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Dj Kennedy


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do you have any pics //the hand printed oen certificates etc ///

and what are the pen number [serial number]


the only 22 k pen i made at that time for nm

was the number one gift in 97 christmas book

@ 20,000 ///////


there was a series of one of a kind with architectural display units

most were sold at the beverly hills location

i appeared on abc channel 7 morning show as

part of a publicity run at several stores

and put in appearances at in circles


other pens in karat gold were the oversize red gold w yellow bands clips and insert ends

these are subtantialy built not overly heavy and not thin or weak


thank you for purchasing my works



should any of your dj pens need restoration service and or new documentation

i am fully equiped to perform service






I am trying to sell all five of my DJ pens, all purchased from Neiman Marcus either in 96 or 97(not at once). Does anyone have any ideas?

3 are composites of 22K gold, and fountain pens. The most expensive at the time was 18000.00 with its base, another contained in a desk set with turquoise paid somewhere around 10000.00, the last is the pen by itself I paid 5000.00 area. The other two are pocket pens with a papermate ballpoint filler there were much cheaper and something like 2 or 300. I ve never used any of them. I bought them at two different Neiman Stores and not the catalog. There was one pen dealer at the Philadelphia show that had told me that there is no market for them, and I never understood that statement. They are just beautiful. Any suggestions

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Wow. Well they are something. You did some job. I bought them without any though during one of my sprees. I only use composite because I don’t have a clue how to describe them. I never did take any pictures I could it helps but the info on them is as follows


1) On the copper tag DJK on one side either 9000 or 0006 on the other. On the inside Neiman Marcus /DJ Kennedy / no 420 / 1997 then the metals. It is very heavy and sits on a marble base.


2) On the copper tag DJK on one side 00469 on the other its marked 18 and 22K and has turquoise, no signature or date on the pen, its part of a set with a blotter, ink jar letter opener and has a embellished wooden stand, also with DJ Kennedy and 469 on the bottom.


3) On the copper tag DJK on one side 00470 on the other its signed DJ Kennedy no 470 Neiman Marcus and the pen is marked18k and something else on the end


On these three I have nothing except the price tags, they gave me nothing, I kept that and the receipt because I could not get any kind of insurance estimate for them.


The two pocket pens (Baby ballpoint) are market dj 485 on the copper and model no 8/ 504 on the other, the one box has the model number and your drawings on it the other, a butterfly and a pamphlet with the available pens at the time

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Wow. Well they are something. You did some job. I bought them without any though during one of my sprees. I only use composite because I don’t have a clue how to describe them. I never did take any pictures I could it helps but the info on them is as follows


1) On the copper tag DJK on one side either 9000 or 0006 on the other. On the inside Neiman Marcus /DJ Kennedy / no 420 / 1997 then the metals. It is very heavy and sits on a marble base.


no 420-GOLDEN DREAM --no 1 gift in nm christmas book org price 20,000-had hand blocked printed certificates.hand written history and wood box

this pen took several months to complete as i made all the chasing and repousse tools together w al dippold a guild knifemaker

the inside taper and reciever are 22kt as well/////////////22kt is fun to work with !!!!!!!!!!!!!

name came from a vision --weathher was grey and gloomy during a time i was working intently on the flat sheet in a pitch bowl

doing the chasing/repoussee ---a process of hammering shaped tools into a sheet //annealing working from both sides

patching holes /tears as necessary //raised from flat sheet --hand fabricated -not cast or machined




2) On the copper tag DJK on one side 00469 on the other its marked 18 and 22K and has turquoise, no signature or date on the pen, its part of a set with a blotter, ink

jar letter opener and has a embellished wooden stand, also with DJ Kennedy and 469 on the bottom.


