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  1. I think my next purchase may be a PenBBS, and these two pens are the ones that call to me the most. Does anyone have both and could comment on how they compare? I know the big difference is the filling system, but I'm curious if they're substantially different writers. Do the weights or sections make much of a difference? Is the 355's filling system really that persnickety? I know the 456 can take other #6 nibs, but can the 355 as well? Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. Hello, PenBBS has been in my drawer for several years. This pen has been useless since I got it because the original nib didn't feel comfortable to me and all the others felt rough to me. I had a problem with the Bock nib, Kaweco, JoWo and none of them were up to the task. I even started buying nib products on AliExpress, but none of them satisfied me. All nibs scrape when stroked upwards and forwards, making them extremely interruptive and irritating. I started to wonder if the reason might lie elsewhere, for example in the feeder and their construction? How to deal with this? edit: The JoWo nib works well with the Asvine V126, is it the feeder that is to blame?
  3. So I have wanted a vacuum filler for quite some time. I bought some Chinese one from AliExpress last year to try them out- the filling mechanism is fabulous but they don't post, which is a deal-breaker for me in any pen that isn't retractable. PenBBS says their Vac fillers don't post. The TWSBI pens have pretty large step-downs, which is something I avoid. I'm trying to find a vac that sits well in hand, posts, doesn't suffer from the step-down issue and is not multiple hundreds of dollars. Vintage or new is fine- these days vintage pens often seem to be better values. The Pilot Custom seems to fit the bill, but I was hoping to pay less. Plus, a family member is going to Japan in October, so any Japanese pens of significant price should wait 'til then...
  4. Straight outta Shanghai, crossing vast oceans and lands, comes the latest from PENBBS, the model 487 magnetic filler eyedropper. By now, you've all read about the revival in magnetism in fountain pen filling with the likes of Piedmonte Pen Design and the PENBBS Year of the Rat 492 Well this here's the one for the masses. Same set up as the 492 but a bit more accessible to purchase and just as competent on the magnetic cap pulls magnetic piston. Goodies My first fill brings out the delightful novelty, look ma, no rods! Neato, speedo! The mechanism is very easy with the clear instruction card provided. Initially the push/pull of the piston was stiff and ChrisRap52, Douglas Rathbun, What I Ink, Inky.Rocks YouTube reviews are good for unstuckth tips by turning the piston. This thing holds a lotta ink sans rod and the magnet is plenty strong, heck you can even turn it into a deskpen Fit and finish are superb. This is my first PenBBS pen and I am very pleased beyond the mechanism, if replaced or broken, this would serve as a superlative eyedropper regardless and that is a very good thing.It posts securely but makes the pen over long and I don't post even though I'm a serial poster. Purdy - Chatoyance, pearly pearls all the way from cap to barrel. Described as brume, mist or fog in French and I had to look that up; there went the college French.Balance - this pen has "it" unposted which very few pens do for me. I love the taper and grip section, very well balanced like another fav balance, the FPR Himalaya v2 or Sheaffer ... Balance!Smoother writer - the RM, round medium has no skips and no leaks. The flow gushes with Monteverde Blue Black. Very surprised for my first PenBBS pen. Waay waay better than the (bleep) Moonman M8 dry junky nibs coming out recently Neutral This pen is long, like Cross Peerless, Pilot 743 length. But not an issue for me unposted Baddies Hard to say for only a week in of usage. There is so much good!! Well this pen does have magnets so I steer away from mechanical watches and maybe some electronics unless data scrambles from poor to nil gauss shielding. It does not stick to the titanium Conid though. Design flaw alert: Unlike the 492, the back end cap does not appear to unscrew meaning the end is not user accessible to poke a chopstick on the magnetic piston if it gets stuck. And oh boy, it done stick, stuck, stooky. I'm still on my first fill despite using it onstop daily journalling, scribbling, todoing. For fun, I tried moving the piston to dispel the empty void but no go. Argh!!! I had to syringe out the ink as my theory was the magnet is not strong enough to dispense against the feed. It did start moving again thankfully once the barrel is emptied with ink, but it shows a fatal design flaw where if the magnetic piston does get stuck at the end cap on full fill there is no way to release the piston short of a more powerful electromagnet. What I surmise is that the piston attaches to only one side and may displace at an angle if a weak push/pull attempt is made. If the piston gasket is askew from perpendicular from the inner barrel, stuck city. When I made another attempt on a full pen, the piston finally moved and jerkily burped ink successfully out the feed and onto my hand. This is definitely in need of some user practice or I'll settle for long serial fills at a time.That said, if the piston is irrevocably stuck, one still has a very competent eyedropper pen Summary Despite the non-end cap user accessibility, PenBBS 487 is a wonderful pen on its own write/right. Pretty, functional and balanced aside from its nifty novelty of filling mech.
  5. The Elevator

