Hello pen friends, I have a problem with my Pilot Metro. A while ago I dropped my Metro, (just thinking about it makes me cringe). After that I noticed that every time I wrote with it I had a little bit of ink on my hand. Upon more close inspection I noticed a very little crack on the section. I cleaned the pen and try to force water with a bulb syringe and as I suspected, a little drops of water were coming out of the section. Somewhere on the internet I found that clear nail polish was a good way of sealing this kind of cracks. I tried it and it work for a while, maybe two months. But recently I started to get ink on my fingers again, so I tried it again with the nail polish, but this time it looks like the ink is getting through the layer of nail polish. My question is: Is there a better way to seal this little crack on the plastic section of my Pilot Metropolitan? The pen is one of my greatest treasures and I don't have money to buy another pen. Also because where I live, it is really hard to get especialized fountain pen repair kits so, I would prefer something that you can get more easily. Thank you in advance.