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Visconti Van Gogh Maxi: Casa della Stilografica Special Edition


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I primarily use Iroshizuku, J. Herbin, and Visconti ink in mine; my father uses Waterman and Aurora. I used Private Reserve Blue Suede in my Van Gogh Crystal demonstrator when I first started off many years ago and it stained the converter, which was really upsetting. I've never tried Noodler's in them because I'm heard as pretty as they are, they do damage to pens.



I've used Herbin in the past, especially Perle Noire -which is beautiful, but I have a job where the paperwork has to be fotocopied and the Herbin inks don't help. Yup! Noodlers are beautiful but, as I investigated in the Inks section (and advices from members here), NOT to be used with pistons. Converters? Nah! They don't worry me. Another thing you can do is to have used long size Waterman cartridges and with a syringe (3cc, gauge 23-25) inject them with your favorite ink from PR or Noodler's without worrying to stain the cartridge. :bunny01:

Edited by alvarez57

sonia alvarez




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I've used Herbin in the past, especially Perle Noire -which is beautiful, but I have a job where the paperwork has to be fotocopied and the Herbin inks don't help. Yup! Noodlers are beautiful but, as I investigated in the Inks section (and advices from members here), NOT to be used with pistons. Converters? Nah! They don't worry me. Another thing you can do is to have used long size Waterman cartridges and with a syringe (3cc, gauge 23-25) inject them with your favorite ink from PR or Noodler's without worrying to stain the cartridge. :bunny01:


I think I'll stick to Iroshizuku and Herbin. They have more than enough to fulfill my inky needs! :bunny01:


Thankfully my work gives me a lot of leeway with letting me play with different colored inks, so that helps, too. I'm looking forward to getting back to work so that I can use these pens there finally. I love getting to try and match the ink with the colors. :roflmho:

Visconti: Aida 0/1871, Amigdala, Black Ripple 4/199, Black Storm 8/88, Blue Ripple 870/999, Blue Symphony 88/208, Carbon Dream 4/993, Chatterley Ripple^3 4/25, Custom Ripple 4/4, D'Essai, Gulliver, Homo Sapien, Metropolis 64/288, Millennium Arc 2/1000, Opera Aqua, Opera Demo 547/888, Opera Nordic^2, Opera Water^2, Pericle^2, Ponte Vecchio^2, Ragtime, Ragtime 1174/1988, Replica, VG Custom^8, VG Demo^2, VG Green^2, VG Red, VG Vanilla^3, Versailles 317/365, Viscontina 39/188, Voyager^2

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