Dear FPN, though reading the forum for quite some time, it is only my current situation that leads to finally subscribe. But before I go on, please allow me to introduce myself. I started writing with a LAMY when I was a little kid. Over the years I sadly forgot to use my Safari and ended up using roller balls. And then, after finishing my studies and to celebrate my first job I got a Meisterstück Classique with the more or less standard m nib. This pen was used since that time for all important writing. Later I passed it on to my sister. She took it with her to Greece where she wrote down whatever she was able to find out about our families history. The very same moment I myself got an Mark Twain. Later I started a collection adding the Collodi, Swift and Balzac as well as lately the Unicec LeGrand. You see the virus does its job. So today I am already planing on what's next. I am torn between quite different pens. The Sforza, the L'Aubrac and the Heritage. So by just knowing this little of me... What would be your personal choice and why? cheers, simme