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  1. A number of Platinum Curidas fountain pens on Amazon for under $50. Most notably the Urban Green one with Fine nib for $37: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08443VTWW Not the most popular pens, I know, but at less than half retail it's an opportunity, if you want to scratch that itch on the cheap.
  2. Platinum Curidas LE Matte Black circa 2023 Here is a lazy review to match a lazy redux. The new 2023 Platinum Curidas is a ... wait for it... Curidas in a new suit or dress, if you prefer. If you liked the previous PMMA clear crystal pen housing that unique quick push to deploy smooth writing experience, you'll probably like this one too! Past review still holds sans broken feed QC issues. So now that we got that out of the way, a Curidas is a Curidas is a Curidas What's different? 🤔 Body: You like the feel of matte slick smooth rubber? Hard to describe but definitely preferred over the clear plastic shell. Feels like seal-healing if I poked it with a pin. Length is the same (left to right: Procyon, Curidas LE, Curidas ye olde) Any differences other than furniture? Spring looks shinier maybe oxidation from age or new parts supplier? Note the nib unit with the converter is the new LE version loaded with Pilot Black Clip: cannot confirm if it is plastic coated metal or just plastic, looks like is is removable but I keep mine on. Nibs: restricted to F or M but since it's a Curidas, swap with old clear versions for an EF. I chose Fine and it also writes smoothly in reverse. NO CRACKED FEED ! I think Platinum is probably hyper vigilant with quality control given the previous incidents with feeds. Is it worth it? Since it is 2023, here's what large language model Bardy Bard has to say about... Prompt: What's new with Platinum Curidas? (human edits) Platinum Curidas is a retractable fountain pen that was first released in 2020. (TRUE!) It has been well-received by fountain pen enthusiasts (EH?), and in 2023, Platinum released three new matte finishes for the Curidas: Matte Blue, Matte Black, and Matte Red. (Yep!) These new pens are sold as a set that includes the pen, a converter, a cartridge of ink, and a bottle of Platinum Aurora Blue Mix-Free Ink. (too lazy to shoot these accessories, think pen + extras = the $96 USD asking price) In addition to the new matte finishes, Platinum has also made some minor improvements to the Curidas. (darn straight!) The clip is now slightly larger and more comfortable to use (uh, you'll need a micrometer to see a difference), and the inner cap has been redesigned to prevent ink from leaking. (I can't see it) The Platinum Curidas is a great choice for anyone who wants a reliable and stylish retractable fountain pen. (YES!) The new matte finishes offer a more modern look, and the minor improvements make the pen even more comfortable to use. (smooth and silky, is it worth the extra? only if you like the original Curidas) Here is a summary of the new features of the Platinum Curidas: Three new matte finishes: Matte Blue, Matte Black, and Matte Red Larger and more comfortable clip (no clip difference) Redesigned inner cap to prevent ink leakage (unable to dissect) The Platinum Curidas is a limited edition pen, so if you're interested in getting one, I recommend acting soon. (AI is becoming sentient or this large language model probably been scraping again) Finally this PSA from Luxury Brands via PenChalet: Keep the spring on! Lest be bent or lost
  3. I picked these Tombow AirPress ballpoint pens up, as a novelty, recently for roughly AUD 5.40 each‡. The writing instrument's technical design is pretty clever. Instead of using refills that are pressurised during manufacture, like those used in the Fisher Space Pen, the Tombow AirPress ballpoint pen leverages the force applied by the user on the ‘knock’ mechanism that deploys the retractable pen tip, to pressurise the ink chamber on the fly. Filled with an oil-based ink, this product promises (on its retail packaging, marketing images, etc.) to allow rapid writing, write even on wet paper and/or when the page is unsupported from below or when the writing surface is vertical. I just tried writing an entire English paragraph — in a cursive hand, as well as my other, normal handwriting style — on a notebook that I held up with the page facing down, and the pen's tip pointing up, and this pen proved up to the task. The product comes in a variety of colours, and even has a demonstrator version as well as a ‘stealth-look’ version. The barrels on the opaque models are rubbery, and are possibly apt to deteriorate and become tacky to the touch in several years' time. (I'm not sure about the material of the clear barrel, since I haven't opened it yet.) As for the pen's writing output, at first I was apprehensive that the stated, nominal 0.7mm line width would be too wide for my preferences in any sort of everyday application of putting pen to paper. However, the pen actually proved to write as finely as a Japanese EF nib, in fountain pen terms; and it can probably do so in a damn Moleskine notebooks, without being subject to the pitfalls of feathering, etc. All in all, a satisfying purchase for the price, something that could just be tossed into a knapsack as a just-in-case writing instrument and not worry about the jostling or rough and tumble to which it'd be subjected. ‡ Including incremental delivery charges, but not any apportioned international shipping ‘flagfall’ charge for the order, from Amazon Japan.
