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Higgins "Fountain Pen India non-waterproof black ink" It's cheap. Is it good?

Joe Beamish

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This ISN'T the same India ink that would harm my fountain pen -- is it? Just want to be sure...before putting it into my long-dormant Pelikan 120.





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Hi Joe,

I did some tests using the ink labeled "Higgins Fountain Pen India Ink, Non-waterproof Black Ink Item 46030" It was not as waterproof as the "Pelikan Fount India." When water was added over a black line, the ink ran into the water forming a gray puddle over the line underneath which remained intact. The Pelikan Fount India reacts in much the same way, but is more resistant to the water.


As a test, I placed a drop of each ink in a plastic cup and let the drops become thoroughly dry, then added water to see whether the dried ink would be water soluble. They both dissolved, but each left a haze of gray on the plastic cup. That haze came off easily, but had to be wiped away with a cloth. I have a Pelikan 120, but would be reluctant to use either ink in it because it might cloud the ink view window in the same way it left a gray haze on the cup.


If the Higgins ink is labeled as shown above, I do not think it would harm the pen, but it might cloud the window. Perhaps those who work with Pelikan pens would know whether their Pelikan Fount India would cloud the ink view window in their pens.

Best wishes, Pat

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Pat, thanks. I've continued searching through threads on the Higgins ink, and have seen some concerns about it and other inks labelled "India", even if they say "fountain pen ink". Apparently clogging is an issue. I had my reservations simply due to the ink's cheapness ($2.76 for 2.5 ounces). But I picked up a bottle because it was the only one in the store today and I've been anxious to fill up. However, I appreciate your review's approach of testing the ink's tendency to cloud or stain pens.


I think this week I'll hit Manhattan (I live in Brooklyn) and pick up a bottle of Noodler's Borealis -- or maybe simply a Waterman black or something.



Edited by Joe Beamish
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I'm far from an expert, but I think people are reacting to the "India" part overcautiously. I loaded an empty cartridge with it and put it into one of my el cheapo pens several day ago, and it has shown no signs of clogging yet. It writes black enough for my tastes, though not like a more conventional drawing India.

Mike Hungerford

Model Zips - Google Drive

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  • 4 years later...

As it seems impossible to find fountain pen ink locally where I live (Cleveland, OH), I decided to head over to the local Utrecht/Dick Blick store and try some of the Higgins inks. My selections were "Fountain Pen India Ink" and "Sepia Calligraphy Ink". Both inks are listed as fountain pen safe and non-waterproof with no gum arabic.


A 2.5 oz (74ml) bottle of each was $2.87. That is less than 4 cents per ml compared to around 14 cents per ml for Noodler's Black.


My test pens for this ink are a Noodler's Ahab w/Goulet medium (Jowo) nib for the "Fountain Pen India" and a Chinese Baoer 388 for the "Sepia Calligraphy" ink. After filling both pens up, both seem to write fine with good flow. There don't seem to be any start up issues as of yet. I picked the Ahab and Baoer pens for this test because they are


1. Fairly cheap.


2. Easy to strip down (removable nibs and feeds) and to clean thoroughly if need be.


I will see how well they work during my test phase and to see if there are any clogging issues and/or difficulty cleaning the pens.


Day 2: So far, so good. Both inks are acting fine and there are no start up or clogging issues. I did a water resistance test and the black seems to be very water resistant. A small portion of the ink dissipates but it remains very readable. It is good enough to use for addressing an envelope. The Sepia is much less water resistant but still readable. I also find the sepia to be a bit runny and the first letter seems to be a bit darker than the other letters when I start it up. It does seem to be capable of nice shading, though. I cannot see any evidence of a precipitate or residue from either ink. Both are behaving like typical fountain pen ink.

Edited by tony1000

Tony Thomas

Author of "The Fountain Pen Book" on Amazon.com.

Editor of the Frugal Fountain Pen Blog:


Twitter: @FrugalFP

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AFAIK, Borealis Black isn't water resistant.

I have a bottle of Noodler's Old Manhattan Blackest Black, that actually shades?!? It's not the most water resistant of black inks, but usually is pretty dark.

I am a cheap person, I freely admit it. However, sometimes you get what you pay for.

There is usually a reason why "lowest bidder" and quality don't go together. Sadly, purchasing folks don't seem to understand that basic concept.

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Day 3: Higgins Fountain Pen India still performing well in the Ahab. No signs of clogging or hard starting. I think this ink is a keeper, especially at its low price. The Higgins Sepia Calligraphy ink is also holding its own in the Baoer 388. To extend the experiment, I also am using the Higgins FP India in my Serwex Special 101 eyedropper pen. Preliminary tests show that it is working in that pen as well. I highly recommend Higgins FP India in newer pens that can be easily disassembled and cleaned thoroughly as well as cheaper pens for everyday use. At less than 4 cents per ml, it is a true bargain.

Edited by tony1000

Tony Thomas

Author of "The Fountain Pen Book" on Amazon.com.

Editor of the Frugal Fountain Pen Blog:


Twitter: @FrugalFP

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