    PenBBS calligraphy nib sizes

    This morning I was shopping Etsy looking at PenBBS products, and J stumbled upon their 14K gold nib line. At just $115 for a whole nib/feed unit that’s almost as swappable as a TWSBI it looks pretty enticing, but I cannot figure out for the life of me what the numbered calligraphy sizes mean. There are calligraphy nibs numbered 1, 2, 4, and 15, but no real explanation for what that actually means. (The others I understand, F, EF, and RF). Finally, if anyone has experience with one of the gold nibs, how does it compare to the standard steel ones?
  6. Theroc

    14Kt Gold Nibs from PenBBS

    The PenBBS store on Etsy is offering a few 14kt Gold nibs in RF, REF, No.4 and N.15 calligraphy. $115 each. Only a handful left. They look impressive and I am severely tempted.
  7. [I did most of this as a response in another thread and I might as well make it its own topic.] PenBBS 391 苏 拭 (Su Shi) is a pigmented, dark, sort-of Prussian blue. Su Shi was a noted poet, writer, calligrapher, painter, politician, and jack of other trades, from about 1000 years ago. I rather think the color is a close match to his robe in this painting of him. It could easily be considered a blue-black and, while a conservative color, it is still different enough to be interesting. The color of the text in the photos below is not quite right - the ink actually leans slightly green, which shows more in the smears - it's not a typical, boring ball point blue. It shades tastefully, at least in the pens I've used it with. No significant show-through, no bleeding, and no noticeable feathering. Haven't experienced any clogging. Seems quite waterproof but I can't say anything about permanence. I purchased it for the equivalent of about $6 USD and it's a 60ml bottle - will likely be more expensive from the sources you can get it from but likely still an excellent value. It's been my 'go to' ink for notes, filling out forms, and such on my current long trip away from home and I've been quite happy with it. Below is using a Moonman 80s (extra fine maybe? I can't remember.) and Kokuyo Campus notebook (M221BN). The second pic is after running water over it in the sink for a few seconds. The paper was still wet when I took the photo, hence the grey blotches. I also tried blotting it with a tissue while the paper was still wet: no ink came off the page.
  8. noddle

    Where To Buy Penbbs Inks

    I have become quite enamoured with Penbbs inks lately, especially some in the older series, two in particular: 270 Strawberry Milkshake 272 Haworthia Vanness only has samples of 270, but I'd prefer to buy a full bottle as prices are reasonable. So my questions are: 1. Can anyone recommend a reliable retailer of Penbbs inks (inc. older stock) that will ship to UK? 2. If anyone has had dealings with YOYCART.com or GlobalMall.com, were they reliable? 3. What shipping restrictions and import issues there may be. Apologies if this topic has been covered before. Much appreciated.
  9. OldTravelingShoe


    From the album: OldTravelingShoe's Random Pics of Fountain Pens

    © (c) 2022 by OldTravelingShoe. All rights reserved.

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  10. OldTravelingShoe


    From the album: OldTravelingShoe's Random Pics of Fountain Pens

    © (c) 2022 by OldTravelingShoe. All rights reserved.

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  11. OldTravelingShoe


    From the album: OldTravelingShoe's Random Pics of Fountain Pens

    © (c) 2022 by OldTravelingShoe. All rights reserved.

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  12. OldTravelingShoe


    From the album: OldTravelingShoe's Random Pics of Fountain Pens

    © (c) 2022 by OldTravelingShoe. All rights reserved.

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  13. CupAJoe

    Howdy from SEK

    Howdy, I live in SE Kansas and I've been carrying FP's since I bought my first Jinhao x750 in 2016. My current pens I'm carrying are my Noodler's Konrad with a Noodler's flex nib I customized into a 1.6mm stub. It'll flex into a nice 2.9mm line width with my Noodler's Operation Overlord Ink. I also have a Noodler's Charlie with Heart of Darkness, and a Hero 616 with Montverde Malibu Blue. I had and gave away a Hero 729 that I really liked this last weekend and I'm looking to replace it, but I'm wondering about getting a Vacuum filler. My toddler likes to grab my pens out of my pocket and chew or throw my pens across the room before I can grab them out of their hands, so you won't find me buying any expensive pens. this is my third child and they've burned through 2 Konrads, 2 nib creapers, and my Jinhao x750 (maybe some others I'm not recalling at the moment). the Hero Pens are my goto now for letting kids use as they are cheap, have hooded nibs so they don't get ink on their hands and are push cap. My current Konrad nib and feed are the result of my nephew dropping the pen on the nib and bending it. I nipped it off above the bend and smoothed it out and have created my very favorite writing instrument ever! the nib feed combo is going to find a new host soon as I've already had to glue together the finial on the Konrad and it's pockmarked with various teeth marks. I feel like I'm a collector of various filling systems more than anything else so I feel like a vacuum filler is the next one I need. I've watched and read reviews on the Penbbs 268, 456 Wingsun 3013 and others and I think I'd like to try a 268. my question for any of you that have one, is can I put my Noodler's Konrad nib and feed into it? I mostly created this account here to get an answer to this question, so if you know the answer thanks in advance for your help and if not, maybe let me know the best part of the forum to post my question. My humble regards, CupAJoe
  14. peroride


