-oh!!! I'm in trouble now...........Soki will be back some time today - in time for dinner I hope - and she can tell you what her gold and white Simpole is. I should have kept my nose out of her pens, although she did tell me to play with them while she was gone!!! :embarrassed_smile:


I can't wait to find out! :bunny01:

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Hello again Reprieve,

I knew he would get back to you, he's a nice guy!

Truffle Finder.

P.S. Find out about what? [see last posting.]

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P.S. Find out about what? [see last posting.]


Find out more about Soki's white and gold Simpole. Chris thought it might be a Chatsworth, but she isn't sure.

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Well, there are several delicious pens here on my desk, for safekeeping whilst the owner travels the highways and byways of Tasmania taking photos of wonderful places and people - and one of these pens is the vermeil over white Chatsworth!! :cloud9: So I sneaked a peek...........it is filled with a red ink - but yes, the dark of the nib and feed section does show through ever so slightly........ :yikes: but doesn't detract from the beauty of this pen one bit in my estimation!! :puddle:


It snuggles with the Roses - which is just beautiful with a black body. :wub: :wub: :wub: What a bunch of pens :gaah:


Chris, there is a vermeil over white Chatsworth? Was it a commissioned piece? I've only seen the silver over white.


Hi Reprieve,


Yes, the vermeil over white Chatsworth is a commissioned piece. Bryant here on FPN commissioned it for his 'Chatterley Pens'. Mine is #2 of 10. If you PM him, perhaps he still has one.


Good luck!




http://i1027.photobucket.com/albums/y331/fuchsiaprincess/Fuchsiaprincess_0001.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/036/2/2/Narnia_Flag_by_Narnia14.gif

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Hi Chris,

It's funny that you should mention that because Henry said virtually the same thing when he first heard about making the pearly white version of the Chatsworth pen, he said that he felt that it would need the section in black. Has anyone out there 'filled' theirs and found out whether the ink shows through the section when it is filled? It would be interesting to know.

Truffle Finder.


Hi TF,


I have both my white Chatsworth and vermeil white Chatsworth filled, and the ink show-through in the nib section is very minimal. I shall ask Chris (if she's amenable) to post some photos of them later.




Edited by fuchsiaprincess
http://i1027.photobucket.com/albums/y331/fuchsiaprincess/Fuchsiaprincess_0001.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/036/2/2/Narnia_Flag_by_Narnia14.gif

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Hi Chris,

It's funny that you should mention that because Henry said virtually the same thing when he first heard about making the pearly white version of the Chatsworth pen, he said that he felt that it would need the section in black. Has anyone out there 'filled' theirs and found out whether the ink shows through the section when it is filled? It would be interesting to know.

Truffle Finder.


Hi TF,


I have both my white Chatsworth adn vermeil white Chatsworth filled, and the ink show-through in the nib section is very minimal. I shall ask Chris (if she's amendable) to post some photos of them later.





Hi Soki!

Here is a photo of your lovely white and vermeil Chatsworth - and I am amenable to any requests after a big bowl of cherries!!! I think you said your pen is filled with Diamine Cerise........which is the best ink to use as an example for this.........clever lady!



Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

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Thank you so very much, Chris! Gee, if I only knew earlier that you're open to cherry bribes :thumbup:


Yes, my vermeil white Chatsworth is filled Diamine Cerise - very, very pink! And as you can see on the photo, there is hardly any staining of the section at all. So, anyone who is considering a white Chatsworth, go your hardest :roflmho:




http://i1027.photobucket.com/albums/y331/fuchsiaprincess/Fuchsiaprincess_0001.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/036/2/2/Narnia_Flag_by_Narnia14.gif

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Yes, the vermeil over white Chatsworth is a commissioned piece. Bryant here on FPN commissioned it for his 'Chatterley Pens'. Mine is #2 of 10. If you PM him, perhaps he still has one.


I did not know that Bry also commissioned a vermeil over white Chatsworth. I have the sterling over white, as well as the sterling over green. They are gorgeous pens, and I feel very lucky to own them!


I have Herbin Rouge Bourgogne in my white Chatsworth. It really demanded a vibrant pinkish-reddish ink! I imagine Cerise looks very nice coming from the pen as well.


Thanks for posting a photo, Chris. Yet another beautiful Simpole!

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I think that everyone who did not know about him before knows about him now! and I am one of these.

A Proud 14 Year Old Fountain Pen User!

What I want:[/color]

Aurora Talentum

Pilot Custom 823 Amber Bought on 4.1.10

Lamy 2000

Omas Paragon

Sailor Realo

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