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Do your Lamy Safaris leak a lot?


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I still haven't sent it in to Lamy, thinking perhaps I was just doing something wrong and maybe if I was patient I would become better with the pen somehow. Well, I just received my new pink Safari and it does in fact have those two tiny lines on each side of the nib, just like the white pen! I think they are in fact seams from the mold instead of actually cracks and just looked worse than they really were since the ink I was using was very pigmented. I don't know, there could still be something wrong with it. I am keeping a Lamy cartridge in there right now, which keeps it much drier and less leak prone. In fact it tends to dry up while writing. It's weird because I can't see any seams on the Lamy Joy I have, which has a different body but the same triangular grip section as the Safari. :huh:


ETA: I misspoke; upon closer inspection I see that the Joy does indeed have a seam on each side of the nib. So it must be something else contributing to the leaking of the white one.

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never had any issues with safari's leaking, maybe like others said, might be a QC issue.


i found safaris very sturdy and easy to use

Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you've found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for.


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I've never had a leakage problem either In fact, I have 5 of them and all have written and behaved perfectly out of the box.

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Actually, I found this place by googling 'lamy leaking'. ha!
However, since I am a noob, I'm assuming it's all due to user error.
I was sketching with my Lamy Al-Star filled with Noodler's Black, and when I stopped what I was doing and looked at my hand, it was covered in ink....
I've noticed ink gathering around the nib ever since I started using the Noodler's (looked like the pictures "Whitepen posted"), but would just wipe it off with a tissue.... today, it was a full blown leak.
So I pulled it apart and flushed everything with a bulb syringe filled with water.... I'm going to put it together again after the pieces dry and REALLY pay attention to what I'm doing.
The last time I filled it, I did NOT release a few drops of ink back into the bottle, and who knows, I could very well have put the whole thing back together very sloppily.... ugh.
Need to learn to slow down!

really love this message board, though! Glad I found this place!

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Just be sure the converter is in the right way. There are little tiny pegs on the side of the converter that fit into tiny little notches on the section.


Did you post this on reddit too? :)


I'm also wondering, since the leak is so constant, if you have a small crack somewhere, or a bad converter...

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My Safari converters are (bleep)... ink always gets behind the plunger, whether new or old...

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  • 1 year later...

I have a problem with a Safari XF nib leaking and an Al Star 1.1 nib with a worse leak. They had 2 different color inks and were both just laying flat on my desk. Now I am a little gun shy about Lamy pens. It's a shame because I like how the pens write and feel.

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I have a Safari and an Al-Star, both with fine nibs, and have never had any problems with leaking or anything else. They get regular daily use. I have been through countless converter-loads of ink, and no problems. I wonder what's up?

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Except for flying (which you implied you were not), the only time I have had a problem with leaking Safaris was when I discovered that I had not seated the converter firmly and correctly. No problem after I started double checking that it was properly seated. Later I read somewhere that later models had a couple of notches on the converter and the nib section to match up for ensuring a good seat.


I have used them as my basic everyday carry and abuse pen ever since the old Shaeffer cartridge pens were discontinued in the late 90's. And those two different situations, flying with them or not checking that the converter was seated correctly were the only problems I had until my oldest one recently developed what seems to be a clog in the feed that I'm trying to cure without having to actually disassemble the feed -

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Do your Lamy Safaris leak a lot?


They do not leak..whatsoever...........................................

There did that help...........................................................



LST landing pad.

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  • 9 months later...

I have been using a Lamy Safari (charcoal, fine) since early February with no problem. Just started leaking a few days ago. The converter is seated properly. I have it horizontal at home, and clipped diagonally to a polo shirt when out-and-about. I will try some of the ideas in this topic and post the outcome.

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club."

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The Lamy Safari was one of my first pens when I started in the hobby. At that time, I didn't know what to expect, how long pens should be able to stay inked and things like that. Since I didn't write that much, some of my pens stayed ink for some time. I believe my Safari was kept inked for more than a couple months, and one day when I took it outside to take notes, it started leaking. I believe it was having hard start problems, which I managed to fix by wetting the nib, but the pen was inked with a cartridge and hadn't been washed before ever. When I started writing with it, it went for half a page and then a huge blob of ink formed on the paper. I got rid of that pen at the time, out of frustration. Now I understand that it probably was clogged, or maybe the cartridge was not seated correctly, and the leak could be caused by the lack of proper care with the pen. I ordered another Safari last year to give it another try, since I admire so many aspects of the Lamy. I was more experienced and the pen was so great that I ordered other Lamy. For Safaris I will only use the Z24 converter, and I will wash it thoroughly before inking, and that is a pen I want to use up all the ink as soon as I can, I can't let it sleep for months like some other few pens. Maybe I had a dud before, but I don't think these are the best pens to take months without use. But they are great pens and I am always wanting to buy more.

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I have glossy black safari fine nib purchased way back in 2008 which is still in use and never leaked in these years. I also have charcoal safari and couple of Al stars bought in subsequent years which have never leaked. I use Parker Quink blue and black.

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Eight years ago I spent 13 months in hospital then rehab....and

when I came home found me Lamy Vista inked all this time....

Picked it up and wrote like a champ....no leaking..nuthin'

I must be one lucky sob..........................................................


Just a touching reminder of the human quotidian..its riches

and its vicissitudes.......{freakin'happysmilelyfacetimethingie}..........



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Whitepen or OP, I'd be interested in knowing your outcome. My 2000 did that -- with a whole bunch of gunk filling the cap

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Eight years ago I spent 13 months in hospital then rehab....and

when I came home found me Lamy Vista inked all this time....

Picked it up and wrote like a champ....no leaking..nuthin'

I must be one lucky sob..........................................................


Just a touching reminder of the human quotidian..its riches

and its vicissitudes.......{freakin'happysmilelyfacetimethingie}..........




That is a great story. I hope you are doing well!

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