Hi there, folks. My name's Sam. I had my partner and a friend ruin me on non-FPs last fall by pointing out the pressure issue I've always had with ballpoints and letting me try out one of their pens. I'm old enough to get irritated when carded, and I work in a post-secondary academic setting as well as being a part-time college student. Got a Lamy Safari in November. First one was a fake from Amazon. Learned better. Got a second from an authorized retailer. Still didn't care for it. Since then, I've tried most of the "starter" pens. You know, your Metros, your Preppies, Jinhaos, etc. Dipped into "modern" flex a little bit. It's a neat idea, but I'm curious about older flex pens (though I'm not curious enough to pay what they generally seem to go for just to satisfy a curiosity), since it seems like they would be a lot better in execution. They've each got their purposes. My workhorse of late has been a Faber-Castell Loom, EF. So...I guess that's me, as far as fountain pens go.