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  1. My new boss always carries his Montblanc BP with him and I immediately was struck by the beauty in its design. After some research I found a good rate on a Pilot Sonnet RB and after using it for a couple days decided it wasn't for me, and thus began my adventure into the world of fountain pens. Fast forward a few weeks of obsessively reading through the FPN forums and watching Brian Goulet's videos (no relation, just a happy customer)—last night I received 16 ink samples, a Lamy Safari Petrol XF and a Pilot Metropolitan F. I already had a Muji FP and a glass dip pen lying around so that is where my collection stands currently. I immediately tested all the inks I received and have shared the results below (please excuse the poor penmanship, I have yet to begin the rigorous journey of re-learning cursive I plan to embark on shortly. http://image.ibb.co/cHR2xw/COLLAGE_1.jpg Unfortunately you cannot see the subtleties in many of the ink swatches due to my phone's potato-quality camera, but I was totally blown away by some, especially the Robert Oster inks. I will admit I was a bit disappointed by the Noodler's inks which everyone seems so fond of. I was excited to use them because of their "bulletproof" nature, but found the 54th Massachusetts and Bad Blue Heron particularly wet/runny. Is this a common complaint, or maybe it is just because I was using them with a glass dip pen and there wouldn't be an issue once I load them into a converter? One thing that exceeded my expectation was how easy it is to use the Muji pen as an eyedropper. No o-ring, no special lubricant/sealant, just pour in the ink and go—I didn't even have an eyedropper so I just dumped the ink sample right in! It probably only filled up the pen 1/3 of the way at most, and there have been absolutely zero issues, very pleased! So if you made it this far, hello, and thank you for all the knowledge and resources you have provided here! After just a few weeks I feel like I am already years ahead of where I should be and am excited to jump into this hobby headfirst. Ultimately, I would love to master calligraphy to the point that I can incorporate it into my art and professional life as a graphic designer
  2. Kolyd

    Heya From The Uk :)

    Heya! Nice to meet you all I'm sort of new to fountain pens, I've been using them for maybe a year or so but was never really interested in them - I just used them. However after some life changes (Stopped gaming, it was a rather big addiction) I've started enjoying writing & pens a lot more. I've only ever had Lamy Safaris and I'm hoping to take a step up into the fountain pen world by acquiring a Kaweco AL Sport or something similar. I intend to work on my handwriting too, it's kinda bad at the moment - I'm still in secondary school so I have to have an utilitarian approach unfortunately. Although I do want to start up calligraphy (or just fancier writing) too soon. Apart from a developing interest in pens, I also enjoy cycling, hiking, running and rugby as well as computer programming. Here's my current pen as well as my attempt and neat handwriting http://i66.tinypic.com/epexwo.jpg Nice to be part of the community Thanks!
  3. creeder14

    Hi! I'm New Here!

    Hey! My name's Calvin, and I'm just getting into fountain pens! I'm 18, and I've been lurking for months in the community. Not here so much, but on JetPens, CultPens, Goulet (most of all), YouTube, etc. I just stumbled across my grandpa's old aerometric Parker 51 and his Snorkel Sentinel... about an hour after I bought 2 bottles of ink and an Edison Nouveau Premier. Anyway, I'm excited to get into this! I've written with fountain pens a little bit and I absolutely love them. I love smooth writing stuff. I use 4B lead in my pencils, and I look forward to some nice smooth nibs! And also... how do I post an ad in the classifieds? I can't seem to figure it out. I'm sure I'm just being stupid, but this is a serious question. I have a Rotring 600 Gold to sell and want to post an ad here... but I'm too much of a dunce to figure it out! Where's the "Post new ad" button?! Thanks, have a great day!!!
  4. Tgoodp

    Hi All

    Hi all, I'm Terrance from Northern Ca (Central Valley). I've been in love with pens and everything that goes with them since high school when I got my first Lamy. I've been listening to the Penaddict's podcast, and blog and found myself getting sucked back into a world I'd forgotten about. I enjoy talking pens, paper, and even pencils.
  5. the_equalizer

    Hello From Mexico

    Greetings pen lovers! I'm a longtime fountain pen lover who only recently decided to delve more formally into the hobby by tapping the great resources in the WWW. I hope to learn a lot here, especially about fountain pen repair. Regards,
  6. Boheme1968

    Welcome From Belgium

    Hi Fountain pen lovers, After reading and following this forum for a long time I thought it was time to join. The main focus of my collection is MB Boheme fountain pens and Sailor King of Pen. So to all of you.....the best greetings from the country of beer and chocolate. Rgds Luc
  7. kircher