    From the album: peroride_pen_pics

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  15. It helps to explore this yourself, revisiting once in a while if need be, and keep in mind where each of those personal info fields are entered. Don't leave it until the urge to change something specific to come upon you, and only then bother to ask the question! Invest the time surveying upfront, instead of waste it later waiting for an answer from nobody in particular. Most of the fields shown above are self-evident as to what they are. I think the only ones that could do with explanation are: Security and Privacy: There is only one setting under there, and that is a toggle for whether your online status (including ‘last active’ date or time) is visible to others Content View Behavior: That has nothing to do with what others can see about you, but only where you would like to start reading when accessing content Enable status updates: This toggle enables/disables the public feed on your profile page; if you disable it, then nobody (including you) can post publicly visible ‘status updates’ or any other message against your profile, but if you enable it, then anyone — friend, foe, or complete stranger — can post something there whenever, without waiting for you to initiate and then only reply to what you wrote Notification Settings have nothing to do with what others can see about you, and so is out of scope for this article, and I'm not going to delve into those right now. (You can look here, here, and here to wrap your head around how notifications work with respect to followed content.) N.B. There is a possibility that some of the above settings and data fields may not be available to Bronze members and/or Silver members, but I have no way of testing that or scoping it out. — • — Another way of getting to the Edit Profile dialog, and the way to change your profile photo (or ‘avatar’), is here: — • — Freeform, custom member titles that one enters for oneself are long gone, and have not been a thing since FPN came back from a long hiatus and platform upgrade late in 2020.
  16. OldTravelingShoe


    From the album: OldTravelingShoe's Random Pics of Fountain Pens

    © (c) 2022 OldTravelingShoe. All rights reserved.

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  17. OldTravelingShoe


    From the album: OldTravelingShoe's Random Pics of Fountain Pens

    © (c) 2022 OldTravelingShoe. All rights reserved.

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  18. OldTravelingShoe


    From the album: OldTravelingShoe's Random Pics of Fountain Pens

    © (c) 2022 OldTravelingShoe. All rights reserved.

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  19. OldTravelingShoe


    From the album: OldTravelingShoe's Random Pics of Fountain Pens

    © (c) 2022 OldTravelingShoe. All rights reserved.

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  20. OldTravelingShoe


    From the album: OldTravelingShoe's Random Pics of Fountain Pens

    © (c) 2022 OldTravelingShoe. All rights reserved.

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  21. OldTravelingShoe


    From the album: OldTravelingShoe's Random Pics of Fountain Pens

    © (c) 2022 OldTravelingShoe. All rights reserved.

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  22. OldTravelingShoe


    From the album: OldTravelingShoe's Random Pics of Fountain Pens

    © (c) 2022 OldTravelingShoe. All rights reserved.

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  23. LobsterRoll

    Some pale PenBBS inks

    I wanted to get some pale, pastel inks for artsy stuff and for making light backgrounds in my journal that I can write over. I hadn't tried any PenBBS inks before but had noticed that they've put out a wide range of colors, including many pale, unsaturated ones, so I decided to get some samples. PenBBS #182 April Diamond PenBBS #408 Xiamen PenBBS #409 Spring Lake PenBBS #440 Ginger PenBBS #501 Spring Festival / Spring Begins PenBBS #509 Grain in Ear / Honeysuckle I did some comparisons to decide which one(s) to ink up first, so I thought I'd share. Brief thoughts/color descriptions My pictures are not very good for color accuracy. #501 is a pale yellow that shades to orange. It's brighter and more cheerful than Images 1-2. It can look more orange-red (Image 3). #440 really looks like the peel of a piece of ginger root. #409 is a pretty pastel aqua green, kind of minty. It's a little greener than Images 1-2. #408 is a pale periwinkle blue. It's very pale but it's a shade I enjoy. #182 and #509 are not very pastel, but I liked how the swatches looked so I wanted to try them. #182 looks somewhat like a darker version of #408. It's more periwinkle than the photos. #509 is a green that makes me think of late spring. Image 1. Stalogy paper, B nib. Image 2. Stalogy paper, B nib. Image 3. Tomoe River paper, dip pen. Excuse my atrocious handwriting. Some color comparisons These are on scrap pieces of Maruman Mnemosyne paper. Image 4. #501 is lighter than Rohrer & Klingner Carmen and Noodler's Apache Sunset. Image 5. #182 is grayer and not as blue as Troublemaker Milky Ocean. Water tests I let the ink dry for a while then brushed over the lines with a water brush. This was on generic lined looseleaf paper. On the first (top left) grid, I lightly dampened the brush and swiped across once. On the second (bottom left) grid, I dipped the brush in water and swiped across once. On the third (right side) grid, I dipped the brush in water and swiped across multiple times back and forth. #408 and #409 were not waterproof at all. #182 and #509 also washed away. A good amount of the lines stayed for #501. #440 was surprisingly water-resistant. My favorites are #440 Ginger, #409 Spring Lake, and #408 Xiamen, so those are going to be used first!
  24. PenBBS #448 ("Waves") is a very wet seaglass-turquoise.

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