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Has Anyone Heard Of Henry Simpole?


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I guess it's the modern version of the Great Exhibition.



God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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I hear that nib's been dipped too often and shows distinct signs of wear. :bunny01:


Did I mention the weeping angels have fangs?


Don't blink. :blink:

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I hear that nib's been dipped too often and shows distinct signs of wear. :bunny01:


Did I mention the weeping angels have fangs?


Don't blink. :blink:


OoooWeee! Dipped, double-dipped, you name it.


And the Weeping Angels episodes were my first intro to the good Dr. Had my attention for a minute, but I suffer ADD. glare.gif

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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They returned in other episodes. Including one in a cave. Did I mention they move in the dark? :ph34r:

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And the Weeping Angels episodes were my first intro to the good Dr. Had my attention for a minute, but I suffer ADD. glare.gif


That could be a problem when you can't look away even for an instant. When you can't even blink... http://gopher65.com/images/drwho/WeepingAngela.gif

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So, [have I got this right?] these 'Weeping Angels' are staring at you, and waiting until you blink, or look away from them, or move closer to you if it is dark? :ninja: :wacko: :ph34r:

Then what do they do [when they 'Get You']? :yikes:

Sounds a bit like the Warm Fuzzies to me!!! :rolleyes:


Truffle Finder. :hmm1:

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The weeping angels turn to stone when anyone can see them. They can only move when nobody can see them. If you encounter multiple weeping angels, try to trick them into looking at each other - they'll turn to stone and won't be able to look away or even blink! Thus being stuck in their statue like state unil someone moves them.


If I recall correctly, when they catch a victim, they then feed on their victim's life energy.

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Hi Bruno! Welcome to what is left of the madhouse!, roflmho.gifDo you need emoticons? cloud9.gif lticaptd.gif puddle.gif

There are all sorts of things that creep closer when you blink or turn your back - most are called politicians! ninja.gif

Back to pens and the making of them - whenever you are ready! bunny01.gif Just call me Miss Whiplash clap1.gif clap1.gif clap1.gif


Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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The Sun newspaper has printed the pictures on the front page!

It was all I could do to stop myself from blinking! But I remembered your warning about it, so I kept looking at them [the Weeping Angels that is!] ooh! Those fangs!!! :yikes:

Back to my Chocolate box design!!! :blush:

Truffle Finder. :blush:

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Had to love the Weeping Angel smiley! :notworthy1:


Having my coffee/breakfast break before I'm back on the writing. I'm sad to report that Herbin scented ink stained the c/c filler on the Spirit. But since no one can see those and the pen itself doesn't stain, all is well in daily user land. :thumbup:

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Hi GP! I'm surprised at Herbin scented ink staining that converter. Thanks for the warning!

I see from our TV news that Eric is heading your way. Please take good care or yourself and have a plan beforehand. Do you have waterproof inks? crybaby.gif

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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Yep, surprised me too! :yikes: Guess the scent changes the composition. :glare: I was the blue with the lavender scent. Left it in there a couple of weeks, which isn't usual for me, but shouldn't have done that.


Isaac took a wobble east, so late Sunday through Wednesday may get a bit sporty. Hope he doesn't wobble any further east or I may be swimming outside the pool! :sick:

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The episode "Blink" was so great that it won a Science Fiction writing award. It's one of the few time travel related stories that works and it stands on its own. If you've not seen any of the "new" Dr. Who, please see that one episode.


Henry - Dr. Who since 2005 is so very very different from the Tom Baker or Pertwee doctors that it has drawn significant audiences in the UK and here in the US too.


Glenn (love those pen posses)

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The best part of a rather quiet day at Portobello, was the arrival of the gentleman who had asked me [about a year ago] to repair a desk pen made by Namiki, it was broken clean in two, and I managed to fix it, I seem to remember that some pictures were posted on this thread at the time, [unfortunately I don't know how to transfer them here], but maybe someone who does might be able to help! :unsure:

He was telling me that he is nearly finished working on a book about Japanese Laquer Art, and he is hoping that it will be published fairly shortly. I am hoping that he might include some photographs of his desk pen which I repaired for him, maybe a 'before' and 'after' the repair!

Truffle Finder. :rolleyes:

Edited by Truffle Finder
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God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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Hold that thought til September.....embarrassed_smile.gif

God is seldom early, never late, and always on time.

~~Larry Brown

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Henry, the Spirit got fondled and test driven by the NE FL/SE GA meetup today. There was speculation that historians in years to come will not know what to make of it! :ltcapd:

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GP! You should have taken the pen along too, Spirits are always hard to understand roflmho.gif

Oops, too many carbs at lunch I think! puddle.gif

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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