    Hello Form Nc

    Hello everybody, I am a new member of the forum!
  8. wjeverly

    Hello From An Oregon Newby

    Hi All, Although I've always liked the idea of fountain pens and have had a couple fairly nice ones over the years, it has only been this year that I've gotten interested enough to pursue it as a hobby. It was a chance find at an antique store that did it: A blue pearl striped wartime Duofold for $24 which, after some restoration, became a fantastic pen. I've acquired a few more wartime Parkers and Sheaffers; that seems to be the era that appeals to me most. I'm looking forward to making connections here, and availing myself of the wealth of information here on this forum. Walt
  9. RickHenderson

    Hello From Canada

    Hi everyone! I came across FPN a year or two ago and thought it was interesting, because I've always liked fountain pens but I've never written with them until recently. I've been trying my hand here and there and decided to get back into it today, and started tracking down the fountain pens I have. The thing that has kept me away was mainly that I am left handed, and that I was confusing calligraphy pens with fountain pens but I think I have that settled now I received a nice pen set from my Mom a few years ago that had two pens: one thick and one thin with gold plating on the outside. The thin one is sitting right here and it has the word SIGMA embossed on the edge of the barrel but I doubt it is a real SIGMA. I can't seem to open it and the ink may have dried. I also have a Platinum Preppy Pen (03) sitting here and while it is nice, it seems to bleed through all the papers I have, but I'm willing to keep trying. I've always prided myself on my handwriting and wanted to get in to calligraphy. I totally spent most of the day at work reading articles on penmanship and styles of cursive! I have a few pens laying around somewhere that I have to find but nothing impressive that other people seem to be posting. I have a tendancy to move from interest to interest but writing/calligraphy is something that I always come back to (and most things design related) so maybe I can make a home here for a little while. I saw some other threads where people were posting their samples, but I haven't seen any here, so I'll just link to one: http://flic.kr/p/i3aMrZ which you can view if you want. Looking forward to finding my way around this site. I have a cool business card from an amazing pen shop in Toronto and as soon as I find it I'll post something about it in the right forum if appropriate. All the best!
  10. Dear FPN, though reading the forum for quite some time, it is only my current situation that leads to finally subscribe. But before I go on, please allow me to introduce myself. I started writing with a LAMY when I was a little kid. Over the years I sadly forgot to use my Safari and ended up using roller balls. And then, after finishing my studies and to celebrate my first job I got a Meisterstück Classique with the more or less standard m nib. This pen was used since that time for all important writing. Later I passed it on to my sister. She took it with her to Greece where she wrote down whatever she was able to find out about our families history. The very same moment I myself got an Mark Twain. Later I started a collection adding the Collodi, Swift and Balzac as well as lately the Unicec LeGrand. You see the virus does its job. So today I am already planing on what's next. I am torn between quite different pens. The Sforza, the L'Aubrac and the Heritage. So by just knowing this little of me... What would be your personal choice and why? cheers, simme
  11. jaelkthompson

    She Finally Says, "hello"

    Hello, Everyone! I am about a year into my fountain pen habit, and while I've used The Fountain Pen Network extensively for research, I've only recently signed up for a user account, and I've never posted. Today, the silence comes to an end!!!!! About a year ago, I purchased my first fountain pen, a Pilot Metropolitan, and it has been all downhill, on a trail of Sargasso Sea blue, from there. I am in LOVE with collecting fountain pens and discovering which brands and designs pique my interest most. Until today, I've been all about Pilots (and my EDC which is a TWSBI Mini), and thanks to eBay's notable seller, speerbob, (who is the most AWESOME person that I've purchased anything from btw), I have been gradually feeding my addiction by amassing a small collection of Japanese and Korean Pilots, circa 1970-1990 (can that be considered "vintage"?). Nevertheless, thanks to The Atlanta Pen Show today and a wonderful experience that I had meeting an FPN moderator, who has a treasure trove of pen knowledge, a new obsession begins!!! Enter ESTERBROOK! Today I picked up two TWSBI Mini-sized Esterbrooks, a Copper SJ and a Pearl Gray H (Dollar Pen), and these pens are gorgeous! I love the compact size, the smooth pearl finish and the filing system. The 1555 nib is a dream writer for my F & EF-nib preferred style, though I am not so fond of the 2668 nib which writes rather scratchy. (I am taking a little micro mesh to this nib.) Most of all, I love how easily I can swap the nibs on these pens and the wide range of options available!! Needless to say, I am beaming with delight, and I owe my new analog love interest to an FPN contact! So I am very excited to be a part of this community, and I look forward to meeting more of the FPN family and obsessing with the uber-obsessed! Sincerely, Jael
  12. Tomewilkinson

    Greeting From The Uk!