  4. Hi all, It's my first visit to the forum. I hope someone can help me. I have a Montblanc Noir et Noir retractable fountain that has become rather intractably jammed! I've included some pics to try to illustrate. The nib can still be extended and retracted smoothly by twisting the cap at the barrel. The problem is that when I unscrew the cap from the end to replace it at the nib, the end piece (that clever little flip top that releases the cartridge) remains threaded in the cap. And having the end piece embedded in there makes the cap too narrow to screw onto the barrel and protect the nib. Does anyone have experience with this kind of issue? I would appreciate any kind advice. I love this pen, high-maintenance or no. Thanks kindly. Teresa
  5. Everyone knows the Pilot capless/vanishing point. But there actually seem to be quite a few fountain pen models that are capless or that have retractable nibs. Depending on the design, they can be very useful, and I find the concept of a disappearing nib aesthetically appealing (though the prices are often eye-watering). The aim of this post is therefore to start a reference list of modern capless/retractable models. Here is a first draft (many debts to FPN posts). I am by no means an expert on this class of pen: please correct and/or add, as appropriate. EDIT: Following initial comments, I have completely changed the way I present the data, in the interest of providing a more useful tool (and have added some additional comment). The rest of this post has therefore been completely re-written. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the table to render as a table, so it's actually a screen-shot I do like eyedroppers for their simplicity and ink capacity. But for the most part, safety pens are something of a footnote in this list. This is for two reasons. First, for a capless/retractable, I'm most interested in mess-free ease-of-use. It's my understanding that traditional safety pens are essentially open eyedroppers - creating a risk of covering yourself with ink if you absent-mindedly upend the pen before extending the nib (see David Nishimura's useful article on safety pens). Second, if the cork seal is damaged, then your bag/shirt gets an ink bath. It seems likely that the seal on a 1920 safety pen will need replacing before it can be used, and whilst I'd love to develop my abilities further over time, I don't have the skill right now to restore a safety pen. For these reasons, I am most interested in more modern pens, which typically means pens that aren't eyedroppers (though of course there are always exceptions, such as the Aurora Nobile). I am also not including one-off or extremely rare pens (e.g., these wonderful pens, which Dillo points to in the 3rd comment, below), on the grounds that such pens do not represent recognisable models. That all said, I'm by no means an expert in this area - in fact, I'm still fairly new to the subject overall - and in my ignorance I might miss something or mislabel a pen. If that happens, please just reproduce and correct the table. And as Venemo says, pictures would be nice.
  6. I have a a retractable ball point pen that a dear friend gifted me for Christmas a couple of years ago. He recently passed away so this pen is quite special. It is a Vera Bradly pen and I replaced the original refill with a Schneider Slider 755 XB. This issue is that once the pen is extended, pressing too hard or laying the pen down more than gently causes the pen refill to retract. It does not retract fully. If I drop the pen on my desk at a height of merely 1" the refill will retract. The point of the pen is still barely visible out of the tip of the pen thus I have to click the top twice to get it to extend again. I am not in the habit of throwing my pens around especially this one but it happens enough to make it a bit annoying. Please note that is was doing this with the original generic refill that came loaded in the pen. Any idea what I can try? I was thinking that maybe the part of the pen that causes the refill to retract is not seating properly. Perhaps it needs adjusted or modified somehow. Thanks for listening!
