choice of pen nib and handwriting style
I'd like to know people's choices of nib and writing-style
759 members have voted
1. I'd like to know people's choices of nib and writing-style
I use an Italic/stub/calligraphy nib and the Italic writing style58
I use an Italic/stub/calligraphy nib and conventional ("school") cursive39
I use an Italic/stub/calligraphy nib and I "print" my writing23
I use an Italic/stub/callig nib & a hybrid of Italic/conventional cursive24
I use an Italic/stub/calligraphy nib & a hybrid of printing/"school" cursive22
I use an Italic/stub/calligraphy nib and a hybrid of printing/Italic writing19
I use a non-Italic nib and the Italic writing style26
I use a non-Italic nib and conventional ("school") cursive195
I use a non-Italic nib and I "print" my writing82
I use an a non-Italic nib & a hybrid of Italic/conventional cursive75
I use a non-Italic nib & a hybrid of printing/"school" cursive138
I use a non-Italic nib and a hybrid of printing/Italic writing44
I fit none of the above descriptions66
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