I can't tell you what it is, but I like it. Even starting a bit hard and drying slow enough to semi-fail the Southpaw Test. Thanks again to Inky En-Abe-Lawyer amberleadavis for the PIF. This will be very nice to sketch and water-wash with. http://extras.ourpatioparty.com/files/8815/8992/5440/Mystery_Ink_BC_001-640p.jpg The chromas seem to break into yellowy, peachy, rusty shades. Paper towel chroma, name brand towel http://extras.ourpatioparty.com/files/2715/8992/5440/Mystery_Ink_B_Chroma_001-640p.jpg Paper towel chroma, cheap towel http://extras.ourpatioparty.com/files/6315/8992/5441/Mystery_Ink_C_Chroma_001-640p.jpg