  7. Cut to the chase: Cult classic cuick click! C'mon YetAnotherCuridasPenReview (YACPR ) on some glorified pushy Preppy! Haven't we heard the last word from... Megathread Started by Olya the stellar 高畑正幸https://youtu.be/3x4uIQ2ZZnEinky.rocks https://youtu.be/SCfzXNQ511salanlight https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/353361-video-platinum-curidas/Tas https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/352260-a-brief-rambling-on-the-platinum-curidas/Inkdependence https://youtu.be/-sPjG_PzoCkFigboot https://youtu.be/06dYAhs8JLQCarrots and Olives https://youtu.be/ucMpFMKjH-0Just Scribble https://youtu.be/anAw8IVqQf4and so many others...!Yes, yes but this is indeed YACPR of this polarizing fugly VP wannabe because you're Curidas curious staying at home crunching on chips. What else you're gonna do, fiddle with your fountain pens? During these hunker down times, I've gotten some intimacy with the curious Curidas. States delivery hit retail right during Covid and that memory will be forever tied to the pen. It's here and it's good, not FP underground elite subculture skewed good, but bridge to mainstream good. I almost broke it after unboxing, getting the fiddy bits locked up and trap door stuck. But after RTFM, all was right as rain. Then I dropped it, twice. It's tough, like a toy. That's a good thing. Kudos to Platinum for breaking out of shell and putting something unexpected and modern. It seems like a gamble. The long knock, candy childish demo launch colors, price discount grumblings, do not make for a smooth worldwide debut. Over and over, I kept wondering, why. Why does this exist? Why are you reading this stupid review? What was the marketing team thinking? We already have daily retractions... Pilot Capless rulez...? The Chinese have the candy plastic, hommage-copy-cough-cough lower end. And there's Lamy - Safari, just pick a color. And all manner of assorted flotsam and jetsam that spits ink decently. What does Curidas bring to the table? Click, click, click...start of the modern fountain? At the cost of a Pilot VP refill nib, my guess is this is a smart but calculated bridge to the mainstream, not fountain pen freaks. Think Traveler Notebookin, BuJo, Hobonichy, Muji, ROTERFADEN TASCHENBEGLEITER (let's say that again ROTERFADEN TASCHENBEGLEITER), scrapbooking, IG portfolio spreadin koolkids fanbase. What's like a pen but not a 'fountain pen'? Easy to use, and just does the job.A daily workhorse that works straight out of the box, doesn't lose a cap, pretty sturdy for the rigors of EDC...Curidas is just like those cheap ballpoints but its not. It's one of those pens that grows on you; the more I try, the more I like. I like the weight and the balance, surprisingly as girth and length do detract report the threads.Quick positive resounding satisfying ADHD deployment, not as mushy like VPI can drop it and not cryConverters, cartridges, 3776, Nakaya, oh my! Good standardization, interoperabilityIt's a pen! that happens to be a fountain pen! Room for improvement: Deployment single handed is cumbersome because you guessed it, the knock pusher is so long, the ops are knock with thumb then grippy idle hand down to grip. Unlike the VP where it seems like the right length.Front business end plastic is so thin, running your finger over it is like nails on a chalkboard. It feels like a nose dive would crack it for sure. Black nib holder is kinda fragile and it was hard to mate with converterUndernub, just say no to undernub - you can't choke up the grip but must ride along side the clip so as not to chafe the middle finger. But Curidas can go for long sessions, untiringly, just like Pilot Capless The skeuomorphic steampunky reminiscent design would salute H. R. Giger if they had came out in smooth glossy black. I'm waiting. I think if the launch goes well despite the economic pandemic downturn, Platinum can iterate like it's 1965 again, OK!
