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79 ink, what do you think?


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That's pretty fascinating that they've been able to develop an ink that does that. In industrial/production scale printing metallic inks and their pigments are always causing problems or have properties that are undesirable. Aluminum, bronze, copper or zinc alloy based pigment is often used in metallic printing inks. You think if they can make metallic ink that is supposedly safe for fountain pens the printing industry would would try to adopt an alternative to the coarse pigments that cause plate and machine wear and other problems. Sorry for getting off topic, something similar was brought up in one of my classes last week.


Yes, I'd think 2 issues might come up there:

1.) Cost. Making gold ink for the luxury market is different than making ink for mass market printing. The cost of manufacture might outweigh any benefits.

2.) Effectiveness. I'm not very familiar with commercial printing methods, but colloidal metal might wear as bad or worse than a mixture of fine and coarse particles.


Like I said though, I don't really know much about large scale printing, so maybe it is only a matter of time until this process becomes wide-spread. :)

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Wow, I can imagine the angst of having to clean and flush a fountain pen that's been filled with such an ink :headsmack: ! (Do I ever miss the emoticons!)


Watching any of that $2,500/bottle ink going down the drain would probably give me apoplexy.


I wonder if this guy will have a booth at the New York City Pen Show this weekend? If I see him I'll let folks know.

On a sacred quest for the perfect blue ink mixture!

ink stained wretch filling inkwell

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Wow, I can imagine the angst of having to clean and flush a fountain pen that's been filled with such an ink :headsmack: ! (Do I ever miss the emoticons!)


Watching any of that $2,500/bottle ink going down the drain would probably give me apoplexy.


You'll be pleased to know then that final introductory price for buyers abroad is $3900 US, COD.

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Wow, I can imagine the angst of having to clean and flush a fountain pen that's been filled with such an ink :headsmack: ! (Do I ever miss the emoticons!)


Watching any of that $2,500/bottle ink going down the drain would probably give me apoplexy.

You'll be pleased to know then that final introductory price for buyers abroad is $3900 US, COD.

Wow, is that $1,400 extra for S&H? Is the bubble wrap they ship it in made of gold too?

On a sacred quest for the perfect blue ink mixture!

ink stained wretch filling inkwell

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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow, is that $1,400 extra for S&H? Is the bubble wrap they ship it in made of gold too?


I imagine the previous poster just had the price wrong (or saw a special at the show, which is no longer available).

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