A few points first: I'm one of those neurotic types that fills online shopping carts only to obsess and agonize about it for days before finally pulling the trigger. Or deleting the whole order, lol. Also, I tend to read a ton of reviews. Finally, I appreciate asking any questions of this nature will elicit a wide range of responses and YMMV type warnings. But not asking is just no fun at all So, I have a bunch of inks I've been stalking online and trying to decide which to prudently order as samples and which to just go whole hog and get the bottle. I've not tried any of these yet. Which would you get as full bottles and which as samples? Rohrer & Klingner Alt Gold-grunRohrer & Klingner Leipziger SchwartzRohrer & Klingner VerdigrisJ Herbin - Perle NoireJ Herbin - Poussiere de LuneNoodler's - Zhivago