  8. truphae_inc

    Pilot Namiki Vanishing Point

    I can't get enough of this Namiki Vanishing Point!! Do you guys like the more intricate designs in Namikis such as this, or prefer the solid colors?? This one is probably my favorite by far. Feel free to vote in the poll above!
  9. Another weekend find. Again I found a box of pens, took a look, and was convinced the box had nothing in it of interest to me, just Pentel gel pens and pencils. But as so often, a bit of rootling found something interesting. I thought this was a very odd find; from the outside this looks a very 1980s-ish pen, but when I open it up, it's practically a safety pen! It's not an eyedropper though - there appears to be room for a cartridge inside - and it's much, much heavier than any of my BHR safeties. http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/amk-fpn/harleype.jpg Well, it's a Harley Davidson*, 'Spirit' retractable. It's engineered quite nicely - the twist action propels the nib out, and the clip is flush with the cap but springs out when you push down on the cap top. I particularly like the knurled edge to the cap. The blue is quite metallic. http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/amk-fpn/harleypen2.jpg 'HD Spirit' and a number are engraved rather nicely on the cap, while the body has a 'Harley Davidson' cartouche in black metal. I rather like the nib. It's quite plain, with vertical stripes and a wide 'gold' border, and no breather hole - quite good looking. I haven't cleaned it up and tried the pen yet. http://i1058.photobucket.com/albums/t411/amk-fpn/harley1.jpg The only thing wrong with this pen, from my point of view, is that it's too heavy. (A bit like the bikes...) But otherwise, I'm quite impressed with it. I wish I knew more about it; I know Waterman made a Harley-branded Kultur and a sort of 'spark plug' pen, but did they make this one as well?
  10. The tryst with fountain pens never ends. To add one of the heavier retractable ones in my collection, I had two choices - Fermo or a Dialog 3. And I went with the dialog 3 . Here goes a review for the same. I have also replicated the content with some additional pictures in my blog as the image upload size is limited by this free photo-sharing tool and it re-sizes images to a thumbnail size after a short while. Below is a link to the same: LAMY Dialog 3 Review Motivation A collection of fountain pens is never complete without the retractable ones in your armoury. And the ones which immediately strike an already covetous mind, are of course the Pilots (VPs, decimos and the fermos). Then there are pens like lamy dialog, visconti pininfarina among a few others each with a relatively small sized non-hooded nib. Somehow, the idea of yet another hooded nib became quite less appealing, when I saw the dialog 3. I knew it was quite a heavy pen of the capless clan, and so was the fermo. The Dialog 3 was launched by Lamy back in 2009 designed by one of the contemporary designers, Franco Clivio. The Lamy Pico is another pen by the same Swiss designer. As per LAMY, Franco innovates with basic shapes – circle, square and triangle foregoing anything superfluous in the process to achieve technical necessity. As you would have already discovered, there is no dialog 1 or 2 in fountain pens. Dialog 1 refers to a ball-point pen whereas Dialog 2 is a roller-ball pen, and they belong to different designers. Presentation (6/6) How do you ensure minimalism with luxury? By establishing extravagance incrementally in little steps. A paper sleeve encases a much more attractive black cardboard box etched with the LAMY logo. With the usual papers and a cartridge outside, a thin sheer cloth then encloses a beautifully polished gift box made out beech wood, with a magnetic closure. http://s25.postimg.org/q3eu0za5r/d3_001.jpg http://s25.postimg.org/ml2u4l99r/d3_003.jpg The beauty of the beech-wood box is that it’s alluringly small enough to slip inside your pocket, the pen still dreaming inside with a soft cushion under her head. PS: It could be heavier than your cellphone with the pen inside. http://s25.postimg.org/67iulft4f/d3_004.jpg Design (6/6) A twist-action fountain pen with an advanced design, it comes with two variants – matte-black and palladium finish, with six nib sizes – EF, F, M, OM, B & OB. The silvery palladium finish with chrome polished clip reflects its immediate environmental colours. An etched pair of parallel lines