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Has Anyone Heard Of Henry Simpole?


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People tend to like what they like. There is no right or wrong and there's no accounting for taste. One person's elegance is another's garishness and so on.

There's plenty of room for us all.


My question is, if the Henry Simpole was all sold out, did someone replace their base pen with a new one, did they recast the overlay, or is this a photoshop pic?

I think I'll ask Mary Burke....I'm nosy like that. wink.gif

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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Inquiring minds want to know as I'd adore a remake of the Spirit over that color. Just as soon as I sell a kidney or summat. :embarrassed_smile:


Failing a Spirit, I'd take that in a heartbeat. :wub:

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I see a new LE in the writing on the walls....Wonder what they call the acrylic....

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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Mine, hopefully :roflmho:



God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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Henry asked me to post this photo of a vintage Onoto overlay - I'll let him tell the story! Enjoy!



Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

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The 'story' about this pen is as follows:-

A friend of mine phoned me the other day, and we were chewing the fat for a while, when he mentioned that someone had sent him a number of pens to restore, and this was one of them, he then described the design to me, and mentioned about the word ONOTO which was incorporated in the silver pattern, I immediately asked him if he could photograph it for me, so that I could get a better idea of the script that had been used.

Then I thought that it might be a good idea if it could be posted on here!

I would love to try to do a copy of it, [you never know, perhaps the modern-day Onoto Company might be interested in the design for a future pen!] but I would need to actually see the pen to be able to copy it properly.

Thanks for doing the honours Chris!

Truffle Finder. :rolleyes:

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I'm on the opposite end when it comes to decorating pens or pens as decorations but Mr. Simpole's work is truly artistic masterpieces. There is a certain organic essence to them that makes them so elegant and natural as a whole. I wouldn't mind owning one someday :drool:

CURRENT: Konrad, Ahab, Ice Sport, 205 Red + Demo blue + yellow, Bon Voyage, Custom Heritage 92 Blue, Sapporo, Modelo T - Black, Etruria Rainbow Yellow, Etruria Voyeur, Pearlette, Emotica, Olympio Midi, 360 Turquois Demo, TWSBI Mini and counting...

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Henry's (and Bruno's) pens are addictive.......once you hav e one you want......need....lust after...more! :puddle: :cloud9: :ninja: :yikes: :wub:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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It's Saturday again, and I'm off to Portobello Market!

The only indication that I have so far about how it might be this week, is that there is a gentleman coming to see me all the way from Holland!

Anyway, perhaps being the beginning of the month, it might be a good one!

We'll see!

Truffle Finder, :rolleyes:

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Well, it turned out to be an 'interesting ' day up at Portobello market today, it was incredibly cold going there, but it brightened up by the time I left!

Interesting because there seemed to be a lot of inquiries about my Overlaid Pens, some from quite a long way away from England, and it was a fairly safe bet that I would be hearing from a couple of them in the future. I certainly hope so, anyway!

It looks as though most of the weekend will be taken up with the polishing of the Onoto overlays, there are about 60 of them to be done, and so it will take me quite a long time to do.

Sorry there is not more 'newsy' news to report, but that is the way it is sometimes.

Truffle Finder. :rolleyes:

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Henry asked me to post this photo of a vintage Onoto overlay - I'll let him tell the story! Enjoy!




I have to say I've never seen that particular pen in the annals of Onoto history....Wonder who the

silversmith was....and which pen it's on , as it looks similar to the past 20's and present Heritage plunger-filler....










Edited by esterbex

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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The new FPN is just one fence too far for me - so I am deleting myself from it - and won't be joining in on this thread any further.....no photos either - sorry!

You can find me on Pentrace or by email.

Sorry to be such a pest, but I am sick and tired of how rules are changing all the time - and I can't even find the button to start a new topic!


Asta la vista!!!

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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I do understand, Chris dearest. I don't participate as much as in the past either, but that's because real life takes precedence. You will be missed!crybaby.gif

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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Um - button location hasn't changed in the last year. Might be out of sight if you've accidently "zoomed" your resolution.


Only change is to Classifieds to keep the board running. So many people came thundering in here to sell for free that the servers can't handle the load. Folks forget [or conveniently ignore] the very real costs of running a board with this many members. :rolleyes:

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Funny enough, I hadn't noticed any changes until Chris' post. And as I never post anything to sell, I guess I'm pretty much unaffected by any of it. I think they should charge something for sales pitches from non-members....those who aren't active participants in the forums.


For some folk, any changes at all are annoying and the door swings both ways. I have no issue with the changes to date. FPN is still more exciting than Pentrace....like a race car to a bus.....and there's plenty of occupants riding in both. wink.gif


I'm just preoccupied with moving and real life events, so I haven't had the time as in the past.

I will miss Chris' humour and emoticon overloads, though. No emoticons on Pentrace....or humour from my perspective.....Guess I like race cars.tongue.gif

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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Ummmm! :embarrassed_smile: I'm here reading and not looking for sympathy. I did see the button for posting a new message, thanks GP - and I have managed to find the classifieds for reading....but think it will be a long time until I post a pen for sale.

I am one silly goose! :headsmack:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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I for one am really pleased that you haven't ridden off into the sunset! :rolleyes:

I had rather disturbing visions of having to learn the secret art of posting pictures on here!!!! :yikes:

Truffle Finder. :rolleyes:

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Well, I dare say it has been an interesting day here at FPN....I just hope people give the changes a chance to become comfortable. We'd not have Macs and iPads or computers or FPN without changes.

And it wouldn't hurt a bit for some of us to learn some computing basics....rolleyes.gif I'm just sayin'....

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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Things have been pretty busy here on the home front, what with the fitting of a walk-in shower [for her ladyship!] and carpets being laid tomorrow hopefully!

So today, after doing the big weekly shop, I will be continuing the good workings, of the Onoto overlays, [the second stage of the finishing].

It's all a bit tedious, but sometimes I find that it can become quite therapeutic, [i find that I tend to go into 'autopilot mode'] and the next thing is that they are done! :embarrassed_smile:

I must say, though, that it will be nice when they are all done, because there are a few commissioned pieces which are waiting patiently in the wings to be worked on! :blush:

It is nice to be busy though!

Truffle Finder. :rolleyes:

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