    Hi! My name is Tom, I'm a student from the United Kingdom, currently studying maths, further maths, physics and chemistry! This isn't my first post, as i have only just came across this section, so just thought id introduce myself anyway! Although only being 17, I've always had a passion for pens, ever since my mum bought her first cross rollerball, and showed me her old calligraphy equipment, some good 10 years ago. Id just like to say hello and hopefully i will be speaking to many of you in the near future. Many Thanks, Tom
  13. LJKinCT

    Hi Everyone

    I just recently started using a Cross Bailey for all my writing and I am LOVING IT! I have always hated how ball point pens have that one part that never seems to write or they just never seem to write at all. I am starting to look at various inks and can tell I am going to have a big collection. I'm just wondering what pens are better for writing in copperplate?
  14. inkception

    High Five From Toronto

    Hi Everyone! I just got started into the pen world late last year. I'm a 29 year old from Toronto Canada who picked up my first fountain pen, a Kaweco Sport, and it snowballed into 7-8 more pens thereafter. I'm actually going to stop by the store after work to pick up a Konrad Brush Pen and a J Herbin Gris Nuage My pursuit is to improve my handwriting skills and I'm currently learning Spencerian, and the Palmer Method of handwriting... I guess Palmer is the derivative of Spencerian, so they go hand in hand. I'm having a lot of fun with this new and addicting hobby... writing letters, testing inks and collecting pens (which I need to practice restraint if I don't want to go broke, LOL). Have a good one everyone! And happy inking - Inkception
  15. captain nib

    Hello Fellow Nibbers !

    Hello all Fountain Penners ! What a great forum to share ideas or post thoughts. Happy new year to all (from Sydney, Australia). Ahh, the lost art of penmanship. My interest in fountain pens started in primary school (some few moons away...ok, many moons). We were given nibbed cartridge pens as part of our handwriting lessons. I got hooked. I loved the different coloured barrels and ink colours. Over time, I came to realise the fountain pen universe had expanded...ink bladders and wonderful bottles of hues & colours, plus an infinite variety of makes, barrels, nibs (and prices !). Great writing seems to be associated with fountain pens. The sheer delight in expressing and forming words & thoughts upon paper. There is some transformation once you hold that fountain pen - I think more clearly and seek 'The Flow' (thoughts effortlessly flowing into words).Yet, it is ironic that we meet online in a forum, and keyboard away, whilst our fountain pen forlornly looks on. I'm trying to get my teenage daughter to think about using a fountain pen to help her handwriting. She writes quick and legibility does suffer. Any ideas on a good, first time f / pen ? So, it's cheers from the captain and keep nibbing on.
  16. csfontenot

    Hello Fpn

    I wanted to say 'Hello' as a new member. In just the small time I have been a member of this 'network' I have been impressed with the members and their willingness to help and solve problems. I look forward to learning more about fountain pens and contributing what knowledge I have acquired. I have recently returned to the US after spending two years in Vienna, Austria. While there I apprenticed under one of the few remaining 'walk-in' vintage pen repair shops in the world! It was a great experience and I learned a lot about the history and repair of fountain pens. We have opened an online store with some of our rare and refurbished European pens and offerings on pen repair. If you have the time I would welcome any feed-back you have on our site. www.scholarandgardener.com
  17. dl5mith

    Hello From London, Uk.

    Hello everyone, I think it's about time that I joined a fountain pen forum as I seem to be amassing a collection Enjoy sending snail mail - gives me an excuse to use different pens and inks! I have a couple of Visconti pens which so far seem to be my favourite - love the "dreamtouch" nibs. Hope to chat about pens and increase my knowledge....as well as see lots of pen pics!! Dean
  18. elsa41

    Greetings From Hotlanta

    Greetings all! My name is Tracie Lee and I live in Buckhead, Georgia and I am a pen enthusiast and writer. I love everything to do with pens, paper, writing, ink, etc. I have a bunch of pens, but now I feel like I need to educate myself on the proper maintenance of my pens, the best papers to use for the different types, what inks are preferable, which nibs are better (fine, medium, broad), etc. I look forward to conversing with you on these and other topics.

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