running along the barrel & grip pieces represent the final nib retraction point, when in sync. LAMY is etched between the lines at the end of the barrel. Half-a-twist clockwise from the barrel top-end will open a ball-valve at the nib end of the grip and the nib extends to a click-stop, keeping the pair of parallel lines at diametrically opposite ends. Anticlockwise, post the parallel sync, the barrel can be unscrewed from the grip+clip section, to take out the nib + filling system. There might be an odd slippage in the twist mechanism, but once I tightened the barrel and grip section, it did not occur again. Simply Elegant! http://s25.postimg.org/n0e3xlv73/d3_006.jpg A chrome ball-valve at the nib-end of the grip section protects the nib from damage of dust and drying-out, acting in sync with the twist-mechanism. Secondly, the clip lifts and rescinds with the twist to either facilitate an easier grip or enable clipping it on your pocket. http://s25.postimg.org/ux36jkw1b/lamyd3mech.jpg From the aesthetics of design, the dialog 3 is really majestic. Filling System (6/6) The sum of parts for me is greater than a whole. It’s fun taking the pen apart, because it’s meant to. Once the barrel is unscrewed anticlockwise beyond the synced parallel lines, it separates out to reveal the nib & fill system. The nib/fill system can be unscrewed anticlockwise from the grip section. You will find a standard Z26 converter fitted into the nib section. Again like the 2000, the design elements are so fluidic in both nature and function. The standard capacity is around 0.7-0.8 ml for the Z26 converter as per FPN reviews. http://s25.postimg.org/pcqp8xx67/d3_007.jpg Once you fill her up, you can put the pen together and then there is of course the wow moment. Nib (6/6) – All that matters The 14k two-tone nib comes in four standard sizes (EF, F, M, and two special sizes (OM and OB). Elegantly, designed although in a modern fashion, the white rhodium decor occupies the tines and the tail parts of the nib, while a golden streak runs from the breather hole and diverges itself at the tip end of the nib. Embossed near the tail end are the usual specs of nib size (F), content - 14k-58.5% and of course the LAMY logo. http://s25.postimg.org/52tdtsw1b/d3_009.jpg One thing I did observe, is the difference between the tipping sizes of 14k-fine nibs of lamy - a lamy 2000-F in this case, which is in my current rotation. Though, the 2000 had its nib replaced with a somewhat older-service stock of Fine nibs, you can clearly see the difference between their tipping sizes, even without using a loupe. I am also told that a recent lamy 2000 fine nib may have a similar tip. FPNer maverink can confirm this, since we had bought the pens quite recently (an he went with an F). Physics of it (4/6) – relatively speaking A cylindrical body with a 1.3 cm diameter having around 50 grams of weight, might seem to be a somewhat heavy proposition to wield it as a pen, rather than a weapon. The length of the fully extended pen is similar to a posted MB146. Taking these into account, this pen might not be comfortable for extended writing sessions. However, as far as short note taking sessions or signatures are concerned, believe me it could be a dream to write with. The illusive weight, the copious flow and the buttery nib will ensure a silky glider. Retracted Length ~ 13.8 cmExtended Length ~ 15.7 cmNib Leverage ~ 1.8 cmWeight ~ 50 g http://s25.postimg.org/pkec5g84v/lamyd3compare.jpg Economic Value(4/6) With a street price of USD 250-260, it falls right into a category where you would probably think thrice or may be more, before buying the pen. There is always some discount running on MRP of USD 385 in local stores, which brings the price closer to the street price. Overall (5.3/6) A flawlessly efficient pen as far as the vital parts of the pen are concerned. It has never skipped and all the twist mechanisms operate with a firm intent of functioning. The d3 fine nib is a stiff one and it lays a broader line than a 2000-fine. A wet and intense line, it gives the paper 15 secs, to dry itself, each time it writes. Line variation between horizontal and vertical strokes seems non-existent. A pen to go for if you wish to have a retractable one with one of the smoothest nibs http://s25.postimg.org/9pzfvkje7/d3_0145.jpg I hope you enjoyed the review. Thank you for your time. Best, Sonik
