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Found 16 results

  1. Gutbucketeer

    Nib Sheath On Vintage Pen

    I've never seen a sheath around a nib before. Is this common practice when putting a replacement Nib on a vintage pen? What is used for the sheath? It could be part of a sac, or some heat shrink material. What are the pros and cons? Does the sheath impact the ink flow? When you do this can the sheath be trimmed back a little to show more of the nib? I got a majestic pen out of a junk box at the DC pen show. It is really cool black stripes over purple marble. However, it seems to have a replacement nib with a rubber sheath around it. Without the sheath the feed doesn't fit the pen. See the picture. The nib has and engraved oval with CHJ or CHI 14k in it. What type of nib is this? BTW. 8 fixer upper pens for $50. Four had gold nibs (Wing-Flow 3 and 4s). The Majestic, Two Esterbrook Js, An Epenco, A Parkette, A nameless bulb filler, and a nameless not sure of the filling system. I'm having fun. This was also posted in Nib and tines which seemed to be the wrong place.
  2. Dear Forum, I hope this finds you well. I have bought a Montblanc 320P With a original Steel-Goldplated nib , wich I want to replace….but there is a problem… I can’t finde replacement nibs ? Or almost none ? So this makes me question, where can I buy replacement nibs ? (I live in Germany, so most us sellers don’t sell to me ) I have wondered , if I could use nibs from other pens , like the Montblanc Carrera or from another brand …but here I need your help. i know somebody here for sure knows something about this problem or can help me… ( I sorry , but sadly I am not a native speaker, if there are any questions, pls ask and I am going to answer them , I really need help )
  3. I've learned that LAMY pens are tested at the factory as part of the quality control, but are the replacement nibs also tested at the factory? I'm a little bit concerned by the recurring theme of scratchy or non-functional replacement nibs in the 1 and 2 star reviews of the LAMY replacement nibs at Goulet Pens: https://www.gouletpens.com/collections/lamy-nibs/products/lamy-steel-nib-silver Or are all the "bad" nibs just clustered on a set of production years and it has gotten better since then?
  4. Gutbucketeer

    Nib Sheath On A Majestic Pen

    I got a majestic pen out of a junk box at the DC pen show. It is really cool black stripes over purple marble. However, it seems to have a replacement nib with a rubber sheath around it. Without the sheath the feed doesn't fit the pen. See the picture. The nib has and engraved oval with CHJ or CHI 14k in it. What type of nib is this? So my questions are: is this a common practice when putting replacement nibs in vintage pens, and what is used for the sheath? It could be part of a sac, or some heat shrink material. Does the sheath impact the ink flow? When you do this can the sheath be trimmed back a little to show more of the nib? BTW. 8 fixer upper pens for $50. Four had gold nibs (Wing-Flow 3 and 4s). The Majestic, Two Esterbrook Js, An Epenco, A Parkette, A nameless bulb filler, and a nameless not sure of the filling system. I'm having fun.
  5. I have a Waterman Saga that I got about 37 years ago. It was my first fountain pen and I received it from my parents when I was nine years old. I have tried to clean the nib and use it but it is very scratchy when it writes at all. Does anyone know where I could get a replacement nib from? Or how I could get the nib I have to work again? Cheers, Elliot
  6. I dropped my pen and transformed my nib (EF) into a crecent shaped mess. I repaired it to a functioning state again, but it's just not the same. There's a slight grind that I can't get rid of. This is a pen that now carries tremendous sentimental value (90%+ graduate exams taken with it, children's birth papers, etc. - I used it for everything!). Yes, I've contacted Lamy and will wait on their verdict. No, I haven't taken it to someone more adept than myself to work on it. Yes, I've scoured the internet for a replacement and found old posts related to the subject (most from 5+ years ago with dead links). Does anyone know where I might be able to find a nib that will work on L2K??? Thanks for your help, Damon
  7. Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knew where I can buy spare nib units for a Visconti Homo-Sapiens Bronze (so the large size dreamtouch dual-tone nibs)? Thanks in advance
  8. Mizta Nice

    Cross C-Series Nib Failure, Replacement?

