Hello all. Even thought I really only use rotring mechanical pencils I keep finding my way to this site so, I decided create an account here. I recently decided to try my hand at a fountain pen. I wanted a rotring 600 fountain pen (I want rotring everything really, I might have a problem) but I didn't want to drop hundreds on something I might not like. So, I got some random cheap rotring Newton off eBay (not the nice 600 style fountain pen minus the knurling Newton but the newer uglier Newton). Unfortunately, the seller failed to mention the fact that the nib was damaged and the pen did not write. Ebay decided that the seller was in the wrong and they refunded my money and let me keep the pen (win win...I guess). Now I need to find a nib for this Newton fountain pen. I can't find any info on where to get one though. I would like to get this thing writing just to try my hand at a new tool. If anyone has some info I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for tolerating the sleep deprived ramblings of a mechanical pencil loving man. here is the pen I bought http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rotring-fountain-pen-/263026192705?hash=item3d3d953141:g:vIMAAOSwwzhZOMp2