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Fellowship of the Travelling Pen (Australian edition)

Yuki Onitsura

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Yuki, I suspected that's what the reply would be but I thought I'd at least offer. It sounded much more "bouncer-ish" than I wanted and I assume that's how it would be taken so it's probably a good thing not to try! I would have taken chocolate biscuits as a sign of peace, though. :)


Anyway, hopefully the journal will show up at some point.

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Yuki, I suspected that's what the reply would be but I thought I'd at least offer. It sounded much more "bouncer-ish" than I wanted and I assume that's how it would be taken so it's probably a good thing not to try! I would have taken chocolate biscuits as a sign of peace, though. :)


Anyway, hopefully the journal will show up at some point.


If it doesn't turn up by mid-August, I'm afraid I'll have to call it officially gone-to-the-place-those-individual-socks-go, send out a new journal to the next participant and have Miranda post her scans of the old journal.




Follow me on twitter! @crypticjunky


~And the words, they're everything and nothing. I want to search for her in the offhand remarks.~

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Hi Yuki


Any chance of adding a name to the List




Will do if we can track the little bugger down. Remind me again when we find it or start sending a new one around.




Follow me on twitter! @crypticjunky


~And the words, they're everything and nothing. I want to search for her in the offhand remarks.~

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  • 1 month later...

Apologies for being a long time absent folks. I've been hunting the journal but it seems to have gone the way of Elvis and Amelia Earhart. I've just exchanged a series of PMs with Chazzozz and he's kindly agreed to supply a fresh journal. So the travelling journal lives on!




Follow me on twitter! @crypticjunky


~And the words, they're everything and nothing. I want to search for her in the offhand remarks.~

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Huzzah!! It's back on again!


Although, since Amelia Earhart is definitely deceased (owing to the fact they found her plane in the Indian Ocean) I'm inclined to think the journal is more like Elvis...still alive, just in a different guise. ;)

I write, therefore I...write a little more.



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Hip, hip, hurrah! Well done, Yuki, and thank you, Chazzozz :thumbup:

http://i1027.photobucket.com/albums/y331/fuchsiaprincess/Fuchsiaprincess_0001.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/036/2/2/Narnia_Flag_by_Narnia14.gif

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and, really, I nearly have the scans done for the content of the original journal. well. I set them in the machine, but it said the scanner was locked, so haven't got any further. that was late July, I think. *nearly* is used rather losely here!

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Sadly, as so many other traveling journals have experienced, this one has followed! :crybaby:

There must be a black hole in Space slowly filling with half written journals....:blink:

Good luck with the replacement!!!! :clap1:

Each day is the start of the rest of your life!

Make it count!!!

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Okay, I've sorted through all my books and narrowed it down to what I think is the best one. It's a Quill Visual Art Diary with acid-free 110gsm cartridge paper, 60 sheets/120 pages. I've tested with 3 different Noodler's inks and a disposable Pilot V Pen and the paper seems to take up the ink nicely with little to no bleed-through or feathering. All the different pen nibs I tried go nicely across the paper, too.


The only question now is do we go with an A5 or A4 size? The A5 is roughly 300 grams, so that means you can ship it in a 500g prepaid satchel for only $6 to anywhere in Australia. I haven't got an A4 immediately at hand, but I'm assuming it will be just over that weight and therefore need to go into a 3kg satchel, which is $10.30. The obvious advantage of the A4, of course, is twice the space to write in.


I've got an A5 diary with me right now. If people prefer A4 then I'd just have to nick out to the local university's bookshop tomorrow to pick one up.

I write, therefore I...write a little more.



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I think A5 should do nicely. Like you said, the A4 one will probably tip the shipping into the next weight category and if it comes to the point of being full, we can always add another A5 journal.




Follow me on twitter! @crypticjunky


~And the words, they're everything and nothing. I want to search for her in the offhand remarks.~

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  • 2 months later...

I am so delighted that it is getting another start. Fantastic news :) Thanks to all involved Yuki and Chazzozz particularly and I can't wait to become involved :D

I'm in a constant state of cat-like readiness!!!

"What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other" George Elliot


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  • 4 weeks later...

Neat idea. Too bad about the lost journal! Newbie still gathering supplies, but would enjoy the fun once I'm set up! WA.

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Same as above, that little book could stand a run through Mildura, couldn't it? :) Do we need to fire off PMs to anyone in order to sign up?





....and perhaps even through the rainforests of SE Queensland? If it is not too late to join up here? :happyberet:

[/b ] Penguina[size=5][/size]

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  • 3 months later...

Is this still up? Location Canberra ACT.

Haro I/Haro II/Pilot Kakuno/Pilot C74/Sailor 1911s/Sailor 1911/Sheaffer Targa/Twsbi 580/Schneider Easy Pen


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