  11. So, I got this retractable Victorian dip pen today. It's my first dip pen. It writes nicely and I am enjoying it. I was told this was made in late 1800's or early 1900's, but I don't have any other information. I appreciate it if you could help me identify this pen
  12. Wondering if anyone has information on where to send an almost 20 year old Waterman Ball Pen for repair. This pen is very special, given to me as a gift and heavily used (as you can tell from the picture). I believe this is a Waterman Hemisphere Ball Pen (Model 22002W?), not a 100% sure... The twisting mechanism is broke, it no longer twists (almost as if the inner tube snapped off from the main tube). Thanks Craig
  13. Oortael

    Old Retractable Pen

    Hi all, First in wanted to thank you for the great advice I found in this forum when I purchased my new Montblanc 146P. As I’m new here I not sure if this fits in this section of the forum but I’ll give it a try. Unfortunately the reason for the new pen was the broken clip on my old ball pen. I got this one form my grandfather many years ago and it did great service to me. I hope you can help me to identify the type of this Montblanc pen. It is a retractable pen which button was integrated in the clip. Thank you a lot Stefan
  14. Hello; I'm looking for help identifying a pen (or maybe pencil) that would have been available in Germany in 1922. To explain the setup: The other day I was watching Dr Mabuse, der Spieler, a 1922 silent film, when I noticed something very odd - in order to write down his address, a character pulls a pen out of his pocket and clicks it to start writing. Before putting it away he clicks it again, maybe pushing the point against the table. You can see the scene here. Based on the way he pushes the pen against the table before he puts it away, it looks like it's a mechanical pencil and he's pushing the lead back in, but right after the scene they show the note, which definitely looks like it was written by a fountain pen: http://i.imgur.com/l52Wyji.jpg Of course since it's a movie they probably don't show the actual note he wrote during the scene, but it also seems strange they'd use a different kind of writing tool altogether. Now I'm no expert on the history of pens and pencils, but I think some people here are, which is why I want to ask - what sort of pen or pencil could he be using? So far as I've been able to find out, 1. Clicky ballpoints weren't invented until ~1950, so that's out 2. Mechanical pencils had been around, but I haven't found a clicky model earlier than the 1936 Eversharp Repeater. I'm not sure how to tell from descriptions which pencils would include the ability to return the lead as he seems to do at the end of the video. 3. For retracting fountain pens, excluding safeties, the oldest models I can find would be the Pilot (1964), the Asterope (1934), the Meteore Pullman (1932), and the mysterious "Capless" Japanese fountain pens from the 1920s (see here). All except for possibly the "Capless" are too late, and it's not clear those have the right action anyway. 4. I've never handled a "safety" fountain pen, but it looks like most of them need their cap to be removed and then twisted to use, which doesn't line up with the video at all. Based on the above my best guess is it's some kind of mechanical pencil I haven't been able to find a record of, but I'm really not sure. If anyone has any information or theories they could provide, the assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Alexcat

    Mb Boheme....start Problems

    Recently got a Boheme; wondering if Im doing/not doing something properly. The cap flips up, cartridge goes in, twist to bring down nib.....but it is very difficult - nigh on impossible - to get to start at all, let alone consistently. Any words of wisdom? Alex
  16. As of today, I am now a proud owner of a shiny, new Lamy Dialog 3 in Palladium with a broad nib. As it is somewhat debated on whether this pen is really worth the price tag or not, I figured a first impressions review was in order. Initial Impression, Taking the pen out for the first time... The packaging for the pen was really quite simple - a white, cardboard sleeve over a simple two-piece box. However, once you slide off the sleeve and open the box, you're greeted with a cartridge, and papers, which for me, masked the actual pen case. Removing the peripherals such as a stamped warranty card from Bromfield Pen Show (no affiliation, but really great folks there), reveals