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  1. EDIT: AFTER SOME TESTING, THIS PAPER RESPONDS TO FOUNTAIN INK THE SAME AS WALMART COPY PAPER (GEORGIA PACIFIC) This is the same paper I saw the Baystate Blue tested on and thus means I may get this ink for the blue) STILL EDIT: Contrary to what I typed in this post, I care more about fading and bleed-through than water resistance (though that would be nice) Bleed-through being my major requirement. Hello- I'm wondering if anyone knows of any inks that are surefire to behave and not feather and bleed-through the cheap toner paper that are common in highschools. NOTE: i AM TRYING TO AVOID A CLUTTERED POST SO I APOLOGIZE IF THIS LOOKS A LITTLE RUDE...it's also 1:00 in the morning and I am brain dead...OH look! a fly! ~Fly away little buzzy~ I will fix this tomorrow and probably make it half length... I just pulled out a sheet from last year and noticed that it's like a sponge to my Noodler's Heart of Darkness (Which I regret getting and I believe also was contaminated by my well water...go figure...last time I dilute) I know that different colors may behave differently within a brand. So I am very well willing to look at more Noodler's inks. Info on specifics: Paper: W.B.Mason Toner paper Pen: Lamy F nib pen Pens I plan to get in the future -Kaweco Sport Classic; Noodler's nib creeper flex. >> I use about 1oz+ of ink per month...and It might get higher as I start school...(omg) (Noodler's 4.5oz is over a quarter gone) Brands I was looking into: Noodler's -I prefer the 3oz as it is cheaper in general but I may look into getting another 4.5 Lamy -Came with my pen and I like the blue :)c Pelikan (4001) Private Reserve -I've read bad things about this brand so I don't really look at this brand...I may take post regarding these with much less than a grain of salt. Waterman I chose these brands as they appear to be some of the lowest cost ones... Colors: Mainly Black, Blue, and red but I was looking as others as possibilities...except blue-black -------------------- I want to use these inks For school use AND for drawing as I don't really get why people use separate inks for both- I am simply looking for inks that generally don't fade much over long times and are still visible after getting wet(smearing is okay as long as the ink doesn't get totally obliterated...but this is not my priority as I won't be erasing this ink.) <- I don't need to erase the ink. Uh...It seems the Lamy and Pelikan blues are made to be eradicated...they don't seems to mind Alcohol based markers though...(sharpies and the like)...I guess the black doesn't do this as much? I was looking at Lamy because I have used it and I like it's flow and I was already familiar with the blue...I have yet to smear it so that's nice. ...I read ONCE that it fades yellow in about a year(the black) I read that Pelikan 4001 was about the same, but it is slightly more prone to feather? I guess that Waterman inks are just Waterman...A bit wetter...but I fear that it would feather more due to the higher degree of ink that would be laid down...There red looks good and I read that the ink had a glossy look? And then Noodler's... the HoD was like a water fall...but I read that the plain black is nice. I was looking at these inks: X-feather -For obvious reasons Black -apparently the normal black behaves well with cheaper papers? Blue (If only there was a n-feather like blue...jk) Bay State Blue ...I saw this stuff used on cheap walmart printer paper on a video...while not toner paper...it was nice. ________________________________ I am asking on what those who read this have to say...I'm in a little of a rut...I DON'T want to head about other brands as I want to try to stay cheap...I use a lot of ink it seems...I do sometimes color my drawings with sharpie markers to get in some vague stuff and it seems that the Lamy ink doesn't mind too much...It is something to consider I suppose... I'm not going to get every ink know to dolphins of course but I just need a few necessary colors. THANK YOU! (and I will thank you again afterwards too Cx ) Now if you excuse me... I'm going to go pass out for the night...morning...-face desk-

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