======================================number 469===

-11 february/99 date in pen book on page with 469

469- pattern rolled thru a small pattern mill -solid pink gold -persian turquoise set in 22k //wire band-18kt//22kt section cover over waterman//all sterling taper-receiver insides//

18kt inset barrel end/a beautiful comfortable pen ///////letter opener patterned after roycroft -arts and crafts era works

inkwell a cap on existing bottle --cap covered with precious metals ------






3) On the copper tag DJK on one side 00470 on the other its signed DJ Kennedy no 470 Neiman Marcus and the pen is marked18k and something else on the end



32 GA yellow gold sheet fused over sterling in flat sheet then rolled by hand in a layer of hard and soft materials thru a small rolling mill

then raised from flat sheet -soldered into a tube then forged over mandrels smaller //larger to form fit

silver ends///// 18k section cover over waterman//heavy pen [for me -but not anything like perchin etc]

this would have been in an architectural wood display unit complete with arches cover buff certification /makers notes hand written

and reply ///registration card -this pen may have been shipped to atlanta or beverly hills originally


============================notes from pen book --------==========

485- spring 1998--brass trench[patinated brass tubing] e-z fil very sculpted ballpoint large copper balls siver soldered then forged over steel mandrel

gold dot on cap end




On these three I have nothing except the price tags, they gave me nothing, I kept that and the receipt because I could not get any kind of insurance estimate for them.


The two pocket pens (Baby ballpoint) are market dj 485 on the copper and model no 8/ 504 on the other, the one box has the model number and your drawings on it the other, a butterfly and a pamphlet with the available pens at the time


504---baby ballpoint --modeled after typical vest pocket pens

504 made during october 1999///////dark brass 18kt wire band ///10kt loop and cap ring///copper inset end and capspiece




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Wow. Well they are something. You did some job. I bought them without any though during one of my sprees. I only use composite because I don’t have a clue how to describe them. I never did take any pictures I could it helps but the info on them is as follows


1) On the copper tag DJK on one side either 9000 or 0006 on the other. On the inside Neiman Marcus /DJ Kennedy / no 420 / 1997 then the metals. It is very heavy and sits on a marble base.


no 420-GOLDEN DREAM --no 1 gift in nm christmas book org price 20,000-had hand blocked printed certificates.hand written history and wood box

this pen took several months to complete as i made all the chasing and repousse tools together w al dippold a guild knifemaker

the inside taper and reciever are 22kt as well/////////////22kt is fun to work with !!!!!!!!!!!!!

name came from a vision --weathher was grey and gloomy during a time i was working intently on the flat sheet in a pitch bowl

doing the chasing/repoussee ---a process of hammering shaped tools into a sheet //annealing working from both sides

patching holes /tears as necessary //raised from flat sheet --hand fabricated -not cast or machined




2) On the copper tag DJK on one side 00469 on the other its marked 18 and 22K and has turquoise, no signature or date on the pen, its part of a set with a blotter, ink

jar letter opener and has a embellished wooden stand, also with DJ Kennedy and 469 on the bottom.


======================================number 469===

-11 february/99 date in pen book on page with 469

469- pattern rolled thru a small pattern mill -solid pink gold -persian turquoise set in 22k //wire band-18kt//22kt section cover over waterman//all sterling taper-receiver insides//

18kt inset barrel end/a beautiful comfortable pen ///////letter opener patterned after roycroft -arts and crafts era works

inkwell a cap on existing bottle --cap covered with precious metals ------






3) On the copper tag DJK on one side 00470 on the other its signed DJ Kennedy no 470 Neiman Marcus and the pen is marked18k and something else on the end



32 GA yellow gold sheet fused over sterling in flat sheet then rolled by hand in a layer of hard and soft materials thru a small rolling mill

then raised from flat sheet -soldered into a tube then forged over mandrels smaller //larger to form fit

silver ends///// 18k section cover over waterman//heavy pen [for me -but not anything like perchin etc]

this would have been in an architectural wood display unit complete with arches cover buff certification /makers notes hand written

and reply ///registration card -this pen may have been shipped to atlanta or beverly hills originally


============================notes from pen book --------==========

485- spring 1998--brass trench[patinated brass tubing] e-z fil very sculpted ballpoint large copper balls siver soldered then forged over steel mandrel

gold dot on cap end




On these three I have nothing except the price tags, they gave me nothing, I kept that and the receipt because I could not get any kind of insurance estimate for them.


