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Alibi "Killer Projectile"


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I am hoping someone here has some information about this pen. I got it from a good friend who said he picked it up in London and it wasn't very expensive, and thats all he knows about it. I couldn't find anything on Google or even here on FPN. The only markings anywhere on this pen is "Alibi" stamped on the cap under the clip.

I call it the Killer Projectile because it's freakin' heavy, feels heavier than my Levenger Plumpster, and is shaped like a perfect projectile.

Anyway, I would love to know as much about this pen as possible. Feel free to check my blog post on this pen with more, much higher resolution, pictures.



Also, if you could post pictures of your pens that look like this one that would be very helpful. Thanks!

Edited by dannzeman
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Intriguing! I got nothin', but I did find where one of these was sold as part of a lot by an eBay seller in the UK.

I came here for the pictures and stayed for the conversation.

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Thats awesome! Thank you very much for the info. I've contacted the seller of the listing hoping he can point me in a direction to get some more info.

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That is too funnny!


I have two of those!


One is anodized black with chrome ends and accents. Same clip.

Its says "Star Trek, The Experience, Las Vegas Hilton" and came in a case that looks like a Photon Torpedo. A friend bought it for me. It just says "Iridium Point" on the nib.


The second one is all mat aluminum with the black rubber rings and no "jewel" on the clip.

It says MINKA both on the clip and on the nib, which also has "MADE IN GERMANY" on it.


Hope that helps.

Photos if needed.

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My sister has one exactly like that.



Stolen: Aurora Optima Demonstrator Red ends Medium nib. Serial number 1216 and Aurora 98 Cartridge/Converter Black bark finish (Archivi Storici) with gold cap. Reward if found. Please contact me if you have seen these pens.

Please send vial orders and other messages to fpninkvials funny-round-mark-thing gmail strange-mark-thing com. My shop is open once again if you need help with your pen.

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Thanks for the input guys. Glad to know there are more of these floating around, in several different configurations obviously.


That is too funnny!


I have two of those!


One is anodized black with chrome ends and accents. Same clip.

Its says "Star Trek, The Experience, Las Vegas Hilton" and came in a case that looks like a Photon Torpedo. A friend bought it for me. It just says "Iridium Point" on the nib.


The second one is all mat aluminum with the black rubber rings and no "jewel" on the clip.

It says MINKA both on the clip and on the nib, which also has "MADE IN GERMANY" on it.


Hope that helps.

Photos if needed.

If you could take a couple quick shots I'd appreciate it. Thanks Glenn!

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I have a pen that looks exactly like that except that it's marked Levenger. They called it Mach 6. My records show that I bought it from Levenger on Dec. 19, 2003 for $22.45. Probably on a close-out sale. It didn't even come with a box.

Bill Sexauer
PCA Member since 2006

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I have a pen that looks exactly like that except that it's marked Levenger. They called it Mach 6. My records show that I bought it from Levenger on Dec. 19, 2003 for $22.45. Probably on a close-out sale. It didn't even come with a box.

Do you think you post pictures? That would be very helpful to me.

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I am hoping someone here has some information about this pen. I got it from a good friend who said he picked it up in London and it wasn't very expensive, and thats all he knows about it. I couldn't find anything on Google or even here on FPN. The only markings anywhere on this pen is "Alibi" stamped on the cap under the clip.

I call it the Killer Projectile because it's freakin' heavy, feels heavier than my Levenger Plumpster, and is shaped like a perfect projectile.

Anyway, I would love to know as much about this pen as possible.

Also, if you could post pictures of your pens that look like this one that would be very helpful. Thanks!


I have a Levenger Mach 6 that looks almost identical. Funny thing is I was just fooling around with it last week.


It's the top one in the photo---the one without the jewel encrustation.




My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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Thanks for the pic! What does it say on the nib? Some Levenger branding I assume?

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Todd of ISellPens used to carry these in his "Other Brands"/NoName section. I'll PM to ask if he remembers his source or the manufacturer.


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Here are mine:





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Wow! You guys are amazing!


Samthor, I can't wait to hear back from you.


Glenn, the Star Trek "edition" looks a little bigger in every aspect than the other one. Interesting.

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Thanks for the pic! What does it say on the nib? Some Levenger branding I assume?


There isn't any on the nib, just Iridium Tip, Germany; Levenger branding is stamped in black on the cap of the pen parellel to those rings when the pen's capped.


My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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