Hi folks, I am still feeling sulky (and pouting) because LAMY, in its wisdom, refused to sell 'Dark Lilac' ink in bottles to those of us in Europe. I can't understand why, after it rapidly sold out everywhere, they did not make/commission a second batch of it. Then I realised that the answer must be that there is no demand for it; or at least certainly not enough to justify their making a second batch. This seems completely unpossible to me, but then I lurve purple, and am also often out-of-step with the preferences of the majority of consumers. I mean sure, I really like 'Dark Lilac', but that does not mean that everyone else (or even lots of other people) also like it. So, I would like to ask FPN this: did any of you buy it and find that it left you feeling totally 'meh' about it? Did any of you buy it, only to find that you dislike it? Thanks in advance for your replies, M.