Hi all, I've recently taken possession of a mint/near-mint black visulated Parker Vacumatic, dated 3rd quarter of 1946. While it doesn't any longer have the two stickers on the cap, it still has the remaining circular residue. I attempted to use cold water and a bit of microfibre cloth to get it off, but it's pretty damn stubborn. I've done a search of the forums and have tried heating it (very gently!) with a hairdryer, but I didn't dare push any further lest the whole cap light up in my face. Rather stupidly, I tried a very light localised application of WD-40, before realising that it was most likely definitely a bad idea, then proceeded to soak the cap briefly and wash off any residue. At this stage, am I correct in thinking that the best way to proceed is with some lighter fluid? I noticed a lot of support for naptha, but I think naptha is a North American term, and insofar as I know, we in Australia don't have any sort of direct equivalent. I think Shellite would be the closest. I'm guessing if all else fails, I'll need to proceed with micromesh + microgloss!