The two pocket pens (Baby ballpoint) are market dj 485 on the copper and model no 8/ 504 on the other, the one box has the model number and your drawings on it the other, a butterfly and a pamphlet with the available pens at the time


504---baby ballpoint --modeled after typical vest pocket pens

504 made during october 1999///////dark brass 18kt wire band ///10kt loop and cap ring///copper inset end and capspiece




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neiman marcus pens purchased as clearance items often had lost all or most of the accessories /certificates that originally accompianed them

very often watercolor and ink drawings on arches cover buff or other archival paper

the more lavish pens would come with wooden boxes hand cut dovetails //aged walnut cherry -japanese style


since the certificates themselves were art works one would hope that they were not discarded

certificates typically came in 9x12 heavy manilla or cloth folders often block printed w pen number

using 2 inch high antique wood blocks from an in store small printing press


these pens were extremely well thought out and designed to be easily serviced coming from a person who has used

many types of pens his entire lifetime

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well i would have loved to have gotten the artwork/boxs but i didn't. the work is just something to look. I'm really not a pen collector i just loved them. At the time money wasn't an issue, but you could see they what care was put into them. as i said all i have is the price tags 12g,2.7g,...

shame on neimans not taking better care.

What is the green/blue base on the one made of? do you have any pictures of the certs? would love to have a look. in the mean time im looking to find them a new home and having trouble. There not your everyday thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

made number 547 today !!!!!!! //brass trench //silver overlay //mokume mushroom cap end copper silver 18k y gold //heavy forged clip - silver-nickle silver inlaid w copper

inset end in barrel w pen number ////sheaffer desk nib -fine/// custom made for jeff peterson ///principle trombone -belleville philharmonic orchestra



number 420 GOLDEN DREAM ORIGINALLY PRICED AT $ 20,000 -- blue green stone base --india speckled soapstone

also used for the VANILLA DESK PEN SERIES

best bet on home finding -try craigs list -- or consign at chicago pen show auction




well i would have loved to have gotten the artwork/boxs but i didn't. the work is just something to look. I'm really not a pen collector i just loved them. At the time money wasn't an issue, but you could see they what care was put into them. as i said all i have is the price tags 12g,2.7g,...

shame on neimans not taking better care.

What is the green/blue base on the one made of? do you have any pictures of the certs? would love to have a look. in the mean time im looking to find them a new home and having trouble. There not your everyday thing.

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Craigslist sounds like a bit off for that. but who knows i was thinking pf the phil show seeing how its so close to be, gotta get a feel for it.

thanks for the advise, but you did trigger someting with me, do you have a picture of the box or certificate, i could only imagine what it looked like.

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lots of collectors look at craigs list //dont be put off by it


i did the philly show maybe around 1993 ???????


its not a big show be very careful not to rush into a quick deal at the sight of a fat roll of hundreds

many of these collectors might have 20,000 to play with at a show

it is very clicky also


heres how to do it ///be very calm and sport one or more of these pens in your shirt pocket

some attendees will have shirts w two pockets stuffed full of pens

-------they will be spotted almost immediately and the sharks and buzzards will soon begin circling


you must remember that the golden dream is possibly the highest quality chased /repousee pen done in modern times

and i feel has a lasting quality //and unlike the aztec and snake designs is more robustly built

and somewhat larger besides being made of a thicker guage 22 kt gold --the gold content itself is well above 1000-1500

no other maker has used solid gold for the inner parts

and the seaffer and parker president models are puny indeed in comparison


when someone offers you 5000 ---you must act like you didnt even hear it

think about 30 000 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


look at whats on the tables

and the closer you look

the more you will realize

how special these works are


DARE TO COMPARE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

==== THE QUALITY IS THERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!









Craigslist sounds like a bit off for that. but who knows i was thinking pf the phil show seeing how its so close to be, gotta get a feel for it.

thanks for the advise, but you did trigger someting with me, do you have a picture of the box or certificate, i could only imagine what it looked like.

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TAKE SOME PICS and post them on this thread


it was all 35mm film back when


see april 1997 PEN WORLD


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