the simple, understated pen case. My first thoughts really were, ooh, can I put glasses in this case? Sadly, no, as it's a bit too thin. ...Of course, now comes the pen itself. The Pen... Upon taking it out of the case, the first thing I thought was heavy. Oof! 35 grams? This thing weighs a boatload in the hand, when you're not using it at least. However, once I settled into my normal writing position, I immediately thought to myself, 'wait, where did the weight go?!' The reason for this is the balance - the D3 is definitely a pen that balances towards the front, moreso than the unposted Lamy 2000. The retractable mechanism, I find is slightly...Rough, but to a point it makes you feel like you're operating something mechanical, not electrical. It's very reminiscent of...Oh, say, a well maintained bike, for me, at least. There's always some slight friction to it, but, if maintained and made well, you always get a sense of quality and reliability each time you use it. It's the same here, a rough, mechanical charm to it. And yes, it has an o-ring on the back barrel, which I supposed is to help with sealing issues. Not that I've run into any. While some people might find it an ugly pen, I personally found it quite refreshing to look at in the face of all of my vintage examples - it stands for something new, modern, and elegant without being obtrusive about it. And I haven't even gotten to the nib yet. The Nib The nib is Lamy's 'standard' 14k nib that you'll find on all models starting from the Studio Palladium and up, with exception to the Lamy 2000 and many vintage Lamys. That said however, mine, a 14k broad, is a soft, springy beast that writes a lovely wet line. No tuning or smoothing was needed out of the box. Of course, it's now inked up, writing well with some DC Supershow Blue. Of which I'm running low on, but that's besides the point. If you're wondering about dry-out at this point...Well, I'll have to get back to you on that. I did just get this pen, after all. Filling Simple. A very well hidden cartridge/converter system, proprietary to Lamy. That said, it does seem a little limited, so, I'm tempted to try to find a vintage Parker converter to try to cram that in, considering their slightly increased capacity and compatibility. Parker and Lamy converters can be used both ways, in my experience. That said, the converter does exhibit some slight resistance to turning, but not much. I may recoat the piston with some 100% pure silicone grease again, at some point. Cost Overall, the pen cost me a grand total of $335 after tax. While yes, I'm aware that online, it can be had for much less, I wanted to support my local pen store and also have a place where I could easily get service, if needed. For the price, I certainly feel that it was very worthwhile. The pen certain feels like it was fully worth the value, and writes like a pen of this price range should - smoothly and reliably. I'll be adding a writing sample later, but these are my first impressions of the one pen I've wanted for this year. Edit: Here's some more comparison photos, next to some well known pens. All torpedo tubes loaded, sir... Torpedoes armed! So much 14k gold...With two exceptions. And of course, a writing sample. Something tells me working retail and then trying to write in an exhausted state isn't the best idea, but...Oh well? Paper is standard Clairefontaine notebook paper. 90 grams/sq metre, lined paper. Transcript of small sample: As the demon sleeps, man turns on man His own blood and madness soon cover the earth From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light -the Legend of Razgriz, from a certain fairy tale.
  17. I'm new to fountain pens, but I'm very interested in the Pilot Vanishing point, but the price is a bit high for this early on in my interest in this hobby. So I am looking for alternates, but all I've seen is the even more expensive Lamy Dialogue 3. Is there a reason these aren't common?
  18. Just looking for some info about this dip pen my grandmother gave me a while back. I was going to use it for drawing lettering for fun. I know its an Aikin and Lambert no6 Pen. The number 6 is on both the pen and the nib. Thank you for reading my post and I hope to see some informative replies. Marcus http://i.imgur.com/TQNXxQR.jpg http://i.imgur.com/igrRiKj.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/yOOYbuJ.jpg

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