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Buy old or old-looking blank paper


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I'd buy any old or old-looking writing paper. I need thin sheets, like paper used to write letters or for typewritting - preferably from early XX century, or anything that looks like that. I'd prefer to buy something like a block or a sheaf of such paper, but any amount would be most welcome - even a couple of sheets.


Any advice of substitutions would be great, because I know it's very difficult to find such a thing for true. Some kind of thin sheets (really thin, not like a printer paper), because I've seen enough of XIX - early XX c. letters to see they are thinner than the letter paper we use today. Also the color must be correct: rather creamy or with slight yellowish or grayish hue, not snowy white.


Any pointers? I'd be most grateful for any! : )


You may contact me at "grro @ mod-ren. com" (skip all the spaces).


Thank you,


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Sorry I don't have any paper but I do have a some suggestions.


I suggest buying Mead Academie Tracing paper. I use to have lots of it and it did turn creamy color (I bought it from a garage sale so it was all ready 'old') It's obviously thin but maybe too thin for you.


Or another odd suggestion is just use coffee to turn the paper creamy. Yeah, odd I know ,but I did this for a project once for school making a "medieval newspaper" or something like that...it smelt nice too. lol.

Edited by Marina

"...like a faint scent, or a violin next door..."

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Hi Gregorina. Welcome to FPN. :W2FPN: Onionskin paper is a bit hard to find as it is no longer made and when you find it on ebay it often gets bid up quite a bit. Where are you located for the purposes of shipping?

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Typing paper used to be available in both 16 pound and 20 pound weights. Standard copy paper is now available only in 20#, and most stationery is even heavier. It sounds like you want "a good 16 pound bond" paper. Ask at a printing business to see samples of their stock. If you are in USA, I can send you the few sheets I have of regular 16# typing paper. It's definitely yellowed by age. Are you wanting it for FP or just typing?



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Onionskin paper is a bit hard to find as it is no longer made and when you find it on ebay it often gets bid up quite a bit.


True that - but a lot of sellers don't know exactly what to call it, and you can get some killer deals that way. I would suggest regular searching of eBay and etsy (they sell a lot of vintage papers there) for things like vintage stationery and old stationery - and don't forget to misspell it and do parallel searches for vintage stationary and old stationary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought a ream of onion skin paper through a re-seller at the August Washington DC Fountain Pen Supershow. This is the web address on the ream--





http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/7260/postminipo0.png http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/8703/letterminizk9.png When one is too old for love, one finds great comfort in good dinners. Zora Neale Hurston
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If you just need it to look old soak it in some tea. If you leave some loose tea leaves on the paper they will leave darker little spots and the paper looks really old. if it wrinkles just iron it flat.


Can I ask what it is for? An art project or just your own letter writing?


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  • 10 months later...

I can offer you some old sheets of laid paper cream, with or without slight foxing 1880's, 1903, & 1929 (in laid, thin parchment likely a velum or thick sheets) what size sheets how many and what's your price range? I have a limited supply but I will guarantee the date and can even provide general provenance, some of the laid sheets have watermarks, it would be perfect for producing an age specific document.

The papers are of good quality (not brittle nor cracking) well stored in a temp/moisture controlled acid free.


Can send Assortment of scrap samples for $10 plus shipping


If I can be of service contact me



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