There's already a couple of great reviews, this is just a comparison with my other inks. It's my first not super saturated ink, which did surprise me, but I like it a lot, there's a calmness about it. It also the merit of getting along with a Parker Sonnet. Paper: HP laserjet 32 lbs. First row: Fuyu Gaki, Mandarin, Orange Indien, Rouge Hematite, Poppy Red. Second row: Ambre de Baltique, inti, Lie de Thé, Yama Guri, Verdigris. Third row: Chiku Rin, rehydrated old Penman Emerald, Vert Empire, Verde Muschiato, Ina Ho. Fourth row: Ama Iro, Kon Peki, Équinoxe 6, Souten, Tsuyu Kusa. Fifth row: Bleu Austral, Perle noire x 2, Ajisai, Asa Gao.