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Losing interest in pens


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Ah, no sweat. Feel free to send the pens when you have time--it's like a little unexpected surprise in the mail, too. :) This started as a pen topic, and slowly evolved into something more, which is great in itself. :)



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I have failed to keep up on sending out pens. I've been a busy with work and other projects, leaving little time for other pursuits. The pens are still here. I will make every effort to get back on track, but please be patient with me. Weekends tend to be grueling in my line of work, and the weekdays have not been any better as of late. I will be sending pens as I have promised. Feel free to send me a message if you have any concerns.






I think I understand what you mean about not being wanted to be seen as a saint. I can only speak for myself, as a man of many flaws - but if I ever had the means to do what you are doing, I would be mortified if people were to call me a saint.


Would you mind if I sent you a message requesting the pleasure your generosity?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lucky duck. At least I know the feeling, as I've been collecting anime figurines for a while now, but I can't find any that peak my interest any more. It's like, darn... NOTHING to buy... However, even though I hardly touch them, I'd hate to part with them. Hold on to them. Let them sit for a while, don't worry about it, and in a few years/months/days, you'll probably be back to it. Just don't loose them all to vultures waiting for a quick acquisition, cause the pens you've bought, there must have been a reason you bought them, you just need to find that reason again.

The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of.

Blaise Pascal


Tell me about any of your new pens and help with fountain pen quality control research!

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Rob will send the pens, but everyone must have patience. I am one of the first people Rob sent a pen to, and it's worth the wait. Every since Rob sent me my pen, my taste for pens has changed drastically--i sold the pens i had, and gave away about 6-7 pens of my own (how could I not do this since Rob did this for me??) and restarted my pen collecting. Rob is awesome, give him time and pay it forward when he does.



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When I first read your early post, I thought how sad to feel the way you do but I thought I could understand how it might happen to someone. When you said you were going to give them away rather than sell them, I thought this poor fellow is a few bricks shy of a load. While I did not request a pen, I've checked back from time to time to see what was going on. For a long time now, I have been feeling very much ashamed of myself for my doubts. I didn't really understand. You are truly doing something good.


Thanks for setting such a good example. Look at all the people you have inspired and who have followed your example as much as they could. Thanks for making an old reprobate and doubting Thomas such as myself feel a bit better about mankind. I pray that you are granted the joy and peace you so richly deserve.


And no, don't send me a pen, but thanks for the kind offer.



Let us endeavor to live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry. -Mark Twain

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Dear Friends,


I'm sorry for the long absence. I been down with a respiratory illness for a few weeks along with being terribly busy at work. I haven't been able to do any of the things I enjoy doing, and I'm behind in almost every aspect of the my life. It's honestly taken all my energy to do just the things I have to do (getting up, taking a shower, going to the office, showing up at meetings, etc.). But things are getting back to normal now, so I will resume sending. Sorry for the delay and for being incommunicado for the last weeks. Please understand my situation. Sometimes life interrupts our plans.

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Glad you're felling better. Thanks for the update.

"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination."

Oscar Wilde

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Been there, Rob, my wife and I both dealing with the upper-respiratory illness, the aggravation that comes from not being able to think clearly, plus the added pain it comes with.

I'd been meaning to e-mail or even call you, just haven't been feeling up to it myself so my apologies as well for the delay in getting back with you.


I still haven't finished digging out the other items I'd promised to ship to you and for that I too am truly sorry; I'm hoping you'll also understand and forgive me for that as well.

I'm also hoping you hadn't shipped the small package to me we'd talked about, since if you did already ship I'd never received it, hoping it wasn't just lost or damaged in the mail.

I was just thinking you've just not gotten around to that either, now hearing you've been ill, so no problem at all if that's the case as your health is far more important.

No worries, my friend, as I'm in no hurry and as always I will remain patient as I've always been, knowing full well you'll get to it whenever you are able.


Your health and well-being is by far more important than any of this stuff.

Glad to hear you're getting over-the-hump now, yet still please don't stress yourself further and make yourself sick again [that's an order, Sir Rob, from one friend to another!].

So take care of yourself first, that's the most important thing and far more important than making yourself sick worrying about getting this stuff shipped out.


I for one was getting concerned not hearing back from you, after I'd sent you that last letter; was merely concerned and trying to decide if I should call you and see if you're OK.

Best wishes and thanks for stopping in and letting all of us know your situation.

I'll be in touch with you ASAP, by whatever means I take to do so.



“I view my fountain pens & inks as an artist might view their brushes and paints.

They flow across paper as a brush to canvas, transforming my thoughts into words and my words into art.

There is nothing else like it; the art of writing and the painting of words!”

~Inka~ [scott]; 5 October, 2009

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Thank you for all your well wishes. The dogs are out of food, the fish haven't been fed in a week, I'm out of cigars, I downed my final Diet Coke, hundreds of emails are unanswered, a pile of bills needs to be paid, but I have completed every NYT crossword puzzle through all this. I'm trying to keep my priorities straight! Now that I'm finished with all my appointments for the day, I'm going to get two sets of pens out.

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I am truly sorry to hear that you are losing interest in pens. But I sure wish you had lost interest in collecting before you outbid me on eBay for several pens that we had both had our eyes on! LOL


Feel good!


JT aka Lilacshelby

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Dogs, fish, Diet Coke and then worry about pens. Sorry you've been ill. Those URIs really can be wicked.

I came here for the pictures and stayed for the conversation.

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Thank you for all your well wishes. The dogs are out of food, the fish haven't been fed in a week, I'm out of cigars, I downed my final Diet Coke, hundreds of emails are unanswered, a pile of bills needs to be paid, but I have completed every NYT crossword puzzle through all this. I'm trying to keep my priorities straight! Now that I'm finished with all my appointments for the day, I'm going to get two sets of pens out.



You might consider taking care of the dogs and fish before the pens (poor babies :( ).

Equal Opportunity Ink and Fountain Pen User.


My blog: The Dizzy Pen

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Sorry to hear you haven't been well. Sounds like you need to get those dogs sorted with some food before they decide the fish might be a tempting delicacy :lol:

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Glad to hear you're getting better. You haven't missed much here beyong a pile of technical difficulties that are slowly getting sorted.

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