    Hello all, I have an issue with a Cross C-Series Carbon Black fountain pen and I wondered if anyone might have an answer: the nib just kind of gave up. I don't know of any other way of describing it because it's not as though the tines were sprung from excessive pressure, although I'm sure the result is the same. The tines are all wonky and loose, totally unusable for writing. I have steel nibs, gold nibs and even some cheaper flex nibs, but never have I had this happen before. Now the nib is worthless and I'm looking to replace it. I called Cross and also corrosponded with customer service via email, and was informed that they no longer supported the pen. I informed them that I understood that and just wanted to purchase another nib if available, but was told they had none. The frustrating thing was that I couldn't even get them to tell me what size or type of nib would work as a substitute. I've tried locating another nib or a substitute but no retailers seem to have anything suitable. Anyone know of a nib I could use to replace the original one? The funniest part of this is that I rarely used the pen in the years that I have owned it, but now that it doesn't work I am dying to get it working again. Oh well, such is life, right?
  9. Hello all. To get down the the nitty gritty, I have a TWSBI 580AL and I LOVE it! I have it with an EF nib and find it to be very smooth. I was looking to get a replacement nib to play around with. I wanted to get a italic nib that is 0.6mm, 0.85mm or pretty much anything under 1mm. I know the mount size is a 5 for this pen I am just a having trouble finding a nib online I can order. If anyone can help me find a nib that matches that description Id be very grateful! I have found 1.1mm italic nibs that are size 5 but nothing under that. Thanks in advance!
  10. I was just curious if anyone else has tried putting on of the $2 Noodler's non-flex nibs into a Jinhao pen? Any success? The only other record I found was also a failure in this Ink Nouveau comment, http://www.inknouveau.com/2014/01/noodlers-non-flex-6-nibs.html#comment-1212641063. I tried on one of my X750s without success.it was a little harder to get to start into the section. Even once I go it in it was significantly off the feed. I did not do anything further to try to force or coerce it because I did not want to damage the nib. Comparing it with the Jinhao afterwards, the metal is noticeably thicker on the Noodler's which is very likely why it did not want to slide in easily.
  11. phillieskjk

    #5 Replacement Nibs

    I was looking to buy eleven number five loose nibs. Does anybody have a list of all the people who sell such nibs? Also, is there any way to get #5 JOWO nibs without the feed? Thanks, Phillieskjk
  12. Hi all. I am wondering if anyone out there knows of a source for Hero 616 nibs or a nib that will fit the 616. I would like to get something other than the fine nib that is on all of these pens. Ideally, I would like to have a medium-fine stub... if I could find one. I have seen a "lot of 5 nibs" listed on Ebay but, of course, they are the standard fine nib. I suppose I could just grind down the standard nib and do without the tipping material but before I do that, I thought it a good idea to toss out the question to this worldwide forum. Thanks, Cliff
  13. queerspaceman

    Calligraphy Nib On A Fountain Pen?

    I'm fairly new to the world of fountain pens, and I'm itching to try something with a good amount of flex that I don't have to apply too much pressure to to achieve a lot of line variation. I've tried the noodler's nib creeper, and while it of course had better line variation than a stiff nib, it really wasn't what I was looking for. I know that to get a really good wet noodle fountain pen I'd have to look for a restored vintage pen, but I really don't have anywhere near the budget for that. Given that, I had an idea. I know a lot of calligraphy nibs, although not meant for use in fountain pens, have a huge amount of flex, and I was thinking of getting a calligraphy nib and replacing the nib on one of my fountain pens with it. Does anyone have any ideas of what kind of nibs and pens to use, or want to tell me that this is a terrible idea? Any advice is appreciated!
  14. So I have a Parker Urban in bay city blue that came with a medium nib and I'm looking for another nib section in fine instead. The chrome collar just beneath the nib also seems to have problems with leaking on my current nib section. Anyone know where I can get replacements? I tried theonlinepencompany.com which has exactly what I'm looking for but I'm looking for other places that might have cheaper shipping rates.
  15. scrivelry

    Looking For A Pilot Nib

    A Franken-Plumix has come my way - it has one color body, anther color cap, and is missing the nib. Reading carefully on FPN, and calling a supplier or two, it seems that: Pliot does not sell nibs for these pens Pilot Varsity nibs will not work Generic nibs will not work But nibs from Pilot Prera, 78-G, Plumix and Penmanship should be replacements for each other. So... if anyone happens to have nib for any of these, and no longer has a workable pen to go with it, and would be interested in getting rid of that nib, maybe we can work something out. (I know the pens are not expensive. It's more the challenge here...) T
  16. So... I have in my possession some really tiny pens - with the cap on they are only three and a quarter inches long. They have been extremely polite so far - section came out with a very little gentle persuasion, most of old dried sac seems to be out, the feed pulled right out of the section so clearly I don't need a block to get it out - But they have no nibs. And they are tiny. It seems self-evident to me that a Sheaffer school pen nib is going to look like Goliath next to these things, just to give a sense of them, and I need nibs for them. How do I measure for such a thing? And once I have, where do I start looking for them? Thank you T

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