Just a couple of days ago, I missed out on a very good deal. It's a fountain pen version of the Rotring 600, that in itself is something to look out for, but this one seems particularly interesting. The pictures aren't really clear, and the lighting could be much better, but this seems to be a silver version with black trim? A silver barrel with black ends and section. Something I've never seen before. Upon closer inspection, the Rotring logo is colored black as well, and it's missing it's characteristic red ring? My best guess is that it's a very worn down black one, or perhaps intentionally polished to remove the black paint? But maybe there is such color combination out there? Does anyone know? http://rabingosal.com/archive/Rotring_600_black_trim.jpg Whichever it is, misssing out on a $15 Rotring 600 fountain pen is still makes for a sad day...