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Consumption Item 34


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So, here it is: A very well-behaved, very dark black. The image is just about life-sized, and the colors seem pretty good. Sorry I didn't put in a cutip swatch, I meant to. Actually, hold on.... Fixed.


The swatches look weird. The one across the bottom margin is a single pass, and it looks much too grey, even in real life. Maybe the off-white paper is messing with it, because it's definitely darker than that on whiter papers. *Sigh* Someday maybe I'll have time to develop photography skills.


Moving on:


As I think I recall ethernautrix saying before, HoD and OMB can be distinguished by HoD's nib creep.


The colors are indistinguishable at a glance, and even under a magnifier, I don't know if I'd be able reliably to tell the difference between the two without prior knowledge.


I've had this pen in my L2K for about a month now, and I carry that pen with me everywhere, so I've gotten to know the ink pretty well. It's a nice ink, but compared to some other "benchmark blacks":


  • Noodler's Black has superior behavior on cheap papers, and maybe slightly better flow and lubricity.
  • Noodler's Borealis Black beats OMB for dry time.
  • Aurora Black beats OMB up and down for flow and lubricity.


OMB is darker than any of the above, and it is permanent, but that's not enough to pull me away from Aurora as my favorite black.


All in all, this is another very good black, with some truly excellent features, but not the right one for me.


ymmv, of course.


edit because I forgot to mention previous reviews:


Heinous did his very first review on this ink, and a very interesting discussion followed. Splicer's posts in that thread, especially, echo my findings quite clearly. Where's he been lately, anyhow?


Chuko has also reviewed this ink, including a big ol' image complete with water test.

Edited by Murderface
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Oh, that. I have a blog on which I've reviewed a number of inks, pens, pencils, papers, and pencil sharpeners. I tagged them all as "Consumption Items" because, you know, they're consumer products.


Anyway, the mods have asked me not to link directly to my blog where many of these reviews were simultaneously published because of some NSFW language elsewhere on the blog. PM me if you want a link.

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Oh, that. I have a blog on which I've reviewed a number of inks, pens, pencils, papers, and pencil sharpeners. I tagged them all as "Consumption Items" because, you know, they're consumer products.

Ah, so.


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