Hello guys, since many of us like to play around and try new thing with fountain pen nibs, I thought it might be interesting to start a thread and share what you have done with your pen, and give to other pen owners some idea to make their pens/nibs much more interesting! Here is what I've done: I knocked out a Pelikan M200 Steel nib and attempted to add some flex to the nib Materials I've used: -SpeedySharp (lols) -Permanent marker (to mark down until when I want to thin down the shoulders) -Sandpapers (1000,1500,2000 grits to smooth the shoulders after I thin it down, micro fissures can cause material failure and cracking later!) -12000 grit micromesh The hardest part was to put the nib unit back together, after 5-6 attempted I managed to align it properly, although not as precise as I wished it to be but oh well it's back together. Overall I am very satisfied with my work, it's not 'just springy' it's much more flexier! http://puu.sh/aSaDz/6cf0870a2a.jpg That's the comparaison between a 14k 'normal' Pelikan nib, shoulders are much lower http://puu.sh/aSaFr/f0a1628982.jpg SO! Show off your interesting pen tweaks!